
José is a Mexican gamer, writer and avid Sci-Fi and Horror geek.
He has been playing games for as long as he can remember, and has experience in all genres. He is a Hunter Main in Destiny 2 and has been playing since Destiny's Alpha. He also enjoys Horror, Sci-Fi, and Puzzle games.
He follows the gaming industry closely and is always interested in the latest news and direction it takes.
Jose lives in Mexico, where got his Bachelor's Degree in International Affairs and served as the Director of the University's Magazine.
He has been playing games for as long as he can remember, and has experience in all genres. He is a Hunter Main in Destiny 2 and has been playing since Destiny's Alpha. He also enjoys Horror, Sci-Fi, and Puzzle games.
He follows the gaming industry closely and is always interested in the latest news and direction it takes.
Jose lives in Mexico, where got his Bachelor's Degree in International Affairs and served as the Director of the University's Magazine.
jcmadrigali's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Destiny 2: Season of the Plunder, Fall Guys, Final Fanstasy
Top 3 Favorite Games