As the old adage goes, home is where the heart is. It’s a place for leaving and returning to, a safe haven from the hazards all around you in Post-Apocalyptic West Virginia.
Fallout 76 allows the player to establish their own base of operations nearly wherever they deem fit, and in whatever manner they so choose, from faithful and realistic designs to haphazard, gravity defying towers.
But we’re not talking about the same old locations everyone else has pitched a tent. Today we are taking a look at our top ten picks of locations in Fallout 76 that you should consider hanging your hat. Most of these locations are unmarked areas on the world map, and therefore don’t have an official name associated with them. For convenience, I’m supplied some names of my own, attributed to location and quality of the area.
Survival Note: Put your Camp wherever you want. However, I have learned from experience that the closer you are to a place where mobs like Scorched and Super Mutants tend to dwell, the more likely your camp is to be assaulted by those mobs. You are responsible for the safety of your home’s defense.
10. The Monorail Pylon
5 AWesome CAMP Locations #1 (WatsonKHD)
Situated in the Watoga area in an unmarked location north of Veiled Sundew Grove, northeast of Watoga city itself, the Monorail Pylon is special as it comes with a railcar at the top of the spiraling stairs as a ready-to-use structure for players to build around and utilize.
What is Great About the Monorail Pylon:
- It offers an elevated position that offers protection from the wandering predators known to frequent the Watoga wildlands. Also cozy.
- It provides a structure in the form of a monorail cart, complete with sleeping rolls, a working radio, and a respawning medical container.
- The provided shelter makes it so it’s one less structure eating at your building allowance.
9. The Seneca Rock Bridge
Top 6! Of my crazy camp locations! (JJ FLOPERz)
An unmarked location situated at ground level on the eastern side of Seneca Rock, where the player will find a rusty, red-painted bridge traversing above a small lake. The player will be surprised to find they can set their base camp here.
What is Great About the Seneca Rock Bridge:
- The bridge offers a respectfully elevated position to fortify from dangers that may wander into their camp, as enemies will only be able to come at you from two sides.
- The lake provides a resource for higher-end purified water production, and the area is rife with wild woodland food, namely blackberries when your packaged foodstuffs get scarce.
- For those who are moving camp as they progress through the game, the location provides a nice base camp not too far from the action of the mid-game quests, namely Rose’s quests.
8. The Cultists Shrine
Cool and Unique Camp Locations! Part 8 (Decoy’s Dungeon)Cool and Unique Camp Locations! Part 8 (Decoy’s Dungeon)
Located just on the East side of Point Pleasant is an ominous ring of effigies, littered with the corpses of Cultists who investigative players will recognize belongs to the Mothman Cult. The area appears to be a place of worship to these Post-War whackos, but luckily, none are alive to ask you if you’ve heard the good word of Mothman today.
What is Great About the Cultists Shrine:
- Perfect for those roleplayers out there who have embraced the bizarre and esoteric aspect of being a cultist in service of the Mothman, who might just grace you with his presence. There’s even a church to him in the basement of the local museum within walking distance!
- Conveniently close to Point Pleasant, where if you get snackish, you can raid the delicious, nutritious and respawning Mothman Eggs that appear around the statue of the Big M himself on the main drag through town.
- Enemies in the area are low level, and won’t be too much of an issue for players setting up camp near or in the Shrine. Nobody likes unannounced company when they’re trying to pray and offer sacrifice.
7. The Lakeside Grill
Cool and Unique Camp Locations! Part 5 (Decoy’s Dungeon)
For this entry, we actually have a name for it, as it’s listed outside in bright neon lettering. The Lakeside Grill in Toxic Valley in the heart of the Toxic Dried Lakebed is one of those locations often overlooked by players who wander in, clear out the native Ghoul population and pick it clean and move on, never thinking they can actually set it up as their Camp.
Granted you will need to contest with the locals on occasion if you choose to move in, namely the Snallygasters and Feral Ghouls.
What is Great About the Lakeside Grill:
- A fully stocked and designed diner, complete with dock and salvage areas nearby.
- Perfect for roleplayers and those who are spending time in Toxic Valley as they level.
- Waterfront (kinda) property in the center of a concentrated Event area and the Tadpole Scout’s camp if you’re doing Merit Badge challenges.
6. The Raider Shack
Cool and Unique Camp Locations! Part 1 (Decoy’s Dungeon)
Located Southwest of Knife’s Edge and West of Prickett’s Fort, is a shack with a splendid view of the crashed space station. Super Mutants can often be found here, but nothing some easily dropped defensive turrets can’t remedy. A more Raider oriented abode for the less Responder-inclined individuals out there.
What is Great About the Raider Shack:
- The Raider Shack shares resources often found with Raider forts and Super Mutant dens but lacks the usual bloody and gory decor often attributed.
- This area comes complete with a Tinker’s Workbench and a cooking pot among other amenities to save on your Camp building budget.
- It’s a fully built shack for you to construct a viable base of operations out of with most of the shelter already built, freeing you up to create some elaborate designs.
5. Toxic Valley Cliffs
Cliff-Side House, Toxic Valley (Darth Xion)
On the northwestern fringes of Toxic Valley, a climb up the hill from Hemlock Holes is an entire uphill network of campgrounds that many players casually passing by may not be aware of as the location is unmarked and out of the way of established landmarks. You may not even know you can go up there. Following the trails up and around the area, they will find several cliffside camping grounds to choose from to set up their bases.
What is Great About the Toxic Valley Cliffs:
- The location of the cliffs, depending on where you choose to set on, makes it so that it’s fairly hard for hostile mobs to get to you. While it doesn’t stop them from trying, you will have the high ground.
- The area provides what I think is the most scenic view of a region in Fallout 76, having personally had my Camp set up here for months before moving on in my journey, and I have yet to find a better view.
- Flat terrain. A lot of really nice locations often lack that nice flat ground for your structures. Here you can elevation and flat ground to work with.
4. The Noose Tree
Cool and Unique Camp Locations! Part 23 (Decoy’s Dungeon)
Situated on an accessible cliff located between The Crosshair and Clancy Manor on the western border of Toxic Valley, is a location with a macabre atmosphere, where a single noose hangs from a dead tree, and the wordless story of a person's final moments.
What is Great About the Noose Tree:
- A unique location with a one of a kind centerpiece that to my knowledge doesn’t exist anywhere else in the game. Though a noose may be a touch too dark for some people’s aesthetic, it is one of a kind.
- A perfect location for those creative sorts looking to make a more creepy, haunted house style abode.
- Adequate flat terrain for building. A premium selling point
3. Fort Defiance Backend
My Camp Makes Ammo and Adhesive! (Final Render)
Situated behind Fort Defiance is a primo spot of real estate and even terrain to set up roots. You will know you’re in the right area when you find a lead deposit at the base of a steep hill directly behind the rear of Fort Defiance.
What is Great About Fort Defiance Backend:
- Ore deposits not connected to a Workshop settlement are few and far between, and in my experience, the ones you do find out in the wild are rarely on the coveted even terrain players value for building their bases.
- The presence of lead means we can slap down an Extractor once we set down our Camp, to begin the production of raw lead that the player can use to craft their own ammunition, making the location highly functional.
- The location puts the player directly on the border of the Cranberry Bog, where many end-game materials can be harvested from the local flora and fauna, namely Scorchbeasts. The location does run the risk of you getting very well acquainted with your winged, mutated bat landlords...
2. Lake on the Mountain
Fallout 76 Best Camp Location- House with a Tower (Cordless VII)
An unmarked location situated due east of Relay Tower EL-B1-02, southwest of Watoga. A cliffside lake can be found here. From personal experience, I have often found this to be a popular site for player homes due to the lake being shallow enough to construct a housing platform on.
What is Great About Lake on the Mountain:
- A low mob spawn area, save for the occasional rare mob encounters, the player should find the area to offer a semblance of peace and quiet, and a nice view to boot.
- A reasonable distance to a lot of end-game content areas, like Berkley and Watoga, for your Legendary Purveyor and Scorched Earth needs.
- A source of water and dirt for crops for living off the land.
1. The Northern Cave
Cave Base! Best base location in Fallout 76 (eNtaK)
An unmarked cavern situated northeast of the Converted Munition Factory, and north of Bailey’s Family Camp, in the northern reaches of the world map. There, players will find a two-floor and spacious cavern for them to populate. The second floor can be accessed by a small path around the side from the entrance, with a hole in the floor leading back down to the first.
What is Great About the Northern Cave:
- Close to the highly prized Munitions Factory workshop, which can provide ammunition so long as you can keep other players from claiming it from under your nose.
- Unlike other small build-capable caves found in the game, this one comes with a second story, that can be accessed from another cavern entrance around the side.
- Ready shelter with no mob spawns inside, allowing you to build in and around as your creative heart desires, with ample dirt for a water purifier and crops.
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