Who are the best Lara Croft Cosplayers of all-time, you may ask?
Lara Croft is, without a doubt, one of the most recognized characters of all time.
With a career spanning 16 video games and three movies, she had become a legend in the gaming industry. So, naturally, when the cosplay bug hits, many choose Ms. Croft as their one of the go-to's.
Rightfully so as she is quite the impressive dresser. Here you will find 30 of the hottest Lara Croft cosplays of all time.
30. Renata Davydova
Cosplay by Renata Davydova
I love that Renata made Lara a redhead! On top of that, she nails the curious eyes and pouty lips.
29. Lena-Lara
Cosplay by Lena-Lara
The Lara Croft wetsuit doesn't get much love within the cosplay community. Lena-Lara did a fantastic job of bringing it to life!
28. AbbyDark-Star
Cosplay by AbbyDark-Star
AbbyDark-Star isn't afraid to make Lara extra sexy with a little latex, and I don't think anyone will complain about that!
27. Milla
Cosplay by Milla
Some more wetsuit love! This time, it comes from the first live-action "Tomb Raider" movie. Milla looks like she just stepped offset in skin-tight silver metallic!
26. TheLadyNerd2
Cosplay by TheLadyNerd2
With crazy attention to details, TheLadyNerd2 brings us a tough modern-day Lara Croft!
25. Giorgia
Cosplay by Giorgia
Giorgia brings us the classic Lara Croft with all the right accessories. From her trusty pistol to her sticks of dynamite, this is one well done cosplay!
24. Bianca Beauchamp
Cosplay by Bianca Beauchamp
I don’t think you can ever have a Lara Croft cosplay list and not include Bianca Beauchamp. She just brings it! From the facial expressions to the accessories, to the stance and the outfit. This is excellent work!
23. Karima Adebibe
Cosplay by Karima Adebibe
Another beautiful classic Lara look but, can we take a moment to appreciate her belt? That is spot on! I am crazy about the attention to detail Karima did with her accessories. Well done!
22. The Artful Dodger
Cosplay by The Artful Dodger
These pictures look like screenshots from the actual Tomb Raider game! What a fantastic job by The Artful Dodger!
21. Meagan-Marie
Cosplay by Meagan Marie
When I saw these pictures I flipped out! The Tokyo dress from Tomb Raider Legends? Amazing! What a choice, and fantastic job, by Meagan-Marie!
20. Illyne
Cosplay by Illyne
Not only do these photos look more like screenshots from the actual game but, Illyna really managed to capture that survivor mode look Lara Croft has!
19. Sbabby
Cosplay by Sbabby
Sbabby captures the Lara Croft look like a pro! That make-up, the hair, the poses. She certainly knows what she is doing!
18. Eilaire
Cosplay by Eilaire
If I didn’t know any better, I would think this was Lara Croft out hunting artifacts. Seriously! Look at that background, the costume, the poses, the dirt. Just a beautiful recreation by Eilaire!
17. Lisa Marie
Cosplay by Lisa Marie
Lisa Marie manages to capture the dark side of Lara Croft from the modern series. And she does it very well!
16. Amy Nicole
Cosplay by Amy Nicole
Not only am I super impressed Amy Nicole is able to use her natural hair for a Lara Croft cosplay but, the detail work on her belt and holsters is pretty outstanding.
15. Tanya Croft
Cosplay by Tanya Croft
As you probably guess by now, I’m a sucker for lesser-known Lara Croft costumes coming to life. This one blew my mind! Tomb Raider Legend Special Forces by Tanya Croft. It is everything I hoped for and more!
14. Jenn Croft
Cosplay by Jenn Croft
The make-up work by Jenn Croft in this classic version of Lara is jaw dropping! I’m pretty sure she, literally, stepped out of the video game!
13. Monika Lee
Cosplay by Monika Lee
Monika Lee is probably one of the best cosplayer in the industry. And her version of Lara Croft does not disappoint!
12. Alanah Pearce
Cosplay by Alanah Pearce
Alanah really nailed with those boots and make-up! She is a battle-ready Lara ready to take on the world!
11. Maria Hanna
Cosplay by Maria Hanna
The detail in Maria Hanna’s make-up to her hair to her body is just astounding! She is very much one of the top Lara Croft cosplayers out there.
10. Anastaysa Zelenova
Cosplay by Anastaysa Zelenova
Lara Crofts shadow brought to life! Anastaysa did an amazing job with attention to detail on the costume. But, she also took the time to make sure her make-up was lighter to really give this cosplay that shadowy edge. Very well done!
9. Alyssa Loughran
Cosplay by Alyssa Loughran
When I first saw Alyssa Loughrans version of Lara Croft my jaw dropped. She looks fantastic! The battle-worn clothes, the dirt on her skin and not to mention those incredible muscles! She is ready to raid some tombs!
8. Irina Meier
Cosplay by Irina Meier
When it comes to modern-day Lara Croft cosplays, Irina Meier takes the cake! She even added the extra touch of faux sweat, so you get the feeling that she’s been running around a jungle.
7. Santatory
Cosplay by Santatory
This is a beautiful job by Santatory. The background, the details in the coat and bow, the strategically placed fake blood. Everything about this cosplay rings true to a modern-day Lara Croft!
6. Irina Meier
Cosplay by Irina Meier
Irina Meier version of classic Lara Croft is gorgeous. She could have easily stepped right off the cover of the video game!
5. Larxenne
Cosplay by Larxenne
Larxenne looks simply stunning in her battle-worn Lara Croft! This is pure dark, gritty, perfection.
4. Jenn Croft
Cosplay by Jenn Croft
I am in awe of the attention to detail Jenn Croft was able to get in this cosplay. Every little aspect is perfect!
3. konradM
Cosplay by konradM
This is a beautiful job my konradM and his friend. The background, make-up, and costume really pay homage to a beautiful modern Lara Croft.
2. Lili Din
Cosplay by Lili Din
Lili Din had me convinced these were screenshots from the game. After a little digging, I found out they were an actual person! I am still in awe of those axes! What a fantastic job throughout the entire costume!
1. Daelyth
Cosplay by Daelyth
I am pretty convinced Daelyth is actually Lara Croft. Seriously, look at these pictures! She has every detail down to a tee. Just stunning!
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