
All my life i have loved to write and play video games, the countless story ideas i have in my head that i cannot wait to put into writing. I am an expert in creative writing once i set my mind to something I will not stop till i see it come into the light. In my past years of schooling i have written a lot of great writings and when it comes to game writing listing the positives of a game come naturally to me. My all time favorite game genres are RPG, Action adventure, and simulators but i am mostly drawn to story driven games especially ones that make me feel not only accomplished but feel a range of emotions as i play. when it comes to writing about games i love to share my experiences with other gamers who have either had the same experience or have their own adventure to share. Everyone has their own story to share just like in life.
Demonsge's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Apex Legends
Top 3 Favorite Games