What are the best anime conventions in USA?
A lot of anime events take place in the USA, but only some of them can be considered the best.
Whether you’re looking for famous guests or looking forward to the game shows, or just want to take pictures or take a dip in the pool, each of these cons have something for you to enjoy throughout the whole weekend.
Here is a list for you of the best anime conventions you need to check out.
10. AnimeNEXT (Atlantic City, NJ)
AnimeNEXT offers anime music video screenings, cosplay chess, dealer’s room, panels, masquerade, video gaming, and movie rooms.
If you love karaoke, AnimeNEXT is the place for you. They have karaoke roulette, where after two hours of karaoke competition it’s time for two hours of karaoke confusion. There are no judges. No pre-registrations. Just come in and have fun!
Official website: https://www.animenext.org/
Watch last year's event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co-bUPqefVc
9. Anime Boston (Boston, MA)
Anime Boston has a lot of attractions; which include a masquerade, an anime music video contest, video programming rooms, artists' alley, art show, karaoke, game shows, swap meets, anime unscripted, video games, RPGs, and even a LARP.
The reason Anime Boston is worth going to, is because they have amazing cosplay game shows! The Dating Game, Cosplay Chess, and the Death match.
While these games are also on a few other cons, Anime Boston does them best.
Official website: http://www.animeboston.com/
Watch last year's event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDo_mW01_I4
8. FanimeCon (San Jose, CA)
FanimeCon provides an amazingly unique experience. At FanimeCon, you will not only enjoy all the standard con amenities, they also throw in some special events including a formal ball (you will probably see a lot of Sebastian Michaelis cosplayers).
There's also a huge speed dating event, a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure-themed escape room, and more.
The big names in Japanese pop culture; cosplay shenanigans, karaoke contests, video & tabletop gaming, and a large exhibit hall make this event a fan favorite.
Official website: https://www.fanime.com/
Watch last year's event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxzmaBkQl44
7. Anime Central (Rosemont, IL)
Starting in 1998, Anime Central started with the intention of bringing anime culture to the area. Anime Central brings fans together with star guests from the Japanese and US sectors of the anime and manga industry, as well as gaming, cinema, and Asian culture personalities.
They have very big exhibit hall, a huge video game room, concerts, educational panels, workshops, premiere screenings, autograph sessions, 24-hour video rooms, tabletop gaming and so much more!
Official website: https://www.fanime.com/
Watch last year's event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyh-rVBlx5Q
6. Anime Matsuri (Houston, TX)
Anime Matsuri is a yearly anime convention and Japanese culture convention. They promote Japanese culture to the attendees with their cultural and fan based panels and workshops, Maid Cafe, Gaming, Japanese style Car Show, Japanese Concerts, and the largest Japanese Fashion Show in the United States.
Anime Matsuri hosts a 3 day “matsuri”, Japanese for “festival” or “celebration” full of many exciting panels, workshops, contests and events. Their wish is bringing the latest and greatest from Japan’s catwalks, animation studios and concert stages, over to the United States.
Official website: https://www.animematsuri.com/
Watch last year's event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8jBXHWvWFU
5. Sakura-con (Seattle, WA)
Sakura-Con is an anime convention that originally opened in 1998. It is the Pacific Northwest’s largest Japanese pop-culture convention that often sells out admission yearly to crowds of over 20,000 fans. There’s something here for every age, from kids’ karaoke idol contests to edgy late-night adult anime viewings.
There are so many people in cosplay here; you will feel weird if you don’t wear a cosplay!
Official website: http://sakuracon.org/
Watch last year's event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFZre4o8iLM
4. A-Kon (Dallas, TX)
A-Kon is host to geek speed dating, foam weapon sparring, a swap meet, anime music video contests, a doll fanatic gathering, a grip of cosplay contests, Japanese pop concerts, live action role playing games, and much more.
It has lots of awesome cosplays, because here, the cosplay contests and Masquerade events are always very big. This makes the con well-suited for serious, competitive cosplayers who want to try their luck on a bigger stage.
Official website: https://www.a-kon.com/
Watch last year's event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igEKzzQjBj8
3. Katsucon (National Harbor, MD)
Katsucon is often held during Valentine’s Day weekend, so this is the perfect con to take your sweetheart (assuming that they too are anime fans/gamers/cosplayers)! This con is also perfect for cosplayers, because you can get the best pictures at the Gaylord, with backdrops including the famous Katsucon gazebo. Just find a photographer, pick a spot, and start posing!
The convention features 24-hour programs, while other cons shut down sometime in the evening or night. You can keep partying as long as you want to!
Official website: https://www.katsucon.org/
Watch last year's event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3E2My_y0Lc
2. Otakon (Washington DC)
Otakon is the biggest anime con on the east coast and the second largest in the country. In addition to a large dealer’s room with nice variety, Otakon has a good blend of both Japanese and American guests from the industry, such as Romi Park (the Japanese voice actor for Edward Elric) and Stephanie Sheh (the English voice actor for Nui Harime and the new English voice of Sailor Moon).
Otakon has a plethora of fun activities and guests. Bands like Homemade Kazoku, T.M. Revolution, Jam Project, and FLOW perform each year, and producers, voice actors, and other anime personalities make regular appearances.
Official website: https://www.otakon.com/
Watch last year's event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PauENE-3Pss
1. Anime Expo (Los Angeles, CA)
This is the biggest anime convention of North-America. The four-day festival is packed with over 800 hours of programming for anime enthusiasts. There are contests, concerts and performances, and here is definitely an expert-level cosplay.
If you are looking for big names like CLAMP, Yuki Kaji, Go Nagai, and more. You definitely need to go to Anime Expo, a four-day-long anime extravaganza.
Anime Expo is a pilgrimage for anime fans. Make the trek if you like it to get lost in the crowds, seeing the most amazing costumes, and staying up very late to cram in a million activities.
Official website: http://www.anime-expo.org/
Watch last year's event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiU78qxhVcw
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