I may be a bit bias towards sniper rifles in Fallout 76, and maybe games in general. I like the pace they make me take to use them well, adding a bit more emphasis on stealth and positioning versus running into a zone and engaging in a firefight with whatever is crawling around in there.
I am reminded of a quote from HK-47, from Bioware’s Knights of the Old Republic games: "Definition: 'Love' is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope... Love is knowing your target, putting them in your targeting reticule, and together, achieving a singular purpose against statistically long odds."
Some of the monsters in Fallout 76 are best handled at a distance. Ghouls can inflict annoying amounts of radiation damage if allowed to get in melee range, and creatures like Wendigos and Deathclaws are a death sentence up close for anyone except those who min-max their way into the OP Halls of Fame.
So today we’re looking at a selection of long-distance head nailers that you yourself can utilize to reach out and touch someone.
3. Bloodied Explosive Hunting Rifle
A bloody good time
For those that like to live dangerously, chasing the allure of high damage output at the cost of their own safety, the Bloodied build is very commonplace in Fallout 76. The Bloodied effect on Legendary Weapons only really starts to put in work when the player is below 20% health. Players will cap their health with radiation damage to ensure they are running as low as possible to get the most out of effects that only really kick in when you’re that close to zero health.
Now we take that and we slap some explosions into the mix, adding that extra punch to your shots, letting you pop heads from a mile away in a control explosion.
To see a Bloodied build in action, even with a sniper rifle, is akin to seeing John Wick run into a room full of dog-kicking thugs, covered in blood that is only half his own. Going on so little health with only your defenses and perks keeping you from eating it, distance is your friend in this particular situation. If you have the enemy in your face, you’re not doing it right with this particular weapon.
Weapon Stats
- The statistics of the weapon can vary depending on your perks in your current build, however, in the video presented for this article, we are seeing a weapon with the following stats…
- To obtain both the Bloodied and Explosive perks to the weapon, it must be at least a Two Star Legendary
- Damage: 917
- Ammo: .50 Caliber
- Fire Rate: 3
- Range: 216
- Accuracy: 94
- Weight: 15.3
- Installed Mods: Refined /50 Receiver, True Long Barrel, Aligned Stock, Perforating Magazine, Medium Scope.
What makes the Bloodied Explosive Hunting Rifle awesome
- Almost unheard of damage output, rivaling in the 900-1000+ territory.
- High Accuracy and range, mitigated by magazine size and rate of fire
- Combined with Concentrated fire and Unyielding gear for Perception boosts, you can snipe down targets well away from the danger zone running a Bloodied build tends to put you in.
How to Get the Bloodied Explosive Hunting Rifle
Legendary Weapons of this Caliber cannot be found in just one spot in the world. They are earned by defeating Legendary boss grade monsters found in the wild and deep in hostile territories. While finding a specific Legendary Weapon is not a precise science, the art of farming Legendary monsters, fortunately for us, is. We have provided a guide to help you on your way.
When all else fails, you can always trade-in your unwanted Legendary weapons and armor to the Legendary Purveyor in Berkley and try your luck.
2. The Lever Action Rifle
Lever gonna give you up, lever gonna let you down...that was painful to write
One drawback to many sniper rifles is their versatility. Most are designed to be shot at a distance and can become a bit of a pain when the enemy is right in front of you, or in close quarters interiors. The Lever Action Rifle is one of those rifles that works well at both long and short-range and is not a complete hassle to fire from the hip with its low spread.
Weapon Stats
- The statistics of the weapon can vary depending on your perks in your current build, however, in the video presented for this article, we are seeing a weapon with the following stats…
- Damage: 812
- Perks: Explosive, Two Shot
- Ammo: Ultracite .45
- Fire Rate: 5
- Range: 177
- Accuracy 94
- Weight: 13.8
- Installed Mods: Prime Receiver, True Long Barrel, Forceful Stock, Medium Night Vision Scope, Suppressor
What makes the Lever Action Rifle awesome
- This brand of weapon can be made by the player themselves, with the minus of the legendary perks as presented in this particular statistics, however, this is what peak performance on the Lever Action Rifle looks like as a guideline.
- Ammunition is not terribly costly to craft.
- It can be modified to the players' specifications.
- Viable at long range and close-range combat.
- Great accuracy and grouping capability for those long-range headshots.
- Don’t settle for off the rack...get the Legendary versions
How to Get the Lever Action Rifle
A Lever Action Rifle can be crafted by the player with the proper plans, minus the Legendary Effects. Plans can be obtained by deconstructing Lever Actions Rifles at a crafting station or by purchasing the plans from players or vendors, or stumbling upon the plans yourself in loot or rewards.
For the Legendary Variants, please consult the previous entry on our list for a guide on farming Legendaries.
1. Brotherhood Recon Rifle
A lesson in not ignoring terminals
This is not the first time this particular weapon has made it into one of my writings. The Brotherhood Recon Rifle has been a mainstay in my personal arsenal in Fallout 76 since I learned of its existence. Funnily enough, I even walked past the key to getting it several times before I learned what I was sauntering past.
In my personal playstyle, I like to go in slow, get a feel for what I’m up against and know where the enemies are beforehand. That means doing a little reconnaissance. The Brotherhood Recon Rifle allows me to get the lay of the land and mark enemy forces after spotting them with the scope that comes with this weapon free of charge.
Its slow rate of fire and small magazine size doesn’t lend itself well to major battles like with the Scorched Queen, but in the world at large, it has been a constant companion in my travels across Appalachia. It’s a weapon that encourages you to take your time and plan your actions, versus the run and gun chaos some players may be used to.
The .308 life is one of patience, and patience does pay off in the end.
Weapon Stats
- The statistics of the weapon can vary depending on your perks in your current build, however, in the video presented for this article below, we are seeing a weapon with the following stats…
- Damage: 92
- Fire Rate: 3
- Range 186
- Accuracy: 81
- Weight: 13.44
- Installed Mods recommended: Hardened Receiver, Stabilized Long Barrel, Aligned Stock, Stinging Magazine, Short Recon Scope, Suppressor
What makes the Brotherhood Recon Rifle awesome
- The rifle comes stock equipped with a Recon Scope, which tags enemies spotted through it when you exit out of aiming. You’ll find your target is now being tracked with a marker. This makes tactical surveillance of an area possible by revealing enemy locations.
- You’ll be acquiring the plans to a weapon rather than the weapon outright, which means if you acquire this early in your playthrough, you can remake the weapon at the higher level tiers as you progress.
- While not a legendary weapon, and doesn’t appear to show up as legendary in loot as of yet, this rifle is a hardy work weapon for clearing out exteriors and softening up the numbers of enemies on your approach.
- The weapon runs on .308 ammunition which is one of the more common grades found in loot and off enemies like Scorched and Supermutants armed with short hunting rifles often found in the earlier zones in the game and is nickels on the dime to craft.
How to Get the Brotherhood Recon Rifle
The plans for the weapon can be downloaded from a terminal right by the door to the entrance of Fort Defiance that can be unlocked using the Military ID obtained at Fort McClintock. The terminal is to the right of the main doors to Defiance and can be easily missed if you get distracted contending with the Scorched and the Line in the Sand event that likes to activate all the time in the area.
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