Tifa Lockhart is the iconic vixen from Final Fantasy VII that can rip boys' hearts out with her fists of fury.
Next to Cloud, she is one of the most beloved characters from the game, so she's a popular choice to cosplay.
Fans expect nothing but the best when it comes to bringing their fave girl to life. These cosplayers knew just how to bring her looks and her sparking personality to the real world.
30. Lily Lovely
Look at that cute face. How can a bruiser be this adorable?
29. Ju Tsukino
Tifa is one of the most efficient of the AVALANCHE mercenaries. You can always count on her to search every angle of a mission.
28. MangoSirene (Nina)
Tifa hard at work to keep in shape for the next mission. Not that she has to work very hard to keep looking good.
27. Sayla Cosplay
Patrolling the city is part of the daily grind for a hero. Bad guys beware when this Tifa's on the prowl.
26. Yumi Cosplay
Tifa's mysterious gaze is one of her greatest features. Even against the wall, you won't catch her backing down.
25. Vamp Beauty
You'd think she'd break a sweat in that tight leather, but you'll never catch this girl whining. She looks flawless even on the job.
24. LaffingStock Cosplay
Seriously, how could Sephiroth strike such a cute face? This only proves how completely evil he is.
23. ChaineLuna
Kicking Shinra's ass one step at a time. These legs do more than just look pretty.
22. Cecinee
In her Advent Children outfit, things are a little more on the dark side. Still, her haunted gaze is everyone's favorite.
21. DarkLabVisuals
I wheep for whoever gets this pouting glare. You wouldn't want to beon the other side of those fists.
20. Lady Zero
Geared up and ready for battle. Tifa is a fierce fighter to the end and she'll get you sweating to keep up.
19. NiladNama (formerly Koshinaka)
That playful smirk is enough to start any Victory Fanfare. Forget the Dolphin Blow, just stun the enemies with one of these.
18. Adami Langley
Tifa's abilities shine no matter what the mission. You won't catch her distracted by any view.
17. CitrusHeartCosplay
Nothing like relaxing after a hard day's work. Even heroes need to stretch out at home, don't you think?
16. LifeisaFiction
Quick, someone grab a Phoenix Down. I think the fans might be KO'd from this one.
15. Riddle
Try to find a girl that shines as bright as Tifa's leather. Go ahead and try, I'll wait.
14. LucidBelle
Even tanned and gorgeous, Tifa still has an iron grip on our hearts. Nothing like a sunny glow to block out your enemies.
13. Zana Cosplay
A cold beer and a girl that could kick your ass at anytime. Isn't that what all guys want?
12. Lady Daniela
Speaking of kicking ass, here's an image of Tifa hard at work. Someone might wanna check on the camera man for this one.
11. Eyes on Me (Rinoa)
True queens deserve a thrown. If anyone deserves to flaunt their badassery, it's Tifa.
10. Liz Katz
Playful, fierce, and sexy. This Tifa will take you out in style.
9. KiaraBerry
Tifa is on the scene and ready to pounce. There isn't an enemy alive that can survive her stance.
8. Katyuska Moonfox
Time to get up close and personal. Try not to get sucker punched by those HD graphics.
7. NadyaSonika
Smile for the camera. Even a no-nonsense warrior knows how to work the fans.
Madison Kate
Coy and mysterious. This Tifa has it all.
5. Danielle Vedovelli
A bombshell ready to take on the bad guys. Don't get caught in the fallout.
4. Hana Bunny
Another break from mercenary work. Even during rest, Tifa's greatest assets shine.
3. Kira Hokuten
A sneak preview of the HD remake????? I don't know if we could handle a Tifa looking this good.
2. Princess Rin0a
In a movie or a game, Tifa is here to set the villains straight. Stay out of this diva's way.
1. Rainer Tachibana
Don't adjust your screen settings. Tifa hasn't jumped out of reality, but her real life doppelganger is here to make all your dreams come true.
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