10. Somerset Special (Best for sniping)
The scope included on this makes it excellent for sniping. Who said you need a rifle? This is perfect for test out stealth builds and practicing headshots. The longer you wait to get the gun the better. Level 45 version will get you to at least 20 more levels before you start wanting something new.
Item Stats:
- Clip: 6
- Ammo: .45
- Weight: 6
- Level: 5/15/25/35/45
- Damage: 50/56/63/69/75
- Accuracy: 78
Legendary Attributes:
- Armor Piercing
What Somerset Special excels in:
- Damage through armor
- Sniping
- Sneak damage
9. Combat Rifle (Best for semi automatic)
Item Stats:
- Clip: 20
- Ammo: .45, .38
- Weight: 7
- Level: 20/30/40/50
- Damage: 28/32/36/40
- Accuracy: 68
Legendary Attributes:
- Any legendary effects are helpful that you come across
What the Combat Rifle excels in:
- Decent clip size
- Ammo is easy to find
- Perfect for early quest
8. Pipe Pistol (Best for right out of the vault)
More than likely you will grab this before you're level five. Its the most common beginner weapon because its the most accessible. It looks like it may fall apart into a million pieces and has that trailer park feel to it. It can be helpful up to level 20. After that you're going to want upgrade to a better gun.
Item Stats:
- Clip: 12
- Ammo: .38, .45
- Weight: 4
- Level: 1/5/10/20/30/40/50
- Damage:12/13/15/18/21/23/26
- Accuracy: 55
Legendary Attributes:
- If you get any legendary attributes on one consider it just a small bonus.
What the Pipe Pistol excels in:
- Finding mods
- Ammo is easily found
7. Perfect Storm (Best for fire damage)
This weapon can be obtained at any level. 30 is a decent level to get this. After level 50 you'll start finding higher level legendaries and probably forget this gun. The fire damage is extremely helpful in burning enemies. Its the good burn, not the other burn.
Item Stats:
- Clip: 30
- Ammo: 10mm
- Weight: 4.5
- Level: 10/20/30/40/50
- Damage: 17/19/23/28/34 +24 fire damage over 3 seconds
- Accuracy: 60
Legendary Attributes:
- Incendiary
What The Perfect Storm excels in:
- Fire damage
- Rapid damage
6. Pump Action Shotgun (Best for close range)
The shotgun is an in your face weapon. Close range headshots are always gory and make you feel like you're in a 90s action movie. The low accuracy of this weapon means you have to rock it up close and personal.
Item Stats:
- Clip: 8
- Ammo: Shotgun Shells
- Weight: 7
- Level: 5/15/25/35/45
- Damage: 55/65/75/85/95
- Accuracy: 24
Legendary Attributes:
- None, and if you are under 45, there's no reason to want to hunt good legendary weapons.
What the Pump Action Shotgun excels in:
- Damage to multiple enemies
- Close range
- Easy to get plans
5. Voice of Set (Best for damage to robots)
This is a unique weapon in Fallout 76. You can use the Eye of Ra which is a small jewel that you wear on your chest that gives a special boost to the weapon. It increases electrical damage from 35 to 70 despite the level of the weapon.
Item Stats:
- Clip: 6
- Ammo: .44
- Weight: 6
- Level: 25/35/45
- Damage: 60/66/72
- Accuracy: 68
Legendary Attributes:
- electrical damage increased by the Eye of Ra.
What the Voice to Set excels in:
- High electrical damage
- Close range
- Robot damage
4. Double Barrel Shotgun (Best for close range and low level enemies)
With a small clip and higher damage output this can help take out low level enemies. That can be helpful for when your supply runs low and you need to get through the less challenging areas without using your main weapon.
Item Stats:
- Clip: 2
- Ammo: Shotgun Shells
- Weight: 6
- Level: 15, 25, 35, 45
- Damage: 80, 90, 100, 115
- Accuracy: 14
Legendary Attributes:
- Instigating is helpful
What the Double Barrel Shotgun excels in:
- Clearing low level enemies
- Close range
- Manual aiming
3. Western Revolver (Best for shooting mid-range)
If this was a person it would be Dirty Harry. Nothing says wild wild west like the Western Revolver. If there are any punks that need to be taken care of, use this revolver.
Item Stats:
- Clip: 6
- Ammo: .44
- Weight: 4
- Level: 20, 30, 40, 50
- Damage: 50, 55, 60, 66
- Accuracy: 68
Legendary Attributes:
- Helpful ones to look for are Two-Shot, Instigating and VATS damage increased.
What the Western Revolver excels in:
- Manual headshots
- Close range
2. Pipe Rifle (Best for being on the grind)
The pipe rifle is basically the pipe pistol in rifle form. It's like that neighbor who's super helpful when you need a ride to work. it will get you where you're going. It's not advisable to use further than level 50. Even the best legendary versions of it aren't adequate enough to continue on. Say goodbye and don't feel too bad. You had a good run.
Item Stats:
- Clip: 12
- Ammo: .38, .45
- Weight:
- Level: 1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
- Damage: 13, 15, 18, 21, 23, 26
- Accuracy: 55
Legendary Attributes:
- It's not important, Two-Shot and Anti-Armor can help if you come across them as legendaries.
What the Pipe Rifle excels in:
- Mid Range shooting
- Manual aiming
- Easy to find ammo
1. 10mm Pistol (Best for rapid damage)
A 10mm pistol is better for shooting more bullets in a short amount of time in comparison to the revolver. If you prefer faster shooting at a lower damage this fits the criteria. Out of all the pistols this one is the most fun. Something about turning it automatic makes you feel like you're in an adventure.
Item Stats:
- Clip: 12
- Ammo: 10mm
- Weight: 3
- Level: 1, 5, 15, 35, 45
- Damage: 15, 18, 21, 24, 28
- Accuracy: 63
Legendary Attributes:
- Increased fire rate and Damage Increased when aiming are both decent to look for.
What the 10mm excels in:
- Rapid damage
- Ammo is easily craftable
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