What are the best classes for PvP in WoW Dragonflight?
MMORPG players come in all shape and forms. Some people like to gather and craft, some love to decorate virtual houses, others enjoy cooperating with dozens of players to defeat huge bosses. and some just want to beat the hell out of each other.
The best classes for PvP in World of Warcraft are certainly those that have a complete toolkit, including offensive, defensive and emergency options. We will take a look at the 10 classes that are currently the best in PvP.
10. Survival Hunter
The Survival Hunter is perhaps the most versatile hunter spec in WoW, with a very complete toolkit that allows for great damage output, high mobility, a variety of crowd control skills and the greatest survivability in the hunter class.
If you take advantage of all of these characteristics of the Survival Hunter and understand that you can adapt to almost any situation in combat, you’ll surely do well in PvP even against the toughest enemies.
- Great burst damage with abilities such as Killshot and Butchery;
- Very tanky for a hunter spec, being a difficult target to take down;
- Great mobility and crowd control, allowing for easily engaging and disengaging.
9. Subtlety Rogue
Another very versatile spec is the Subtlety Rogue, with great damage output and a variety of skills that allow them to quickly engage and disengage in combat. The focus of the Subtlety Rogue is going in and out of stealth to stay safe and increase their burst damage.
This is the classic rogue playstyle where you quickly get in, melt down the HP bar of an enemy and disappear back into the shadows.
- Can easily engage and disengage with abilities such as Vanish and Shadowstep;
- Huge amounts of single target burst damage;
- Several debilitation skills that can afflict enemies with debuffs like Stun and Blind.
8. Feral Druid
Feral Druids are a force to be reckoned with in any PvP encounter due to their ability to shapeshift into different animal forms in order to adapt to specific situations. They can use the cat form to deal incredible amounts of melee burst damage or the bear form to increase their survivability and damage absorption, kind of changing from attack mode to defense mode at will.
On top of all that, the Feral Druid has access to plenty of healing and crowd control spells, making them a very challenging foe to any opponent.
- Shapeshift into different animal forms to suit the occasion;
- Incredible melee damage output;
- Very high survivability due to the damage absorption of the Bear Form and many self healing skills.
7. Retribution Paladin
Paladins are always a problem in PvP, and you know it. Whenever you see an enemy paladin coming your way, you can be certain that it will take a lot of time and effort to take them down due to all of those annoying defensive skills.
Retribution Paladins have the best of both worlds: the high survivability that is natural of the paladin class and the high damage output of a DPS spec with incredible bursts when spending their unique resource Holy Power, making them a very powerful option for PvP.
- Amazing burst damage when spending Holy Power;
- Great AoE damage potential with skills such as Wake of Ashes and Divine Storm;
- Incredibly high survivability for a DPS spec due to a variety of defensive skills that can absorb and even negate incoming damage.
6. Havoc Demon Hunter
Demon Hunters are a blast to play with and my personal favorite class in World of Warcraft, and the best of all is that the Havoc Demon Hunter sits in a very good spot at the current PvP meta. Dashing all around the battlefield, it is very easy to pick up targets with this spec, even those annoying mages and healers that stay in the backline.
Using your demon form makes it very easy to take down your enemies, and you still have many defensive options to get out of the conflict once a kill has been secured.
- Incredible mobility through dashes and the underestimated Double Jump;
- Very high burst damage capabilities, especially in demon form;
- Many utility skills such as Darkness, Blur and Chaos Nova that can help you get out of danger.
5. Windwalker Monk
Much like the Demon Hunters, monks have access to unique forms of mobility through their transcendence and dodge roll abilities, and excel at bursting down enemies on the backlines.
Windwalker Monks can quickly reach an enemy, burst them down and easily go back to a safe spot, just make sure to gather up enough Chi before going for the kill, so you can spend the resource to greatly increase the damage output.
- Can greatly increase the damage output when spending their unique resource Chi;
- Has access to many mobility skills such as Transcendence, Roll and Flying Serpent Kick;
- Leg Sweep and Paralysis are great control abilities that can guarantee a kill if used correctly.
4. Demonology Warlock
Our first exclusively ranged class here on the list is the Demonology Warlock, a spec that is able to summon and control their own small army of demons. Summoned minions such as Felguard and Succubus can be a gamechanger in PvP due to their ability to absorb incoming damage and crowd control enemies.
Keeping your distance, letting your minions do the dirty work and dishing out huge amounts of ranged magical damage are the three pillars of a Demonology Warlock.
- Can control an army of demons in battle with a variety of abilities;
- Amazing ranged DPS while your enemies are distracted by your minions;
- Has access to a teleport ability that makes it easier to keep the distance and let the demons do the hard work for you.
3. Arms Warrior
Another personal favorite, the Arms Warrior is a powerful bruiser that can deal a lot of damage while constantly protecting themselves from enemy retaliation. The gameplay here is very simple: pick a good target (most often a healer), charge at them, crowd control with Intimidating Shout and melt down their HP bar.
On top of that, as I’ve mentioned before, they can reflect spells and negate melee damage with the Spell Reflection and Intervene abilities, making them a very tanky spec.
- Very tanky due to reflection and damage absorption abilities;
- Can quickly reach backline enemies with charges and leaps;
- Amazing burst damage that, when used in combination with a crowd control skill, can guarantee a kill.
2. Beast Mastery Hunter
I always joke that picking Beast Mastery Hunter is like playing WoW on easy mode, but that just shows how good this spec is in the game really. They can tame and control unique exotic pets that are extremely powerful and very annoying for enemies to deal with.
With the ability to control two companions at once, deal huge amounts of ranged damage and easily escape from danger, the Beast Mastery Hunter is a very powerful option in PvP.
- Can control two pets at once, each with their own powerful and unique abilities;
- Has access to exotic pets, which are way stronger than regular pets;
- Can deal huge amounts of damage while keeping a safe distance from the enemies.
1. Assassination Rogue
Much like the Subtlety Rogue, the Assassination Rogue still maintains the core aspects of the class such as focusing on single target damage, moving in and out of stealth and incapacitating targets.
However, Assassination Rogues focus much more on the incapacitation abilities and on damage over time effects with skills like Garrote, Rupture and Envenom.
- High survivability due to defensive skills and the ability to go in and out of stealth;
- Incredible single target damage that can easily burst down enemy players;
- Focus on damage over time and incapacitation effects that leave your opponent helpless.
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