
Jim grew up with a controller in his hands, and from a young age had a love of games that allowed him to explore, and create his own stories and experiences. In an age where games come and games go, the stories still remain. When his favorite MMO closed down, Jim made a decision to start making the most of gaming in his favorite worlds, as well as other explorers and role players out there in need of a good escape from reality.
From the shores of Azeroth, through the darkest depths of Tamriel, and all the way to the tallest points in Eorzea, he seeks to chronicle what lays beyond the main quest, where few tread into the underbrush, casting a torch into content long forgotten, and the virtual vistas where others are free to roam.
From the shores of Azeroth, through the darkest depths of Tamriel, and all the way to the tallest points in Eorzea, he seeks to chronicle what lays beyond the main quest, where few tread into the underbrush, casting a torch into content long forgotten, and the virtual vistas where others are free to roam.
DapperGuar's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Final Fantasy XIV
Top 3 Favorite Games