The Best Friday 13th Weapons To Take Down Jason
The party at Camp Crystal Lake has taken a bloody turn! You have 13 weapons you can choose to fight off the seemingly unstoppable Slasher Jason Voorhees! The clock is ticking, which will you choose? No need to worry, this list will break down the Strengths and Weaknesses of each weapon and tell you exactly what you need to live through the night!
Grab a Machete and let’s rock!
Weapon Rankings and their Importance
- Every weapon is scored in three categories from 1 to 4 with 1 being the least effective.
- Stun is how much of a chance the weapon has to Stun Jason on a hit.
- Damage is how much Damage it can cause to Jason when the weapon connects.
- Damage can cause Jason's Hockey Mask to come off.
- Durability represents how many times a weapon can be used before it is unusable.
- All scoring categories are evenly weighted, so all weapons are equally accessible to counselors.
13. Branch
“From the Family Tree?”
Once, this was actually one of the most powerful weapons in the game. Now, it’s just a stick. Bleh.
- Weapon Rating: 33/100
- STUN: 1/4
- DAMAGE: 1/4
An okay weapon only when you have nothing else around. Even then, you should probably steer clear of this and just run to find something else. The low Durability is by far the worst thing about the Branch because it only takes one to two hits to break most of the time. You can do better. Jason deserves to be hit with something much more dangerous than a Branch. Come on, we both know you’re better than this.
12. Pot
“Pass it on the left hand side.”
The ever present Pot. Check any Cabin and you’re likely to trip over it or the Pan. When you hit Jason it sometimes makes a satisfying PING noise, but that only does so much to redeem it.
- Weapon Rating: 50/100
- STUN: 2/4
- DAMAGE: 1/4
The Pot is another weapon that I would only suggest out of pure desperation. While it doesn’t suck as badly as the Branch, it isn’t particularly good either. Just go look for a Bat because if you get into a fight you’ll be thankful you have something with a greater Stun chance. I really can’t say anything good about the Pot. As you can tell by the score, this is one of the absolute worst weapons you can choose in the game.
11. Pan
“Well seasoned for all your needs!”
Oh yeah, it's sizzlin'! Grilled Voorhees, comin’ up!
- Weapon Rating: 50/100
- STUN: 2/4
- DAMAGE: 1/4
Another lame weapon. Like the Pot, I wouldn’t suggest the Pan unless you’re totally desperate. It can do in a pinch (especially if you have the right Perks), but it should never be your first choice. Unless you plan on dyin’ that is. Still, you should make your stand with a respectable weapon. The Plank, maybe?
10. Plank
“CAUTION: Splinters.”
A lot of construction is going on in the Camp, I guess? Wood’s laying around everywhere. Can’t get enough wood in the Woods!
- Weapon Rating: 58/100
- STUN: 2/4
- DAMAGE: 2/4
The Plank is nobody’s best friend. Like a leveled up Branch, it’s slightly better but not a game changer at all. Wait, are you thinking about using the Plank? Please, don’t. Well, okay. If you absolutely have to, at least put on the Heavy Hitter Perk! That’s really one of the only Perks I can suggest to make this weapon worthwhile. Otherwise, just go look for something else. Too bad you can’t draw a face on it to have an extra friend around.
9. Wrench
“Plumb the depths of the night.”
For the PIPES! Crusin’ around Camp and stoppin’ all the leaks!
- Weapon Rating: 58/100
- STUN: 3/4
- DAMAGE: 1/4
The Wrench is decent overall. Like the Branch, there was a time if was actually super overpowered. Now, it’s more in line with things like the Poker. You can still do a lot of damage with it if you have high Strength or Luck, though! Hit Jason in the face with it a couple times and you can almost totally rest assured he’ll be Stunned. It’s an especially good weapon because of the small attack window it has. It’s best used when standing just inside the doorway of a cabin when you’re waiting for Jason to break in. As soon as he walks in, let him have it and while he’s Stunned, run off into the night! He’ll chase you, but if you’ve read my article about Perks you’ll get away without breaking a sweat.
8. Poker
“Watch where you shove that thing.”
There’s a lot of Fireplaces around. Jason can use them for cool interactive kills, but Counselors can use them to get a Poker! Take these stabby bits!
- Weapon Rating: 58/100
- STUN: 1/4
- DAMAGE: 3/4
The Poker is another weapon that can be decent if you’re playing a character with high Strength or Luck. The Stun rate is low compared to most other Melee weapons, but if you have high Luck you won’t have to worry about a thing. The length of the Poker also makes it ideal if you find yourself in a duel with Jason. If you do find yourself dueling with a Jason in Combat Stance, remember to click in the right stick to even the playing field. This will lock you onto Jason and give you the ability to dodge around when he attacks. Show that Part 6 Jason who the real Fencer is!
7. Baseball Bat
“Swing Away…”
Arguably the best weapon in the game. As long as you have the Perks to back it up, the Baseball Bat can be one of the most formidable weapons. Just remember to use it.
- Weapon Rating: 58/100
- STUN: 4/4
- DAMAGE: 2/4
Great all around weapon because anyone can effectively use it, but in the hands of a Buggzy or Adam that has the right Perks it can be classified as a Weapon of Mass Destruction. Jason won’t have a face after you’re done. Sometimes Jason may be driven to rage quit if there’s more than one Bat wielder in a group. Always remember when it comes to a Bat that the best Stats to buff are Luck and Strength. If you do all that, you’ll find that most of the time you’ll be escaping with no problem at all.
6. Bear Trap
“How many Bears are IN these woods?”
One of the most dangerous things in the entire game. Counselors and Jason can both use Bear Traps and it’s good to know that so you can watch for them. STAY ALERT. STAY ALIVE.
- Weapon Rating: 67/100
- STUN: 4/4
- DAMAGE: 3/4
Trapping is one of the most viable strategies to impede Counselors as Jason. Thankfully, Counselors can do the same. You’ll find these in Cabins nine times out of ten. Make sure that when you find them you set them when fortifying your defenses. If Jason happens to step in it, he’ll be momentarily Stunned and have to escape from the trap. It won’t knock him down and out, but it certainly helps whenever you need to run away. Just don’t set it and forget it, because you and your teammates can be trapped in it and that can be deadly. Want to scare Jason? Pick a runner like Tiffany or Vanessa and when Jason gives chase, lead him to a Trap you’ve set. This will usually alarm him into thinking you’re ready to kill him and he’ll run away.
5. Pipe
“Layin’ Pipe all over Camp.”
The Camp is redoing all the old Piping! Lead, Steel, Iron, I don’t care. I just love my Pipe.
- Weapon Rating: 67/100
- STUN: 3/4
- DAMAGE: 2/4
Unlike the Bat, the Pipe has pretty middle of the road stats. Don’t overlook it just yet, though! Got high Luck, Strength, and Stamina? Well, the Pipe is miles better than a Branch, Pot, or Pan, my friend. Let Jason get to know some Pipe one-on-one! If you have the Pipe and at least two of those attributes I mentioned earlier you can effectively chase Jason down without worry. Make that bastard regret ever walking into the one cabin with the broken sink!
4. Flare Gun
“A Shot in the Dark.”
Don’t shoot that Flare in the Air! One of the most valuable weapons in the entire game.
- Weapon Rating: 67/100
- STUN: 4/4
- DAMAGE: 3/4
While the Flare has a low Durability, that doesn’t make it not worth using. If you play any of the Stealth characters then you should become closely acquainted to it. Not only does it let you Stun Jason when you shoot him in the head (it gets stuck in his eye socket), but it also marks Jason’s presence on the map for your Counselor buddies! Nothing else in the game acts like that, so it’s a major asset to put to use no matter the situation. If you’re playing an A. J. or a Deborah, it’s an especially important weapon because the Stun from hitting Jason in the face will give you the time you need to escape. You won’t be causing Jason any damage, but it’s perfect to give you a few seconds to start running.
3. Shotgun
“Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes!”
Who gave these kids a gun? The Shotgun is as simple as the name suggest. Point and shoot.
- Weapon Rating: 75/100
- STUN: 4/4
- DAMAGE: 4/4
One of the most disappointing weapons in the game only because it has one bullet. Using it will buy you a few extra seconds as it Stuns Jason, but an experienced Jason will quickly shrug it off and hunt you down. They may even attempt to Shift through the fire to shadow dodge the bullet. It’s a shame. If it weren’t for the extremely low Durability due to it being a one-shot weapon it would be number one. At least you can’t accidentally kill other Counselors with it anymore. Still remember to shoot it only when you’re absolutely sure you’re going to hit Jason.
2. Machete
“Machete don’t text.”
Live by the Machete, Die by the Machete. Through all the balance patches the Machete has remained one of the most dangerous weapons in the game.
- Weapon Rating: 75/100
- STUN: 2/4
- DAMAGE: 4/4
One of the only two weapons capable of killing Jason (when in the hands of Tommy Jarvis) makes this the NUMBER TWO CHOICE when it comes to fighting Jason. The high damage rate means that it can knock Jason’s Mask off which is necessary if you’re going to attempt to kill him. If you’re not using the Machete in an attempt to end the match with a kill on Jason, it’s still a very helpful weapon. It may not have the reach of the Bat, Poker, or Axe, but the damage it doles out is second to none. If you have high Luck or Strength Stats you’ll find that the Machete is too good to pass up unless there’s a nearby Axe.
1. Axe
“Lemme AXE you somethin’.”
Chop down Jason’s defenses with a Woodsman’s Axe! That Damage and Durability can’t be beat!
- Weapon Rating: 83/100
- STUN: 3/4
- DAMAGE: 4/4
The sure bet when you’re trying to kill Jason. The Axe will make sure that you get Jason’s Mask off in no time and will still have a few hits left in it when the deed is done. Used in the hands of an experienced player as Buggzy you could easily make Jason rage quit. I suggest trying it at least once! It’s fun and after the last update it seems like Axe spawn rate has increased. It’s easily the best melee weapon in the game and thirsts for blood! FEED THE AXE!
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