Who Are The Best Friday The 13th Counselors?
You have all the best Perks and know where to put them, but you’re still having problems surviving the night? No worries, we’ve all been there! This article ranks all the Counselors in the game from Weakest to Strongest and gives you all the tips and tricks you need!
Before you know it, you’ll be hitching a ride out of Camp Crystal Lake with tons of XP!
Character Stats and Their Importance
Every character is rated on composure, luck, repair, speed, stamina, stealth, and strength.
- Composure is the character's ability to stay calm under scary conditions and is commonly considered the most important of the qualities. Jason will find you if you are stuck shaking in your boots. Being calm will also help your counselor escape Jason's grasp if necessary.
- High luck adds a kick to a character's stats and keeps weapons intact a little longer.
- Repair determines how quickly you can repair the phone booth, car, or the boat. While there is a slight increase in repair time with high intelligence, it's hardly the most useful quality in the game.
- Speed is self-explanatory. You run faster. Speed is rendered almost useless if Jason has the Shift ability. Be prepared to fight in that situation.
- Stamina is your counselor's endurance. Everyone gets tired after a while. Low stamina could leave you gasping for breath until you get an axe in the head.
- Stealth makes it harder for Jason to detect the counselor.
- Strength helps inflict more damage.
14: Jenny Myers
The Girl Next Door.
Jenny Myers is the stand-in for the final girl that survives to the end of every Slasher film. As a result, she’s meant to excel at being alone.
- Composure: 10/10
- Luck: 8/10
- Repair: 2/10
- Speed: 3/10
- Stamina: 5/10
- Stealth: 6/10
- Strength: 1/10
Strengths: Composure/Luck/Stealth
Weaknesses: Repair/Strength/Speed
If you’re looking to play Jenny, make sure that you’re checking every drawer and campfire you can for Objective items. Her Repair Stat doesn’t make it worth it to try to fix things unless absolutely necessary, though. Be sure to work in a team that has either a Lachappa or Deborah to complete the Objectives and make it out alive. If you’re looking to play completely solo, make sure to add the Tinker Perk to your loadout to give yourself a better chance at survival.
13: Mitch Floyd
The Stoner.
Mitch is based on Chuck from Friday the 13th Part III. Mitch’s key place in a game is being in a large group he can contribute to.
- Composure: 9/10
- Luck: 2/10
- Repair: 8/10
- Speed: 3/10
- Stamina: 4/10
- Stealth: 6/10
- Strength: 3/10
Strengths: Composure/Repair/Stealth
Weaknesses: Strength/Speed/Luck
Mitch is really only good when he’s in a group. Higher Repair means that he can work to complete Objectives while the more important Counselors play bodyguard. If you don’t have the Marathon or Home Body Perks, make sure make sure that you stay as far away from Jason as possible. Mitch is one of the most easily killable Counselors in the game, so be aware that you’ll be a target at all times. Make friends with a Buggzy and you’ll be sure to live!
12: Sheldon Finkelstein
The Prankster.
Shelly is another character from Friday the 13th Part III and is responsible for giving Jason his trademark hockey mask! Higher Composure means that Shelly is at home with or without a group!
- Composure: 6/10
- Luck: 1/10
- Repair: 5/10
- Speed: 4/10
- Stamina: 4/10
- Stealth: 8/10
- Strength: 7/10
Strengths: Stealth/Strength/Composure
Weaknesses: Speed/Luck/Stamina
Terrible Luck means that you don’t really have to check every drawer you come across, but it doesn’t hurt to still check. Pick up a melee weapon the first chance you get and try to remember where a backup is in case yours breaks because of his low Luck. Check out the Man At Arms skill to make sure your weapons last a little longer. If you want to make it out alive make sure to work with a group because Shelly is one of the few Counselors in the game that has such low Luck that he may just not come across Objective items until it’s too late. Be sure to practice caution if you're going to try to attack Jason with anything that isn't an Axe, Machete, Bat, or Pipe.
11: Eric ‘J. R.’ Lachappa
The Nerd.
Lachappa is the second best Repairman in the game. If it wasn’t for Deborah or his crappy Stamina, he’d probably be more important.
- Composure: 4/10
- Luck: 5/10
- Repair: 10/10
- Speed: 3/10
- Stamina: 2/10
- Stealth: 8/10
- Strength: 3/10
Strengths: Repair/Stealth
Weaknesses: Stamina/Speed/Strength
It’s best to sum up Lachappa by saying REPAIRMAN-MAN-MAN-MAN! The best way to play Lachappa is to play him within a tight group that is searching for Objective items. Whenever Objective items are found, stand by the Car/Boat/Phone and let the other Counselors pass the items to you. Lachappa’s high Repair Skill means that they’ll be a breeze to fix and then you’ll all be on your way out of the Camp. Better remember to have another player ready to dial the Phone or start the Car, though! No telling when Jason will show up!
10: Fox
The Biker.
Middling stats doesn't make her a first choice, but Fox’s strength makes her invaluable when a team is planning on putting Jason through the wringer.
- Composure: 6/10
- Luck: 3/10
- Repair: 6/10
- Speed: 4/10
- Stamina: 5/10
- Stealth: 4/10
- Strength: 7/10
Strengths: Composure/Repair/Strength
Weaknesses: Luck/Speed/Stealth
Fox is someone that can do almost anything, but I think her best place is in taking the fight to Jason. Search every drawer you can for Firecrackers in case you need to make a quick escape. Equipped with a Baseball Bat, your best place will be standing between Jason and the other Counselors working to get the Car/Boat/Phone fixed. Hopefully they won’t leave you. If they take off without you, just let Jason pick off a couple of them and take their spots. Warm seats are nice, eh?
9: Kenny
The Head Counselor.
Kenny is supposedly smart and the natural leader of the Counselors, but is forgettable because you probably won’t be seeing a lot of him.
- Composure: 5/10
- Luck: 5/10
- Repair: 5/10
- Speed: 5/10
- Stamina: 5/10
- Stealth: 5/10
- Strength: 5/10
Strengths: None
Weaknesses: None
Kenny is literally the middle of the road. When it comes to how you should play him it’s best to decide based on what Perks you equip. This gives you a lot of power to decide what you want to do in a match. Do you want to fix stuff? Add Tinker. Do you want to beat up Jason? Add Heavy Hitter. Either way, you’ll be a threat whether you’re part of a group or a lone wolf. Your fate is up to you.
8: Adam Palomino
The Edgy Guy.
Kind of a lame rocker, Adam is a tough guy that works on Cars. He does like protecting the other Counselors from the bullies in their group, though.
- Composure: 7/10
- Luck: 2/10
- Repair: 6/10
- Speed: 5/10
- Stamina: 4/10
- Stealth: 3/10
- Strength: 8/10
Strengths: Strength/Repair/Composure
Weaknesses: Stealth/Luck/Speed
That part about bullies wasn’t a joke. Like Fox, Adam is best played as a bodyguard. You’ll probably rarely see him played like that, but he’s one of the best at it. Equipped with Slugger or Sucker Punch (preferably both), you’ll be knocking Jason out over and over again. Experienced Jason players will probably go on the offensive and either slash or go into Combat Stance to block. You can get around this just by running around his back and smashing him in the head. That should floor Jason long enough for you to be get away with the other Counselors. It’s a simple strategy that pays off more often than you would think.
7: Victoria Sterling
The Catty Girl.
Victoria can be kind of a jerk sometimes. She always has a comeback in the chamber and is ready to put the other Counselors down!
- Composure: 4/10
- Luck: 8/10
- Repair: 3/10
- Speed: 4/10
- Stamina: 7/10
- Stealth: 7/10
- Strength:2/10
Strengths: Luck/Stealth/Stamina
Weaknesses: Strength/Composure/Repair/Speed
Another great bodyguard, but mainly because of her amazing Luck Stat. Low Strength means that she’s not as good at knocking Jason out as an Adam or Buggzy, but if you add the Heavy Hitter Perk you’ll see Jason Stunned more often than not. If you’re looking to play Victoria solo, make sure to also add on the Tinker Perk to give yourself a better chance at escaping Jason’s wrath for Stunning him. Play smart and between your high Luck and Stealth Stats you can have a team out of the game within five minutes.
6: Tiffany Cox
The Flirty Girl.
Flirty and fun, Tiffany is that really active party chick that always seems to have somewhere to go. She can’t fix a thing, though.
- Composure: 3/10
- Luck: 4/10
- Repair: 1/10
- Speed: 6/10
- Stamina: 9/10
- Stealth: 10/10
- Strength: 2/10
Strengths: Stamina/Stealth/Speed
Weaknesses: Strength/Repair/Composure
If you’re familiar with online games like World of Warcraft you’re probably familiar with the term “kiting.” Kiting is when you lead an enemy around an area like they’re a kite to give your team time to complete an Objective. Tiffany is the second best in the game at this and it’s her main purpose. With that being the case, make sure to equip her with any bonus Stamina or Speed Perks that you roll and you won’t be sorry. You’d be surprised how many Jason players will get mad and focus on you just because they can’t catch you. Don’t worry that he’s coming after you. You’re faster than anything he can throw at you.
5: Chad Kensington
The Preppy Guy.
Okay, by now you know that Chad’s a dick. He’s just that guy everyone knows that was lucky enough to be born with it all.
- Composure: 1/10
- Luck: 10/10
- Repair: 2/10
- Speed: 9/10
- Stamina: 4/10
- Stealth: 6/10
- Strength: 3/10
Strengths: Luck/Speed/Stealth
Weaknesses: Composure/Repair/Strength
Like Victoria, Chad is a rich jerk that works well as a bodyguard when playing with a team. Sure, you could boost his Repair Stats to make him more of a solo threat, but why fix what ain’t broke? Equip some Strength or Stamina based Perks and make Jason work to catch you, then catch a ride out of Crystal Lake when you see that the Car’s been fixed. Everyone will give you kudos for keeping Jason busy while they did the Objectives and we all know that Love and Friendship is really what makes us rich. Right, Chad?
4: Vanessa Jones
The Athletic Girl.
The best runner in the game! So amazing that A Flock of Seagulls wrote a song about her.
- Composure: 3/10
- Luck: 6/10
- Repair: 2/10
- Speed: 10/10
- Stamina: 9/10
- Stealth: 1/10
- Strength: 4/10
Strengths: Speed/Stamina/Luck
Weaknesses: Stealth/Repair/Composure
The best kiter. Tiffany is good, but Vanessa excels and is better than Tiff in every way. You can literally run circles around Jason. Just make sure that wherever you’re running to, slow down just enough to let Jason think he has a chance of catching you. When he thinks he has a chance he’ll likely try to Grab you even if there are other players around working to complete an Objective. Anytime you see Jason Morph or Shift, be sure to start sprinting again because there’s a good chance that he’s going to try for a Grab immediately coming out of a teleport. Keep that in mind and use a Stamina or Speed boosting Perk and you’ll cross the finish line first every time!
3: Brandon ‘Buggzy’ Wilson
The Jock.
His hands are lethal weapons! Buggzy is the stereotypical jock and has the muscle to prove it.
- Composure: 4/10
- Luck: 2/10
- Repair: 1/10
- Speed: 8/10
- Stamina: 8/10
- Stealth: 2/10
- Strength: 10/10
Strengths: Strength/Speed/Stamina
Weaknesses: Repair/Stealth/Luck
Buggzy is the biggest frustration to Jason in the game. Every other character has decent options for fixing Objectives and escaping, but Buggzy is another story altogether. He’s someone that is built to beat on Jason all night. Whenever the match starts, make sure to look for a Baseball Bat and then start hunting Jason. If he sees you coming after him with a Bat, there’s a decent chance he’ll bolt. That’s okay, search the map for him. If you have Heavy Hitter and/or Sucker Punch equipped you’ll be giving him hell before he knows it. With you focusing on Jason, he may rage quit, but if not you’ve given your teammates valuable time to complete the Objectives. When you’re done, make sure you Stun Jason with a Bat before you try to grab a seat or else Jason will Grab you out of the Car right before it leaves.
2: Deborah Kim
The Bookish Girl.
You looking to escape? You’re in luck, because Debbie can fix anything!
- Composure: 5/10
- Luck: 3/10
- Repair: 10/10
- Speed: 4/10
- Stamina: 3/10
- Stealth: 9/10
- Strength: 1/10
Strengths: Repair/Stealth/Composure
Weaknesses: Strength/Stamina/Luck
A personal favorite of mine, Deborah is the workhorse. Whether she’s alone or in a group, she’s probably the person to fix everything on the map first. If you want extra experience points just fix everything and don’t worry about getting out alive. You’ll get a ton of completion bonuses just for completing Objectives and your friends will appreciate that your sacrifice means their lazy asses can escape. If you want to do it even better, make sure to add on the Tinker Perk to give a bigger increase to her Repair skill and you’ll be max level before you know it!
1: A. J. Mason
The Rocker Chick.
The best at Stealth in the game! A. J. is one of the best picks if you’re looking to melt into the night and escape!
- Composure: 7/10
- Luck: 1/10
- Repair: 7/10
- Speed: 4/10
- Stamina: 4/10
- Stealth: 10/10
- Strength: 2/10
Strengths: Stealth/Repair/Composure
Weaknesses: Luck/Strength/Speed/Stamina
I hope you like sneaking around, because that is what A. J. does best. She’s a Rock n’ Roll Ninja and as long as you keep out of Jason’s line of sight you’ll escape in no time. Lowest Luck means that you probably won’t be finding a ton in the drawers, but you should still find decent weapons. Make sure to pick up a Flare Gun and shoot for the head if you see Jason! This will mark Jason on everyone’s map for a short time as well as Stunning him. Honestly, you will probably go most matches without seeing Jason since A. J.’s Stealth Stat is so high. While you’re playing her remember to search every house you come across for Objective items and equip the My Dad’s A Cop Perk to make sure the Police arrive faster when you call them. Does she make winning too easy? Maybe, but who can argue with results?
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