In real life, high levels of radiation will just cause you to die a slow and really unpleasant death. In the world of Fallout 76...Well, the radiation will still kill you!
The difference is that getting irradiated in this game also comes with the chance of obtaining superpowers. These special abilities are at times a double-sided ax, incurring both a bonus and a penalty in one form or another, and specific ones are highly valued.
While they sadly don’t offer any visual mutations, your stats will speak for themselves. Today we’re looking at ten of the best Mutation in Fallout 76.
How to Get Mutations: A quick note before we get into the thick of it, Mutations are entirely random when they are gained out in the wild, with a very small percentile chance of gaining a mutation for every five to ten HP you lose from Radiation Damage, which occurs when struck by enemies like Ghouls, standing too close to radioactive waste material, or eating contaminated food.
If you’re in a hurry to get specific mutations for your current build, you will have to buy a serum for sale at the Whitesprings Bunker, which means ingratiating yourself with the Enclave faction quests to access to them. The downside to buying mutations wholesale is they are crazy expensive.
With that out of the way, let’s get into it.
10. Plague Walker
I hope that's not infectious...
What is awesome about this mutation:
- You get sick in Fallout 76 from anything. You stub your toe, and you walk away with a case of Rad Worms. Eat something slightly questionable, now you have Dysentery. You can’t win...Until now. Your body has mutated to the point where it wants to share your ailments and woes with everyone...
Mutation details:
- You attain a poisonous aura effect that deals damage based on how many diseases you possess. The sicker you are, and sicknesses you have, the more potent your miasma. Granted, you still have to contend with the effects of being so very terminally ill for this to be put to optimal use.
9. Unstable Isotope
Anger management was not working out for Bob.
What is awesome about this mutation:
- You’re a regular pint-sized Atom Bomb. Your insides are so brimming with radioactive energy, enemies looking to take you down run the risk of setting you off in an explosive manner. If you have this mutation, you will want to be sure your healing items are adequate since you yourself will feel the burn from going off.
Mutation details:
- 10% chance to explode with radiation when hit with a melee attack.
- You are not immune and will get hurt as well...
8. Scaly Skin
Just because you have scales doesn't mean the local lizards are your friends, Barbara.
What is awesome about this mutation:
- Your skin has thickened, and you seem to have a case of scales going on. Your skin is harder and more resilient, but your limbs feel heavier and require more effort to attack. Luckily you’re sturdier with your brand new radiation-born suit of natural armor.
Mutation details:
- Damage Resistance +50
- Energy Resistance +50
- Action Points -50
7. Electrically Charged
I got chills, they're electrifying, and I'm losing control
What is awesome about this mutation:
- The average human being is a giant battery, and you have developed an affliction that causes your internal current to run wild. Anything that touches you gets the shock of their lives. Useful for dealing with enemies that like to run up on you swinging.
Mutation details:
- •Deals shock damage to enemies that deal melee damage to you.
- •You are not immune to the shock and take some damage.
6. Chameleon
Can you spot the player using the Chameleon effect in this photo? Yeah neither could we. Or in any photo.
What is awesome about this mutation:
- There’s something up with your skin that causes you to blend in with your surroundings when you’re standing still. You become a ghost to the world around you, allowing you to go unnoticed and avoid the gaze of predators sniffing out their next meal, or giving you the opportunity to ambush your prey with an attack they never saw coming. Sadly, it doesn’t work if you're wearing armor.
Mutation details:
- Invisible while standing still.
- Will not activate if you are wearing armor.
5. Twisted Muscles
Ever see Little Big League, starring Luke Edwards? Same thing, but more cracked skulls.
What is awesome about this mutation:
- The muscles in your arms have become twisted and tight, giving you potent power to swing hard enough to shatter a man’s bones. Every swing of your arms is like a coiled spring unleashing it’s entrapped power against anything that dares get within your personal space. However, you soon learn that your arms aren’t so good at holding a gun steady anymore. They demand action, not holding still.
Mutation details:
- Melee Attack Damage + 25%
- Increased chance to cripple limbs
- Firearm Accuracy -50%
4. Eagle Eyes
The image isn't blurry, that's just intense focus on someone about to get pinged.
What is awesome about this mutation:
- What do your Vault Dweller eyes see? Your eyes are laser-focused and can see so far, little escapes your gaze. Your eyes have mutated to the point where you can snipe an enemy target from a mile away. Being able to see your enemy coming from the next county has the drawback of your swinging arm being a little out of practice from lack of use.
Mutation details:
- Critical Damage +25%
- Perception +4
- Strength -4
3. Healing Factor
Cut us some slack, how do you capture the act of a HEALTH BAR refilling in a pic?
What is awesome about this mutation:
- Somedays healing items in any video game can be an absolute pain. You look in your inventory and realize you’re on your last Stimpack. Well, worry no more because your genome has been altered to do all that for you! You regenerate health at an accelerated rate, at the cost of all chemicals being less effective.
Mutation details:
- Health Regeneration +300%
- Chem Effects -55%
2. Marsupial
The itching and rash was a small price to pay for somewhere to stash his sandwich.
What is awesome about this mutation:
- This mutation is one that I wish came with a visual appearance. You develop an extra pouch in your body for carrying stuff and develop the ability to jump high enough to clear a one-story building. The only drawback is it smacks you with a heavy penalty to your Intelligence stat. Excellent for getting the high ground in a combat situation, or doing some good old fashioned exploring for any salvage that might be tucked in a not so obvious place.
Mutation details:
- Carry Weight +20%
- Increased Jump Height
- Intelligence -4
1. Speed Demon
I can not take any responsibility, 'cause running is my one and only ability
What is awesome about this mutation:
- Speed is a great thing, and more is always better than less. How quickly you react to dangerous situations can be the difference between life and death. This mutation helps us take care of all your expediency based problems. Your stamina burns like a furnace and your leg muscles bring the hustle like a champion. May want to bring snacks to replenish all that stamina you’re burning, though.
Mutation details:
- Movement Speed +20%
- Reload Speed +20%
- Additional drain on hunger and thirst while on the move.
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