50 Skyrim Cosplays For You To Enjoy
Since the initial release of Elder Scrolls in April of 2014, characters from ESO have continued to inspire some of the most eye catching cosplay around the world. Some, however, transcend above the normal expectations of cosplay. Here are the top 50 female cosplays that go above and beyond normal expectations.
50- Giulietta Zawadzki
Cosplay by Giulietta Zawadzki
Giulietta Zawadzki's depiction of a Nordic warrior is very convincing. Even minute details like the rivets in her armor were considered. Native to Skyrim, a realm of The Elder Scrolls Online, the Nord are a strong and proud race of human. Determined to protect their own, they will not hesitate to run into battle. Giulietta illustrates this tenacity as she stands ready for anything. Her beauty shines through her tough exterior as she gauges her surroundings.
49- April Gloria
Cosplay by April Gloria
Here is one of the many cosplays by April Gloria. She is portraying Mjoll the Lioness. This Nord Vigilante has travelled vastly across Tamriel gaining Great wisdom and experiences throughout her travels. April shows a good connection to her character, showing that when it comes to this cosplay, she is Mjoll the Lioness.
48- Svetlana Quindt
Cosplay by Svetlana Quindt
Next up, it's a Daedric themed night blade by Svetlana Quindt. With the right texture and quality, her gear really looks like she pulled it out of her ESO inventory, however, it's her stance and attitude that really pulls it all together. I have to say this is pretty awesome cosplay.
47- Jessica Nigri (Warrior)
Cosplay by Jessica Nigri
A Breton warrior, demonstrated by Jessica Nigri, is ready for battle. As the battle commences, she charges with a battle cry. Jessica is displaying a lot of emotion in this cosplay that you won't see in the game, although, I know I have felt like this while playing ESO before. This was a great job of showing the heart of the gamer.
46- Jenifer Ann
Cosplay by Jenifer Ann
Jenifer Ann holding number 46 on this list as she plays the part of a High Elf. She looks like royalty in her outfit. Staring in a trance, this High Elf looks like she is on some sort of critical mission.
45- April Gloria
Cosplay by April Gloria
April Gloria is busting out at number 45, contemplating on fighting a dragon alone. Although attempting to solo a dragon seems pretty cool, I wouldn't try it or advise it. However, Aela the Huntress should not have any problems with this task. Possessing Dual Wield, the strength of a werewolf, and members of The CompanionsConpanions and of The Circle at her aid, she has no fear while facing this creature.
44- Bailey Rahn
Cosplay by Bailey Rahn
Sitting at number 44 is the multi-talented Bailey Rahn. This writer,editor, and photographer takes a swing at cosplay from time to time. Posing as a Forsworn from the land of Skyrim, she dominates with convincing blood, bruises, makeup, and equipment. This girl really knows what she is doing. In battle she relies on her daggers as well as the sharp antlers on her head.
43- Lisanna
Cosplay by Lisanna
It was interesting to me that Lisanna chose not to focus on the background. Instead, the costume and modelling skills is what gets the credit. With a sense of anticipation and equips that have the look of 3D rendered objects, Lisanna has pulled off a convincing Dragonborn. The thing that I think is most impressive is how you can see the spots in the armor that has the impression of being formed by the blows of a hammer. That's just really cool and is the reason why Lisanna is sitting at number 43 in this countdown.
42- ArtyFakes
Cosplay by ArtyFakes
This design of a Dovahkinn, cosplayed above, was originally a costume designed for a fan film ArtyFakes was shooting at the time this photo taken. The female cosplayer ArtyFakes aka Tabitha Lyons, is playing the role of a Dovahkiin warrior quite precisely. It's almost as if she was born in the game and miraculously, made it into the living realm!
41-Pamela Colnaghi
Cosplay by Pamela Colnaghi
Here is a HIgh Elf with a plan! Pamela portrays the elegance and strength of a high elf's stature quite beautifully in this cosplay! It indicates the strong will and fighting spirit within the heart of her creativity.
40- BangBangNeko
Cosplay by BangBangNeko
Here is another forsworn from the realm of Skyrim. She lurks and stalks her enemies before she attacks which gives her great stealth. The more stealth you have, the better chance of side-swiping your prey before they even knew what hit them!
39- Beebichu (Dovahkin)
Cosplay by Beebichu
A Dovahkiin is usually dresses head to toe in daedric armor, but in this case, Amanda Eccleston has used her unique creativity to create a Dovahkinn-Forsworn look alike. This is really impressive due to the stature and illustration throughout the pictures seen above. This concept, alone, makes this character silent but deadly!
38- Amazing Rogue
Cosplay by Amazing Rogue
Here is a high elf with remarkable abilities and strength. While wielding her one-handed sword, she demonstrates her magic power, and the strength it bestows. Remarkable high elf indeed.
37- Emily Rosa (Elf)
Cosplay by Emily Rosa
Here is another cosplay of the same elf type, but Ms. Emily Rosa as the cosplayer. She masters the elegance and strength of a high elf with remarkable detail.
36- Sara Richardson
Cosplay by Sara Richardson
Queen Ayrenn, ruler of the Aldmeri Dominion, is one of the head alliance rulers of Elder Scrolls. Sara demonstrates this attribute with grace and elegance, just as if she was the Queen herself. Very well done, Sarah!
35- Nihilistique
Cosplay by Nihilistique
Another beautiful Nord warrior demonstrating her strength and beauty on the battlefield of Skyrim. She waits at her outpost preparing for another battle with the enemy. Amazing!
34- Frisco Blondie
Cosplay by Frisco Blondie
Another Daedric-armor swordsman coming from the realm of Skyrim, marching toward the battlefield where her enemies awaits. Her strength and charisma shines forth as she marches on. Great show of strength and beauty in this cosplay.
33- Beebichu
Cosplay by Beebichu
Nightblades are amazing! They dual wield and use bows. Not to mention the massive stealth they have which allows them to walk among the shadows undetected until the final strike.
32-Giulietta Zawadzki
Cosplay by Giulietta Zawadzki
Here is another replica of a Forsworn... I like to call them Wyrd. They are a clan based around wilderness and very in tune with their natural instincts. Beauty and power radiates from this clan making them have strengths and weaknesses from all aspects.
31- Tabitha Lyons
Cosplay by Tabitha Lyons
Here is another Wyrd type. It is based around the two-handed weapon and can transform into wolves! Remarkable!
30- Florinda Zanetti
Cosplay by Florinda Zanetti
Warriors of all kind reign in the world of ESO. Some may call them barbarians, others may look at them as mighty titans ready for war. Such strengths are portrayed in this picture as the warrior prepares for battle.
29- Winter Kelly
Cosplay by Winter Kelly
Elegance among the realm of skyrim is ever so intriguing. Another form of a warrior that can withstand the taunts of the climates. Her beauty and grace lures her enemies to their doom.
28- Black Butterfly
Cosplay by Black Butterfly
Another Dark elf portrayed in all its magnificence! They hold on to strong willpower and are very stubborn creatures. They love to stay with their clan and are very protective of their homeland.
27- Lyddi Design
Cosplay by Lyddi Design
Another warrior in all its beauty portrayed in elegance, waits eagerly for her enemies to trample on her battleground. Beauty can be a misleading disguise! So brace yourself whenever you come across this warrior beauty!
26- Vikkiie Voltage
Cosplay by Vikkiie Voltage
A Nightblade once again makes the top 50! They are just so inspiring and magnificent, one couldn't possibly just have one cosplay of a nightblade! Beauty, strength, and integrity all in one picture... isn’t it remarkable?
25- Elena-Nerium Oleander
Cosplay by Elena-Nerium Oleander
And now... Here is our first vampire! But this isn't just an ordinary vampire from ESO.. This is the mother of the blood suckers. She comes from the wretched Molag Bal himself! That's right.. she’s his daughter!! Shrines have been made in her name all over Tamriel , and unlike her father, she just wants to live in peace and not be labeled a monster!
24- Krista Sanders
Cosplay by Krista Sanders
Another Remarkable cosplay of a nightblade. Man! These guys are amazing!! Strength, stealth, you name it; a nightblade is one for the making for sure.
23- Nana Kuronoma
Cosplay by Nana Kuronoma
This is one of the Forsworn of skyrim! They are cute and elegant, but fight fiercely to protect the ones they love. Very cute if I should say so myself.
22- April Gloria (Vampire)
Cosplay by April Gloria
Here is our last vampire. She is one among many of the Vampire mother's children. Beauty, strength and blood lust helps her to accelerate upon the battlefield with speed and elegance! Another beauty in all its deadly forms.
21- ArtyFakes
Cosplay by ArtyFakes
Another Skyrim warrior waiting on her orders from the head captain. Eager to spill blood, she stands in an engaging position readily awaiting her time to strike. Move along people there are more to see.
20- Fin Cosplay
Cosplay by Fin-Cosplay
Another Dovahkiin uniquely created by another talented artist of the cosplay field. It signifies the main attributes of a Dovahkiin quite nicely throughout the cosplay by its stature and elegance. Very well put together and illustrated makes it number 18 on our countdown.
19- SFLiminality
Cosplay by SFLiminality
Forsworn cosplays are in abundance on our count down, but this one is unlike the others. It gives off the sensation of an intense battle and the recuperation of the Forsworm maiden. Very well done, SFLiminality!
18- Emily Rosa (Dark Faun)
Cosplay by Emily Rosa
Ms. Rosa strikes again with her version of a black faun originating from the land of Skyrim. So articulate and precise, that you would think this is an actual creature IRL. Another remarkable cosplay Ms. Rosa. Kudos!
17- Zombiebitme
Cosplay by Zombiebitme
We have had a lot of Dovahkiin warriors on this count down, but this cosplay is by far the most elegant of all. Zombiebitme is clearly showing the bright side of what is supposed to be dark. You have to have some creativeness about you to pull this one off!
16- BlackOwl Studios
Cosplay by BlackOwl Studios
Orcs are the badasses of the Elder Scrolls who are massive warriors with a tight hold on their clans. The cosplayer, as seen in the pictures above, has miraculously brought an Orc to real life! I sure wouldn't want to get in an Orc’s way that’s for sure.... especially a female one!
15- Elena Orlander (Argonian)
Cosplay by Elena Orlander
Argonians are a lizard race in ESO community. They make the best Templars (which are the massive healers in the ESO world), and are very swift in waters. Elena has captured the felmale Argonian to massive proportions which shows us her true skills, not only as a cosplayer, but as an artist as a whole.
14- Michelle Ilona
Cosplay by Michelle Ilona
Here is a warrior who has just emerged victorious from battle. You can tell her struggle was vast, and yet she still thrives to fight again. What strength she has.
13- Lorethia Cosplay (Vampire)
Cosplay by Lorethia Cosplay
Vampirism in ESO is a very rare thing. It costs a lot of coin to purchase a bite from a player, or you have to spend a lot of crown (real money) to get infected with the curse. All in all, it’s still very awesome.
12- SixailestheMascarade
Cosplay by SixailestheMascarade
Another Daedric warrior strikes out in an immaculate way. It's so game like, that it's unreal. I wouldn't want to cross paths with this warrior beauty... No Way!
11- AdharaNeil
Cosplay by AdharaNeil
A nightingale is a very stealthy thief in ESO, Adhara clearly demonstrates this aspect of the character very well, and has uniquely crafted the perfect Nightingale image from the game! It goes to show you what a fantastic artist she is!
10- Isugi
Cosplay by Isugi
A new character from the lastest update, the House Dres Warrior, has been amazingly brought to life in a very complex and diverse way. Creativity and all around talent, gives this cosplay the top 10 spot on our countdown. There is no lacking in artistic abilities whatsoever among this mind blowing cosplay.
9- Emily Rosa (Warrior)
Cosplay by Emily Rosa
A warrior, portrayed by the famous Emily Rosa, is a remarkable demonstration of a warrior on the battlefield. You can see that her strength comes from her courage as well as her bravery from her heart. A fantastic resemblance of the perfect warrior.
8- Valara Atran
Cosplay by Valara Atran
Here is a new character that has just arrived along with the new update "Morrowind", a God called Voryn Dagroth a.k.a Dagroth UR. This chimnerch Lord conquered the Nords in the Battle of Red Mountain, and proceeded on forward creating the alliance known as the First Council along with Indoril Nerevar and Dumac, the King of Morrowind. One word of advice---Never challenge a God unless your power is for certaincertian to out wit his!
7- Yaya Han
Cosplay by Yaya Han
Here is our last dark elf. Beauty and power radiate from this cosplay portraying the magnificent qualities of what an dark elf should be! What a sight to behold.
6- Isugi
Cosplay by Isugi
Our final High elf on the list, shows the empowerment, yet sensitive side of a great duel wielder. Isugi demonstrated the elegance of an High Elf with flawless ease. She truely has an artistic gift!
5- Giulietta Zawadzki (Daedric)
Cosplay by Giulietta Zawadzki
A daedric warrior who just sprung from a bloody battle, emerges victoriously ravishing! Strength and bloodlust thrives this daedric beauty back to the battlefield. What a remarkable sight.
4- Julia Kasu
Cosplay by Julia Kasu
A necromancer hits our list with a perfect display of her love for the dead. These beings are very powerful and originated from the land of Cold harbor when the evil Necromancer Mannimarco betrayed the other four. This cosplay portrays beauty in all its deadly aspects.
3- Elise Laurenne
Cosplay by Elise Laurenne
Another high elf enjoying the treetops of Tamriel. Beauty from all aspects are portrayed here. Very, very spicy elf!
2- Emily Rosa (Faun)
Cosplay by Emily Rosa
Emily has outdone herself once again with another phenomenal replica of a faun from Skyrim/Elder scrolls. You can't find a better looking faun in all ESO. Such artistic creativity is worthy of the number 2 spot on our countdown.
1- Kato Lambert
Cosplay by Kato Lambert
A remarkable display of a wood elf! At one with nature, she lies dormant in the treetops making no sound as she awaits her enemies to cross her path. What an amazing cosplay.
This concludes our top 50 female cosplays of The Elder Scrolls. The magnificence of each one of these cosplays is shown in every aspect of the picture as well as the creativity of each individual's artistic talents. I can guarantee more fabulous cosplays will develop through these cosplayers as well as many other inspiring artists alike.
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