In Fallout 76 there are various locations found across the world map that can be claimed by the player, to make use of the materials and resources that can be farmed. They are identifiable from your compass or the player map by the icon of a crossed hammer and wrench. These are workshops and they are a valuable source of items.
Workshops can only be claimed by one person or group, and they will need to defend the Workshops red workbench from other players looking to claim it, or from the occasional swarm of enemies that will attack the Workshop every so often in an Enemy Wave event.
You lose the Workshop if another player successfully caps the table, it’s overrun with enemies, or you log out...Workshops are public spaces, so once you log out, you lose control of the workshop, but everything you constructed in the space will remain, often a boon to other players. However, since you log into a different world each and every time...You’re not returning to the same instance you left behind.
Hovering over a Workshop in the world map will display a vague reference to what materials the Workshop will grant the player if they set up there, be it ores, raw materials, or foodstuffs to craft for your journey or to sell via your vending machine. Others come with unique harvestable items to farm and perks that make them unique and at times highly coveted.
Investigating a player's workshop, I was chased around by another player wielding an ax for my curiosity...We’ll get to that story later.
At the end of the day, the best workshop is always the one that has the resources you don’t have. Let’s begin.
7. Hemlock Holes Maintenance (Best for Acid, a necessity)
Upon first glance, the Maintenance area for Hemlock Holes golf course is nothing special. It’s an open yard with a few freight containers and an open shed, where Golf Carts and the like were maintained by the staff that once worked here. What is important, are the acid pits found here, which are desperately needed for breaking down ores for use in crafting.
Workshop Stats
Food: 3
Crystal: 1
Water: 3
Gold: 1
Acid: 3
What makes Hemlock Holes awesome
Three locations for Acid Extractors, which are necessary to break down raw ores for use.
Plenty of space to set up a defensive grid of turrets and traps to contend with the Enemy Wave events.
Located near a large collection of events to keep you busy between defense waves and waiting on your extractors.
How to Get Hemlock Holes Maintenance
If unclaimed, approach the site and you will begin a quest to clear out any enemies if any are in the area. Once all the enemies are clear, a humble deposit of caps is made with the red Workbench to claim the location.
If the site is claimed by another player, you will need to contend with the player themself and possibly any defenses they’ve constructed to protect the Workbench.
6. Gorge Junkyard (Best for Junk scrap and crafting materials)
West of Morgantown off Interstate 59, you will find a large salvage yard known as Gorge. It’s a junkyard, and oftentimes occupied by robotic enemies more often than not, or crawling with mole rats and blood ticks. Gorge is one of the more homey public workshops the player can find.
Workshop Stats
Food: 5
Water: 3
Junk: 1
Titanium: 1
Concrete: 1
Wood: 1
What makes Gorge Junkyard awesome
A source of Black Titanium needed for higher-end crafting
A Power Armor chassis can be found in a locked truck trailer, usually with Raider pieces installed.
A recipe and a weapon mod can spawn in the area, in the kitchen of the house, and sitting in a cart respectively.
How to Get Gorge Junkyard
If unclaimed, approach the site and you will begin a quest to clear out any enemies if any are in the area. Once all the enemies are clear, a humble deposit of caps is made with the red Workbench to claim the location.
If the site is claimed by another player, you will need to contend with the player themself and possibly any defenses they’ve constructed to protect the Workbench.
Black Titanium Farming and Workshop Defence at Gorge Junkyard (thejudge-84 Mike)
5. Sunshine Meadows Industrial Farm (Best for non-perishable food)
Located on the road west out of Flatwoods, in a busy little corner of the Forest region, you’ll come across the Sunshine Meadows Industrial Farm. One a proud purveyor of pre-packaged foodstuffs, it has been sitting abandoned and dormant for decades until now.
Workshop Stats
Food: 10
Water: 3
Packaged Food: 1
Fertilizer: 3
Junk: 1
Aluminum: 1
Concrete: 1
What makes Sunshine Meadows awesome
Once claimed, you can power up the food production facility to begin churning out a variety of non-perishable foodstuffs like Blamco Mac and Cheese, Fancy Lad Snack Cakes, and Salisbury Steak.
The Junk Extractor is a good source of crafting items like gears, springs, and screws.
The layout of the main factory in which the Workbench resides can be easy fortified by blocking the doors with concrete barricades or any other items that prevent players from accessing the doors. Tactical turret placement will cause them to turn hostile on players who damage these barricades.
How to Get Sunshine Meadows Industrial Farm
If unclaimed, approach the site and you will begin a quest to clear out any enemies if any are in the area. Once all the enemies are clear, a humble deposit of caps is made with the red Workbench to claim the location.
If the site is claimed by another player, you will need to contend with the player themself and possibly any defenses they’ve constructed to protect the Workbench.
4. Poseidon Energy Plant Yard (Best for two words: Fusion Cores)
One of two energy plants in Fallout 76, Poseidon Energy is often the one players will come across first in their travels, if one were to follow the roads west and south out of Flatwoods on their way to Charleston. While the power plant itself is a trip and journey in and of itself when it comes time to power it on, the Workshop out in the yard is claimable.
Workshop Stats
Food: 9
Water: 8
Fusion Cores: 1
Lead: 2
Aluminum: 1
Nuclear: 1
Concrete: 1
What makes Poseidon Energy Plant Yard awesome
Let’s face it, you’re not here for the food potential or the water.
The Mineral extractor set up, that’s a cheeky bonus.
You’re here to get the Fusion Core generator operated to keep your Power Armor charged and usable. The generator will produce one Fusion Core an hour, however, player accounts vary by how many they get per visit back to the generator.
How to Get Poseidon Energy Plant Yard
If unclaimed, approach the site and you will begin a quest to clear out any enemies if any are in the area. Once all the enemies are clear, a humble deposit of caps is made with the red Workbench to claim the location.
If the site is claimed by another player, you will need to contend with the player themself and possibly any defenses they’ve constructed to protect the Workbench.
Unlimited Fusion Cres at Poseidon Power Plant!!! (TheGuysGameVids)
3. Charleston Landfill (Best for more Junk collection)
Another man’s junk is another man’s treasure, which appears to be the case if one were to compare the differences between the pre-war worlds and the post-apocalyptic. A landfill is a source of all kinds of useful scrap to the enterprising scavenger, and the Charleston Landfill comes up in spades with Junk.
Workshop Stats
Food: 6
Water: 8
Junk: 3
Aluminum: 1
Copper: 1
Steel: 1
What makes the Landfill awesome
It comes with two pre-built structures for one to hold out in as a temporary base of operations.
Comes with three Junk piles to set up extractors to get those sweet screws and gears, or whatever other scraps you’re needing.
A handy body of water, enough to set up a water purifier.
How to Get the Charleston Landfill
If unclaimed, approach the site and you will begin a quest to clear out any enemies if any are in the area. Once all the enemies are clear, a humble deposit of caps is made with the red Workbench to claim the location.
If the site is claimed by another player, you will need to contend with the player themself and possibly any defenses they’ve constructed to protect the Workbench.
Best Junk Workshop Charleston Landfill (That1DragonSlayer)
2. Mount Blair (Best or Ore materials)
First seen in the trailer teaser for Fallout 76 most of us have seen enough times to have “Wouldn’t it be nice” by the Beach Boys permanently engraved into our brains, Mount Blair isn’t just another Workshop...It’s an experience. A Gauntlet. A testament to player teamwork, or a solo player’s will to survive to the end, to claim the prize.
Workshop Stats
Food: 9
Water: 8
Ore: 1
What makes Mount Blair awesome
Once claimed, a quest to defend the workbench will immediately start, which will lead to another quest to get into the terminal room, which rewards the player with the ability to craft Ignition Cores, and you will need four of those to place into four red generators which then starts the Excavator...Let that run for 30 minutes, and a King's Ransom of mined materials will be deposited in a box on the opposite end of the Extractor…. Whew, get all that?
The area comes complete with gun battery emplacements in case a Scorchbeast decides to get too cozy while trying to fend off the waves of enemies during the defense portions.
Buildable areas are not on the ground but on top of the massive device itself, including the interior spaces.
How to Get Mount Blair
If unclaimed, approach the site and you will begin a quest to clear out any enemies if any are in the area. Once all the enemies are clear, a humble deposit of caps is made with the red Workbench to claim the location.
If the site is claimed by another player, you will need to contend with the player themself and possibly any defenses they’ve constructed to protect the Workbench.
Claiming the Workshop at Mount Blair (Lester Fields)
1. The Converted Munitions Factory (Good for free Ammunition)
The Crown Jewel of Appalachia, coveted by many. The Converted Munitions Factory is a fortified location that draws people in with but one promise...Ammo. Once claimed, it is a simple process of hooking up power to keep the bullets flowing for as long as you can hold it.
When I first began playing Fallout 76 in its early days, my cohorts and I decided to try and take it only to find it locked up tighter than Fort Knox. We hatched a plan than to have one of us try and weasel in and steal what was in the Ammo press...I drew the short straw. Somehow, I managed to get inside the Factory, at level 25 and found myself being chased by a Level 103 player wielding an ax in full power armor. Cue “Yakety Sax” as he chased me all over the factory. The odds were not in my favor. Before he eventually caught me and sent me to my maker, I managed to loot the ammo press for a total of...40 or so Energy Cells.
Was it worth it? Well, I at least walked away with a story to tell, and everyone laughed. It was the first and last time I tried to rob a player.
Workshop Stats
Food: 7
Water: 8
Junk: 1
Ammo: 1
Silver: 1
Lead: 1
Aluminum: 1
Oil: 1
What makes Workshop name awesome
The Munitions factory does exactly that, churn out bullets. What else do I need to say?
The location is easily barricaded from invading players and comes with a gun battery out front, which I have myself been hit by in my personal play sessions when a stray bullet fired at a Scorched hit a player made structure and earned me its fury.
Setting it out to pump out bullets is a two-step process, the rest is just holding onto it.
How to Get the Converted Munitions Factory
If unclaimed, approach the site and you will begin a quest to clear out any enemies if any are in the area. Once all the enemies are clear, a humble deposit of caps is made with the red Workbench to claim the location.
If the site is claimed by another player, you will need to contend with the player themself and possibly any defenses they’ve constructed to protect the Workbench.
Ammo Workshop- Converted Munitions Factory (JAKEL33T)
Jimmy is like some sort of strange Cenobite, an explorer of the further reaches of experience...Except replace the blood and horror with Video Games and Dr Pepper.
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