Overwatch cosplays has given us so many sexy characters to look at. Let's take a look at the best ones
When Overwatch was announced at Blizzcon 2014, Blizzard fans jumped at the chance to play. As well as that, cosplayers around the globe started to work tirelessly on getting their ideas out there, and their cosplays as close to the original as possible. Since then, we’ve seen Overwatch cosplays of the great, and not-so-great variety – but which 27 are the best?
37. RinnieRiot
Cosplay by RinnieRiot at facebook.
Cosplay by RinnieRiot at facebook.
Here’s a less simple rendition on D.Va, by RinnieRiot. The playboy bunny-esque style has been featured a couple of times on Overwatch ladies, but none as detailed as this. From the suit-like rendition on her usual patterns to the adorable boots accompanying it, this whole thing is more on the simple side, but absolutely beautiful.
36. Tasha Cosplay
Cosplay by Tasha Cosplay on facebook.
Cosplay by Tasha Cosplay on facebook.
Tasha Cosplay is a wildly popular cosplay, and has worked on some of the most memorable characters to date. Her Tracer cosplay does not let her reputation down, and is one of the first to show its face after a quick google search. This cosplay was even taken to an official Heroes of the Storm event after Tracer’s release, and it’s clear to see why!
35. Megan Coffey
Cosplay by MeganCoffey at deviantart.
Cosplay by MeganCoffey at deviantart.
Although this cosplay isn’t based on a skin that actually exists (which is unfortunate for any Mercy fans), this is still a beautiful rendition on the character. The candy cane staff, though impractical in the game’s mechanics, would have been hilarious to see pulled off. A wonderful cosplay overall, along with the custom idea behind it.
34. MissSinisterCosplay
Cosplay by MissSinisterCosplay at deviantart.
Cosplay by MissSinisterCosplay at deviantart.
While cosplays that take on a “casual” approach to a character aren’t inherently bad, unfortunately, they will always be trumped by the original interpretation of the character. This doesn’t take away from MissSinisterCosplay’s rendition of Windowmaker, who looks far too happy to be out in the snow.
33. OscuroLupoCosplay
Cosplay by Oscurolupo Cosplay at deviantart.
Cosplay by Oscurolupo Cosplay at deviantart.
Here’s a rendition on Widowmaker by Oscurolupo Cosplay. While this is still largely a work in progress cosplay as depicted by her deviantart page, this is still a stellar rendition of the character and deserves to be put on this list. If any improvements are made this would only further how great the cosplay really is! Great work.
32. RainbowMissy
Cosplay by RainbowMissy at deviantart.
Cosplay by RainbowMissy at deviantart.
Here’s another beautiful look at a more custom type of cosplay, this time by RainbowMissy. Casual cosplays come in all different shapes and sizes, and even in swimsuit variants! This one is a stunning rendition, keeping true to the character’s color palette and style, while amping up the cute factor!
31. Akaomy
Cosplay by Akaomy at deviantart.
Cosplay by Akaomy at deviantart.
One of the regrettably small amount of Pharah cosplays on this list, Akaomy also put a little twist on the usually armored character. The idea comes from a fanart, according to Akaomy, but still pulls off the character faithfully, even down to the necklace she adorns. Something tells me even Ana would be proud of this one!
30. Zelladiel
Cosplay by Zelladiel.
Cosplay by Zelladiel.
Another rendition of the Christmas Mercy we never got, though this time a lot more casual. Looking as though she’s ripped straight from the pages of the Christmas comic, Zelladiel really amps up the cute factor here for the lovable support. I wonder what she received for Christmas? Hopefully not a terrible lootbox.
29. Alex Reiss
Cosplay by Alex Reiss at deviantart.
Cosplay by Alex Reiss at deviantart.
Unlike our last cosplay, this Tracer did receive a terrible lootbox for Christmas. Based on the Christmas comic, and also features introduced side character Emily, Alex Reiss really captures the spirit of the character in an incredible way. She was also featured on my list of Tracer Cosplays, and certainly deserves to be on this list, too.
28. Voldiesama
Cosplay by Voldiesama at deviantart.
Cosplay by Voldiesama at deviantart.
Onto the traditional types of cosplay now, and Voldiesama really captures Widowmaker in an incredible way. While of course, there are always improvements to be made, from a honestly difficult cosplay to pull off, what with body paint, the skin tight suit, and others, Voldiesama has really done a beautiful job all things considered. Great work overall!
27. Reilena
Cosplay by Reilena at facebook.
Cosplay by Reilena at facebook.
Another Widowmaker cosplay here, this time by Reilena. This beautiful Widowmaker was completed before the game’s official release, and therefore does miss some details that may seem standard these days, like the tattoo on her arm. However, for a pre-release cosplay this is undeniably great work, and makes me envious for such a talent!
26. Sirena
Cosplay by Sirena at facebook.
Cosplay by Sirena at facebook.
This Tracer cosplay by Sirena is absolutely gorgeous. The detailing on the armor is meticulously done, and the whole thing comes together effortlessly as if it wasn’t constructed piece by piece at all. The editing on these images is just the cherry on top, as well, and makes this a truly notable Tracer cosplay overall.
25. Arlena Fae
Cosplay by Arlena Fae at facebook.
Cosplay by Arlena Fae at facebook.
From one incredibly difficult cosplay, to one that can be, but usually isn’t. Arlena Fae has done a beautiful job of mastering the simplicity of D.Va cosplays, and really has these very simple features down. There’s nothing really to fault here with this cosplay, and that makes it all the more a worthy addition to this list.
24. Adami-Langley
Cosplay by Adami-langley at deviantart.
Cosplay by Adami-langley at deviantart.
While D.Va is probably one of the easiest Overwatch characters to cosplay, as for her minor details, she can be incredibly hard to pull off both in the overall cosplay and in photography. Here, Adami-langley shows us just how to pull off the perfect rendition of a character, and how to make an amazing cosplay overall.
23. Cosplay Lullabie
Cosplay by Cosplay Lullabie at facebook.
Cosplay by Cosplay Lullabie at facebook.
Another look at a Widowmaker cosplay now, this time by Cosplay Lullabie. Along with the stunning Photography work and editing, these shots of her cosplay really make it look all the more beautiful. Each little detail is painstakingly done, and really deserves recognition for the amount of time this must have taken to put together.
22. MaryMagika
Cosplay by Mary Magika at deviantart.
Cosplay by Mary Magika at deviantart.
Often, it can be hard for a cosplayer to make D.Va more than the basics, without having to go full out and make a mech to accompany her, which is a headache of a job even thinking about it. For Mary Magika, however, the right amount of details have been added to make this a beautifully detailed take on the character.
21. Vera-Chimera
Cosplay by Vera-Chimera at deviantart.
Cosplay by Vera-Chimera at deviantart.
One of the most beautiful Tracer cosplays I’ve yet to see, Vera-Chimera really pulled out all the stops to make this amazing. Everything is carefully custom made, and there really is no detail missed. These photography shots are also absolutely beautiful, and do a wonderful job of showing off an amazing cosplay.
20. KleinerPixel
Cosplay by KleinerPixel at deviantart.
Cosplay by KleinerPixel at deviantart.
While some cosplays can look less effortless than they should, this rendition of D.Va by Kleiner Pixel shows us how it’s done. The editing on these shots really shows us how great this cosplay is, as it took me a fair few looks to realise that KleinerPixel is edited into the game, as it looks like the whole thing is photography! Wonderful work.
19. Kinpatsu-Cosplay
Cosplay by Kinpatsu-Cosplay at deviantart.
Cosplay by Kinpatsu-Cosplay at deviantart.
Cosplays done by Kinpatsu-Cosplay are rarely short of amazing, and her rendition on Widowmaker is no exception. The whole cosplay is sleek, and effortless, and it’s hard to really find any fault with it at all, here. Huge props to this girl, as she looks just how I’d imagine Widowmaker to look outside of the game in these shots!
18. Mikocosplay
Cosplay by Mikocosplay at facebook.
Cosplay by Mikocosplay at facebook.
Another look at a simpler D.Va cosplay, this one done by Mikocosplay. I’ve ranked this one a little higher than the rest, as if you look at the suit itself, you can see that this one is custom done, and put aside from the D.Va suits floating around Ebay and the like. This custom made D.Va makes it all the more impressive in the long run, as this doubles the amount of outstanding work for this outstanding cosplay.
17. CharmandaPlays
Cosplay by CharmandaPlays at deviantart.
Cosplay by CharmandaPlays at deviantart.
Regrettably our only other Pharah on this list, this one covers my absolute favourite of her in game skins, which I still wear proudly to this day. The Raindancer skin featured here in CharmandaPlays’ cosplay is incredibly detailed, and must be one of the most difficult things to pull off. Here, however, it’s done the justice it deserves, as even alongside Tracer, the whole thing looks stunning.
16. Miyuki Cosplay
Cosplay by Miyuki Cosplay at facebook.
Cosplay by Miyuki Cosplay at facebook.
Miykui cosplay is known for her D.Va cosplay, and is one of the first cosplays you can see on any of her social media. It’s safe to say that she’s quite proud of it – and it’s clear to see why! This faultless rendition on the character is absolutely adorable, and proves to be one of the best to this day. She has also done more casual D.Va photoshoots, but nothing beats the original!
15. Jannet Incosplay
Cosplay by Jannet Incosplay at facebook.
Cosplay by Jannet Incosplay at facebook.
This Widowmaker cosplay by Jannet Incosplay gained a bit of traction a while back after being posted on reddit and praised, and it’s definitely clear to see why. The sleek armor and faultless weapon really make this cosplay a sight to behold, even down to what appears to be a latex bodysuit, unlike others that feature basic fabrics. Stunning still to this day.
14. Mogucosplay
Cosplay by Mogucosplay at deviantart.
Cosplay by Mogucosplay at deviantart.
Also featured on my list of Tracer cosplays, this addition by Mogucosplay really is a stunning addition to the cosplay world. From the detail on her armor to the way that her hair lays, Tracer, while simple in comparison to other characters, can be difficult to get just right. However, Mogucosplay really has it on the nail here.
13. Azure Cosplay
Cosplay by Azure Cosplay on deviantart.
Cosplay by Azure Cosplay on deviantart.
Our last feature of a Widowmaker on this list, Azure Cosplay really shows us why she trumped all the rest here. These quite intimidating shots show off her cosplay in the most eerie way, showing off the sinister side to the character in one swoop. There really is little to fault here, the whole thing is sleek and effortless and incredibly well put together.
12. CLeigh-Cosplay
Cosplay by CLeigh-Cosplay at facebook.
Cosplay by CLeigh-Cosplay at facebook.
One of the most detailed skins available in the game, the Valkyrie Mercy skin is loved by many, including myself (I refuse to unequip it, it really is a favourite). This take on it by CLeigh-Cosplay is absolutely to die for. The whole thing comes together beautifully, and looks sleek and effortless, as if pulled from the game itself. Really stunning work here!
11. Zerstooren
Cosplay by Zerstooren at deviantart.
Cosplay by Zerstooren at deviantart.
Possibly the cosplay that Zerstooren is known most for, this rendition on Tracer is beautifully done. All of the little picky details are there, from the patches on the jacket to the sides of the shoes. Zerstooren also manages to capture the character’s personality in a wonderful way, which shows that the cosplay really is only half of the portrayal!
10. Amouranth
Cosplay by Amouranth at facebook.
Cosplay by Amouranth at facebook.
Another feature from my Tracer cosplay list, Amouranth does a stellar job of capturing Tracer down to the smallest detail. As one of my favourite Tracer cosplays ever, Amouranth does an incredibly beautiful job of pulling off the character, giving me that “lifted from the game” feel. Absolutely stunning work.
9. Mio-Eleven
Cosplay by Mio Eleven.
Cosplay by Mio Eleven.
Mio Eleven’s take on D.Va is one of the last one our list, but still absolutely beautiful. The additions to the standard armor, such as the shoulder pads and collar, make this one of the standout takes on the character. There’s also the addition of different fabrics, showing that this is another custom take on the suit. Beautiful work from an always beautiful cosplayer.
8. Soni Aralynn
Cosplay by Soni Aralynn at facebook.
Cosplay by Soni Aralynn at facebook.
When Sombra was announced at Blizzcon 2016 as a new character, Blizzard wasted no time in showing her off. Hiring a company to make this cosplay quietly, Soni Aralynn arrived at Blizzcon that same day to show off the character everyone was talking about. This is such a sleek and faultless cosplay, and it was a real treat seeing her award the Overwatch World Cup winners their medals.
7. Tasha Cosplay
Cosplay by Tasha Cosplay on facebook.
Cosplay by Tasha Cosplay on facebook.
Another cosplay by the ever popular Tasha Cosplay, this time a rendition on Mercy’s original skin. There’s a huge amount that this cosplay needs, and it’s clear from the finished product how much time and love was put into its creation. Tasha Cosplay always manages to put out stunning work, and this Mercy rendition is just that.
6. Shappi
Cosplay by Shappi at deviantart.
Cosplay by Shappi at deviantart.
Mercy’s original design is iconic, but very, very hard to pull off. From the angel wings to the long pieces of fabric to the halo, everything can be a challenge and incredibly hard to master. Here, Shappi shows us how it’s done, with the most faultless take on Mercy’s original design I’ve ever seen. The whole thing is smooth and effortless, and really does look like Mercy just stopped off on her way to Ilios. Crazy stuff!
5. Tina Kinz
Cosplay by Tina Kinz at facebook.
Cosplay by Tina Kinz at facebook.
The Halloween Mercy skin was a favourite of many, including myself (although I was never lucky enough to get it). As far as I am aware, there aren’t that many cosplays of this particular skin, either, but this one by Tina Kinz tops them all. The whole thing is beautifully put together, even down to the book at her side. Stunning work as ever.
4. Henchwench
Cosplay by henchwench at henchwenchcosplay.
Cosplay by henchwench at henchwenchcosplay.
Unfortunately our only Mei cosplay on this list, henchwench sets the bar for Mei cosplays incredibly high. It’s rare to see a cosplayer pull off her full suit, and in such detail, as it can be difficult to wear with all its layers and such. However, there really is so little to fault here, everything looks just as it should do, and makes for an all-around stunning cosplay. Try and top this one, cosplayers!
3. pion cosplay
Cosplay by pionkor at deviantart.
Cosplay by pionkor at deviantart.
Pion cosplay really shows us how it’s done with this one, even putting Blizzard’s hired Soni Aralynn to shame. This cosplay is absolutely the best rendition of newly added Sombra I’ve yet to see, and just begs for someone to come and top it. Pion cosplay really does look like a walking video game character, here, from the costume to the portrayal, and it really does come together beautifully.
2. Aza Miyuko
Cosplay by Aza Miyuko at facebook.
Cosplay by Aza Miyuko at facebook.
I may be a little biased here, but I have always loved Aza Miyuko’s D.Va. As one of the cosplays she’s known for the most, D.Va really comes to life when she wears this cosplay, and looks as close as anyone could ever get to being the real thing. This is a cosplay that would make Hana Song herself proud!
1. Amaberius
Cosplay by Amaberius at deviantart.
Cosplay by Amaberius at deviantart.
Cosplay by Amaberius at deviantart.
Cosplay by Amaberius at deviantart.
Amaberius has featured in another one of my cosplay lists, taking on Sylvanas. But this rendition on D.Va really deserves the top spot here. On her own, the take on D.Va is stunning above all overs, but coupled with the signature Mech really puts this one step above the rest. The time and effort this must have taken to put together is absolutely mind blowing, and makes me stare in awe at these pictures to this day.
That’s it for my list of the 27 Best Overwatch Cosplays (Female). What do you think of my list? Do you agree?
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