Anyone who knows Capcom remembers playing one of their earliest games, Street Fighter. A now popular game where you and other characters in the game fight at different places until one of you K.O.'s the other.
There are many great characters to play but the most memorable will be Chun Li. An expert martial artist and an Interpol officer, this lovely lady have us captivated in so many ways.
Without further ado here are the top 35 Chun Li cosplays we have seen so far.
1. Chun Li is one of the strongest and most beautiful women we've ever seen. Let no one tell you otherwise.
Cosplay by Danielle Vedovelli.
2. Chun Li is a dedicated fighter. Practice whenever she gets the chance in any place.
Cosplay by Natsumi_cosplay
3. Chun Li must travel to a lot of beaches. A nice getaway from all the fighting I believe. Nice swimwear by the way.
Cosplay by Robincyn
4. Chun Li, creating some poses for her fans. One before the battle begins and one after the battle. So cute!
Cosplay by Cynthia Cose
5. Chun Li you have two choices, stay at home and rest. Or go out and fight someone altogether.
Cosplay by Maya Nyan
6. Chun Li fixing her hair buns. Now nothing can stop her from kicking the opponent’s butt.
Cosplay by JSG Cosplay
7. Relaxing at the pool, so nice and cool. Chun Li enjoying a starfruit drink, so refreshing.
Cosplay by Meg Turney
8. When you are cracking your knuckles. But an opponent is doing a very long monologue.
Cosplay by EnjiNight
9. A day at the beach Chun Li. Love the swimsuit it looks so fitting. I see you're about to play volleyball.
Cosplay by Meryl Sama
10. Chun Li looks so innocent until you get her in the ring. All of that is gone!
Cosplay by Hidori Rose
11. Get a girl who does both, can party all night and be ready to whoop some butts in the morning.
Cosplay by Alexis
12. Oh, another Nouveau style clothing. Looks wonderful Chun Li and helps channel your energy too. Where do I get one.
Cosplay by Yaya Han
13.Wow! That is a super high power multi kick you got there. I know it must be towering to do that. Woo, I feel exhausted.
Cosplay by fanini_rb
14. Even the best fighters need to stretch. Great job Chun Li, get those stretches in.
Cosplay by Arual Ebiru Secrag
15. Chun Li, meditating in her own space. So her mind can be clear once the battle starts.
Cosplay by May wolf23
16. Now Chun Li, how to do your helicopter kick. Because I tried it one time and nearly broke my legs.
Cosplay by Elin Kuzunoha
17. Chun Li there is a new opponent in the ring. Prepare to fight them.
Cosplay by Luna Gabriella
18. Chun Li, you should be in the movies. Better yet a model, those poses are on point
Cosplay by Aoandou
19.Another outfit in black, white and gold. I see you are doing a little dance, Chun Li.
Cosplay by Momokun Cosplay
20. Wait, what are you eating Chun Li. I see a tasty snack, don’t try to hide it.
Cosplay by Linda Le
21. Yes, Chun Li get those fighting pose going. Stretch yourself to your limit.
Cosplay by Leen Isabel
22. Wow! That is one heck of a dress! The blue really brings out your eyes Chun Li.

Cosplay by Carmenpilar Best
23. Back with the black and red Chun Li. And a touch of gold, so stylish. Seem easy to fight in.
Cosplay by Angela Bermudez
24. Chun Li fists are so fast. They can conquer up the wind. What is your secret
Cosplay by Meghan Chadeayne
25. Be careful Chun Li, you don’t want to miss a fall. Oh, wait never mind.
Cosplay by CherryBCosplay
26. Wow! What a high kick! I need to exercise more often.
Cosplay by Little.chook
27. Chun Li can’t always fight all the time she has other hobbies. Like daydreaming and such.

Cosplay by Yae Akoda
28. Guess Chun Li has a sparring partner. Two gals helping each other to be the top fighters. Practice makes perfect.
Cosplay by Morgana Cosplay
29. Oh, I love the black and red in your outfit Chun Li. Looking all mysterious and villainous.
Cosplay by ChiipiChan
30. I think we disrupted her nap. Yep, we disrupted and now run!!!
Cosplay by Uncanny Megan
31. Chun li about to fight her opponents like wah! Better watch out because she is about to strike.
Cosplay by Daydreamernessa
32. Chun Li looks so peaceful. There’s even a pond, I want a pond.
Cosplay by Caroangulito
33. Chun Li, a whole different outfit. Not bad, I see you. Show it off!
Cosplay by Cortana2552
34. Even Chun Li, one of the best fighters, needs to practice. Keep going until you reach the top.
Cosplay by Thelematherion
35. Looking so fit in that dress, even in a fight. Show them no mercy Chun Li.

Cosplay by Ilona-lab
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