How much did it cost game companies to make your $29.99 game?
With truckloads of games released every year, have you ever wondered how much developers are making from them? But first things first, we have to know how much is spent to develop them before questioning profits. We also have to consider factors like employee overheads, the cost of multi-platform development, marketing and advertising, and, of course, inflation rates.
We decided to create a list of the 10 most expensive video games the world has ever seen. To make the rankings fair, we’ll be using the inflated valuation for 2015 and list them from the least to the most expensive of all time.
10. Tomb Raider (2013)
Lara Croft. She still looks gorgeous despite all the mud and dirt on her face.
Production cost upon release: US $100 million
2015 inflated cost: US $101 million
What made it so expensive?
AAA games are really hard to develop because of their sheer size. Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix spent a considerable amount to give this reboot cutting-edge graphics, commendable voice casting, and viral promotional methods. According to an analyst, the estimated cost to finish the game approaches $100 million.
9. Disney Infinity
Heroes unite! Your favorite cartoon characters are in for an adventure with you.
Production cost upon release: US $100 million
2015 inflated cost: US $101 million
What made it so expensive?
After losing billions of dollars in the past years, the fate of Disney Interactive Studios depended on this “Hail Mary” project. So, they gave it all the best they can – a whopping $100 million budget to produce. This includes development cost of the game, production of toy figurines, and marketing. It was also a multi-platform release, catering to PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, 3DS, and PC users.
The idea is to allow fans to play their favorite Disney and Pixar characters and create their own adventures. It’s a game combining video game elements and toy collecting.
8. Max Payne 3 (2012)
Max Payne. Bullet time makes killing dramatic.
Production cost upon release: US $105 million
2015 inflated cost: US $108 million
What made it so expensive?
The 200-man team from Rockstar Studios spent around 5 years to develop the game. They did extensive research on the setting of the story which is in São Paulo, Brazil. To make it as natural as possible, they researched on the culture, police, weapons, and even the local gangs and their choice of firearms. The release date was delayed from the original plan of 2009 to 2012.
According to a report from an analyst, it took Rockstar around $105 million dollars, not counting the cost for the years of delayed launch.
7. Red Dead Redemption (2010)
John Marston. No negotiations when two barrels are pointed on your nose.
Production cost upon release: US $105 million
2015 inflated cost: US $108 million
What made it so expensive?
Rockstar started developing the game around 2005, utilizing more than 800 people to do the work. The RDR team did heavy research on horses, with the game set in the Wild West. The game also sported an original music score.
Production estimates fall around $80 - $100 million dollars, including promotional expenditures.
6. Grand Theft Auto IV (2008)
Niko Bellic. He’ll cross a bridge, in the night, against heavy downpour just to get you.
Production cost upon release: US $100 million
2015 inflated cost: US $110 million
What made it so expensive?
With more than a thousand employees doing the project for over three and a half years, no wonder it took Rockstar Games $100 million to complete production. The team who created GTA III wanted to create a more realistic Liberty City, the setting for GTA IV, departing from unnecessary spaces like wide open deserts seen in San Andreas. So, the research team studied a lot of information about New York, ranging from the ethnic minority density of a neighborhood to city traffic patterns.
Marketing also took a big chunk in the budget which included radio promotions, wanted posters, and partnerships to release a special edition for both PS3 and Xbox 360. Teasers were spread years prior to its release. It was the most expensive video game ever made at the time of its release.
5. Destiny (2014)
Into the future. The gameplay screenshot from Destiny is full of juicy details.
Production cost upon release: US $140 million
2015 inflated cost: US $140 million
What made it so expensive?
Activision really wants this game to be huge, hiring Bungie – developer of Halo, and allotting a budget of $500 million spread across the projected 10-year development lifespan of the game. The plan is to release four Destiny games and multiple DLCs in between. It’s a multi-platform game catering to owners of PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.
However the initial cost upon deployment of the first Destiny game was only $140 million, including marketing efforts by Bungie, according to the leak published by LA Times. How much Activision has spent in marketing remains undisclosed. Still, a $500 million budget for a video game is ridiculously huge, eclipsing even the most expensive film which is James Cameron’s Avatar.
It’s definitely one of the most expensive video game budgets announced prior to its initial release.
4. Star Wars: The Old Republic (2011)
Return. Smashing through a piece of debris, Malgus leaps into the final duel.
Production cost upon release: US $200 million
2015 inflated cost: US $209 million
What made it so expensive?
Bioware has long-dreamt of doing an MMORPG but proceeded only when they found the right partners. Spanning over 6 years in development with around 800 developers in action, analysts speculated the production cost to be around US $150 to $200 million. Some even say EA spent more than that if marketing costs were to be included. No official figure has been released so all is just a guess at the moment.
3. Final Fantasy VII (1997)
Cloud Strife and his Buster Sword planning to take down Shinra’s Mako reactor.
Production cost upon release: US $145 million
2015 inflated cost: US $213 million
What made it so expensive?
Development cost the company only US $45 million. Around 120 developers and artists were hired to make the transition from 2D to 3D graphics. Sony made things bigger, by investing US $100 million in promoting the game months before its release. This includes TV commercials, promotion with Pepsi, and print ads.
It was a first during that time, as no company has ever spent that much on an RPG, making it the most expensive video game ever developed back then.
2. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009)
Prepared for combat. Soldier in full battle gear ready for assault.
Production cost upon release: US $200 million
2015 inflated cost: US $219 million
What made it so expensive?
Following the success of the first Modern Warfare game in the series, Activision Blizzard released two more sequels under its name. According to LA Times, MW2 cost the company around $50 million to produce, just the average spending for developing games. However, the marketing expenses increased by threefold, raising the total production cost to $200 million at the time of launch. The full-length trailer of the game was exhibited during the NBA Eastern Conference Finals last 2009 – it’s that big.
According to Activision Blizzard Chief Executive Bobby Kotick, his goal was to create a launch comparable to the biggest box office movies of all time. Well, he really did so and all the expenses paid off with sales record amounting to almost twice the company’s production expenditures.
1. Grand Theft Auto V (2013)
Rob and Run. It’s all about the money, money, moneh!
Production cost upon release: US $265 million
2015 inflated cost: US $268 million
What made it so expensive?
This makes GTA V, the most expensive video game ever made. Released in 2013 for the PS3 and Xbox 360, it was further polished and re-released for PS4, Xbox One, and PC in 2014 and 2015.
Development began in 2008 with Rockstar Games paying thousands of heads to do the work. The team did extensive research on map detailing, recording hours of video footage and hundreds of thousands of photographs. They even studied census data just to ensure they recreate Los Angeles and Southern California spot on. The game is also first in the series to use an original score. Aside from collaborating with artists to make over 20 hours of original music, there are 241 tracks of licensed music used for the in-game radio.
Rockstar also spent ludicrous amounts on marketing: TV promotions, gameplay trailers, and web ads. They also signed partnerships with other companies to release a “special edition” which includes additional content like aircraft and vehicles.
How many of these games have you played? Share us your experience in the comments section below.
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