
Joel is one of those people that you can ask about anything. He's been playing video games since he was three years old and his aunt mistakenly let him play TMNT 2 on the NES. That one small mistake birthed a lifelong obsession that has led him to writing about video games and comics for more than 10 years! In middle school, he discovered the wonders of cinema and delved into that brave new world with voracity that had been unseen of him. Whatever the movie, you can be sure that you'll find Joel in its audience for at least a cursory viewing and that he'll have some choice views about it! Recently, this obsession has led him down the dark alley of writing screenplays and novellas. Ever mourning the end of the movie tie-in video game, Joel spends his gaming time now flossing in Fortnite (JK, he started playing too late), playing every fighting game he can, and wondering how Hideo Kojima would have finished it. Wait, why does this website have the defunct Marvel Heroes under favorite games as Marvel Heroes AND Marvel Heroes 2015, but no entry for any of the 3 different versions of Metal Gear Solid 3?
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