Bethesda's spin on the Fallout franchise has always been about vast open worlds and an encouragement of player freedom to play the way you want to play it. Do what you want to do, and be who you want to have always been the unspoken rule with Bethesda. But developers are only human, and release dates need to be made and that's where Mods come in.
Modding is a huge community, especially where the Fallout series is concerned. Even mods for games as old as Fallout 3 and New Vegas are still being developed by dedicated players with a passion to continue adding to the games they love.
But how do you mod a multiplayer game? While players may be limited in altering the world scape or adding in new weapons, armors and the like due to balance and terms of service (No one wants to be banned because of a mod that cheats and gives you an unfair advantage against your fellow player), the modding community for Fallout 76 has more or less relegated itself to utility mods, reskins of models and textures, or other little quality of life tweaks that can assist in gameplay
All that said, we are about to dive into this list of fifteen of some of the best Mods for Fallout 76.
15. Perk Loadout Manager
With this, you don't have to always play the hand you're dealt
This mod allows you to set up to 12 loadouts (as opposed to the three the video mentions, the mod has been updated since), allowing you to switch between different builds on the fly as the situation warrants. This allows the player to have a deck of perk cards set aside for specific builds types (minus SPECIAL allocation), and switch between them, as needed.
How the mod makes things more fun:
This mod is useful for allowing the player to quickly shift their perk cards around when needed. In the game you will find yourself drowning in Perk Cards and switching Perks out can be a hassle. This mod allows you to create sets for melee, for stealth, for crafting, and even gathering, without having to reset each card in your build individually.
Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/124
14. Ultimist’s High Detailed Map Plus
Mod Showcased at 0:45. Enhance your traveling experience today.
Fallout 76’s map is basically a tourist trap map of Appalachia that the player uses to navigate. This mod highlights more detailed information of the locations of vendors and resources. It also replaces the map with a high detailed retexture, giving it a more crisp and clean appearance.
How the mod makes things more fun:
This mod comes in handy when you are searching for specific materials for crafting or supplies and can tell at a glance where you need to go and for what, particularly for vendors for those sweet crafting plans.
Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/91
13. Better Inventory Mod
Mod Showcased at 1:32. Yo dawg I heard you like filters, so we put filters in your filters.
This mod allows the player to filter their inventory in a given tab by type, utilizing the already in-game filtering system that filters by value and weight. This allows the player to quickly find certain items in their inventory.
How the mod makes things more fun:
The deeper you go into the game, the more cluttered and disorganized your inventory is destined to become. With this mod, you don’t have to scroll through all the chems and Nuka cola in your inventory to find your food and medicinals. It’s especially useful for sorting the Misc tab where a lot of your notes and holotapes wind up in a nightmare pile and need to listen to one in particular.
Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/32
12. Lowered Weapons
Mod Showcased at 4:31. Exercise Trigger Discipline the Fallout way
With this mod installed, the player will hold their drawn weapon at rest rather than pointing it straight out. It is designed for immersion rather than any real functionality.
How the mod makes things more fun:
It’s the little things that truly make an experience. Some people just aren’t comfortable with walking into their friends camp and by default having their .50 cal pointed at their buddies, but you know sometimes the wildlife likes to pay a visit. Being able to put your gun at rest when not actively firing or aiming gives the player the ability to display proper gun etiquette when in polite company.
Another benefit is the mod allows the player to free up on-screen real estate when not firing.
Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/29
11. Appalachia Warfare
Mod showcased at 1:41. Guns should go bang bang, not poot poot.
An audio replacer for the sounds of guns and explosives make. It adds an extra punch to the sounds guns make when they crack off and make explosives sound more violent, even adding a ringing in the ears if you’re a bit too close.
How the mod makes things more fun:
When you fire a gun, you want it to sound like a gun. When something blows up, you want to hear a real kaboom. This is the mod for those who were underwhelmed by the more subtle vanilla sounds, that lacked any sort of feeling of impact.
Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/177
10. Paper Bag Glow
Mod Showcased at 3:19. Never lose your sack lunch ever again.
This mod once installed, will cause the paper bag dropped by players when they drop something from their inventory, or when they die and drop their junk to shine with a bright glow, making it highly visible. Whether in bright daytime or in a dark interior, you will be able to see the paper bag clearly.
How the mod makes things more fun:
Nothing is more frustrating than losing your junk stash when you wind up getting killed in action. This mod saves having to scour for where your bag dropped by making it glow a bright neon color. It also helps players you might be being generous to see the bag you’ve dropped with the items you are passing over.
Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/92
9. Recipes and Plans Glow
Mod Showcased at 5:45. Always have your eyes on the prize, all the way over there.
Another item highlighter mod, this time focused on recipes and plans. This makes plans and recipes found loose in the game world easier to spot.
How the mod makes things more fun:
Plans and Recipes can often blend into the mess of debris that covers every surface in Fallout 76. Is that a weapons plan on that desk or just a static clipboard? Worry not anymore as this mod will give every plan and recipe you find a warm inviting glow to let you know what’s what.
Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/84
8. RatMonkeys Glowing Caps Stash Tins
Mod Showcased at 6:11. The currency ought to shine, don't you think?
Like our previously mentioned mod, this mod is designed to add a very recognizable glow. This time it affects the Caps Stashes players can find in-game, which are often hidden and blend in with the copious amount of junk common to a destitute and abandoned wasteland.
How the mod makes things more fun:
There is a perk in Fallout 76 that causes Cap Stashes to emit a sound when the player is nearby, however, sometimes it has you scouring the area demanding to know where that accursed noise is coming from. Guess no more, because if you can’t see them with this mod installed, you might need to get your eyes checked.
Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/98
7. Ore Glow
Mod Showcased at 1:05. Usually, if I see glowing rocks, I'm more concerned it might be poisonous.
Continuing our coverage of popular mods that aid in player convenience in bright neon colors, this mod adds a noticeable glow to ore nodes in the game world. The ores will now stand out with a bright color making them recognizable from far away.
How the mod makes things more fun:
Is it just me or do people seem to have an issue with finding things in Fallout 76? I’m starting to see a trend here. This mod makes it easy as pie to locate the various ore deposits found out in the world, which is useful for collecting raw materials for armor parts and upgrades.
Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/207
6. Component Parts
Mod Showcased at 6:59. And yet I can never find screws when I need them.
This mod displays the basic components that an item will break down into when scrapped. The list of components will be listed by the name of the item when the player highlights over it with their reticle.
How the mod makes things more fun:
With this mod installed, gone are the days of second-guessing yourself whether that tagged icon on a junk item has the parts you need for that gun mod you were saving up for, or if it was a tagged material for Camp building components (because no one remembers to unmark their tagged materials). This mod takes the guesswork out of scavenging.
Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/39
5. Bendertron
Mod Showcased at 2:09. I'll make my own Appalachia! With Blackjack! And Assaultrons!
This mod replaces the audio files of the Scavengertron camp item entity with audio clips of Bender from the show Futurama. The perfect companion when you live all the way off the beaten path and need a bit of humor
How the mod makes things more fun:
ProtectronModels tend to have a very grating voice as it is, and this mod offers a bit of welcome silliness and humor. Who doesn’t enjoy a bit of banter from a robot tasked with searching the surrounding areas for scrap trash for you to break down?
Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/421
4. Vault-Boy Cartoons Main Menu Replacer
Mod Showcased at 4:28. We wish we grew up with educational videos like this.
This mod replaces your main menu screen with the cartoons featuring the titular Vault-Boy from the trailers and shorts released by Bethesda up to the game's release. Once installed it will play over the normal main menu scenery montages typical to the vanilla game.
How the mod makes things more fun:
The Vault-Boy cartoon shorts that released up to the release of the game were fun little bit detailing the various aspects of Fallout 76 in the tongue in cheeks ways that felt like those cheesy school educational videos from some of our childhoods. It’s a nice touch to bring them to the game proper and enjoy them before loading into the game.
Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/5
3. Vortex
If you're not using this, are you really modding your experience?
Not a mod, per se, but a utility mod manager and installer from the Nexus, the go-to spot for all of your modding needs. Vortex is equal parts mod manager and installer and launcher. If the mod wasn’t covered on this list, it can be found on the Nexus.
How the mod makes things more fun:
The Vortex manager takes a lot of the pain of installing mods out of the equation, allowing you to install directly from downloaded .zip files with a keen drag and drop method. Vortex will even let you know when you’re missing prerequisite mods, or if there are conflicts between mods and load orders.
The Nexus will even let you know when there is an update available.
Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/about/vortex/
2. Scorched Todds
Mod Showcased at 0:52. Todd Howard used to be modded as the sun. How times have changed.
This mod replaces the faces of Scorched enemies with lead designer Todd Howard's handsome mug. It just works.
How the mod makes things more fun:
Gamers install mods for a variety of reasons. Usually, it’s to enhance the gameplay experience or to build upon features that they originally found lackluster and could have been improved upon. Others are simply for fun. Might I add Gamers can be pretty petty at times? Considering the trials and tribulations Fallout 76 has been through, you can’t blame players for entertaining the idea of the developer of the game as one of the games more numerous enemies to get some satisfaction from their frustrations.
Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/309
1. Text Chat
Never worry about embarrassing yourself over the microphone ever again.
It allows players to chat in local, global, and Clan channels. Requires the current version of SFE to work. A new version of SFE is usually needed after each major update to the game.
How the mod makes things more fun:
This mod allows players to communicate like a chat function in any other MMO on the market today. Clans can be formed with the built-in tools, allowing players in a shared circle of friends to communicate in their own private channels, and to chat with players across multiple game Worlds. It dispels the need for voice chat communication by bringing everyone closer together the way many players expect it to.
Get the mod here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/151
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