
Growing up in an average town in Texas was boring for Emily; she needed an adventure. Thus, she began writing and gaming from an early age. Since her early childhood years, Emily has pursued a career in writing. She has graduated from Angelo State University in May of 2018 and written countless creative works, received awards and recognition for her research, and completed a full-length screenplay. She now writes articles on films and games, specializing in horror as that is her passion. Her writing specialties are descriptive fiction and scripts. Though Emily is not a try-hard or a serious pro, she lives for the feeling of accomplishment any gamer gets from playing a game they love. Emily began with a Nintendo DS in one hand and Gameboy Color in the other. She slowly climbed her way to the ranks of a well-built PC gamer. She enjoys survival horror games the most but still loves to play first-person shooters, and role-playing games. Her all-time favorite game is Subnautica, with Dead by Daylight, and Killing Floor 2 as close seconds. Left 4 Dead 2 will always have a special place in her heart. Emily chose the path of writing about games because she loves to look behind the curtain and see the journey developers take to create the games she loves.
EKrause13's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Dead By Daylight
Top 3 Favorite Games