Stefan Edward 

DDog is a former streamer and Youtube content creator that has collected enough information on his favourite multiplayer games to create good content for every single gamer out there looking for a solid advice. His first game was Starcraft Broodwar and from there he always knew that the best way for him to enjoy a video game was to go toe to toe with another player. Calm and collected he climbed the ladder, always looking for a way to improve his attitude even in the most dire of situations. The games he excels the most at are League of Legends, Dota Underlords and World of Wacraft; due to his devotement to the game, he has always exceeded at competing against players that were usually better than him and turning the tide when you expected it less. Keywords, element of surprise. After thousands of hours he decided to share some of his experiences from his previous games and what better way to do it then writing scripts for his youtube videos and of course it was always a pleasure to add a touch of creative writing into his adventures.
DDog's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Dota Underlords, World of Warcraft, League of Legends
Top 3 Favorite Games