
With multiple years of creative writing experience as a student journalist, JM has won multiple inter-regional competitions, mostly focused on feature writing. Praised for his witty statements and ability to convert topics into a narrative, JM thinks that his current writing style is thanks to the various lore-heavy games that he played throughout the years. Such games range from open-world MMOs such as Ragnarok Online, MOBAs like League of Legends and DotA, and even single-player games including the Final Fantasy franchise. With so many years of gaming under his belt, it should come as no surprise that JM is also no stranger to the offline part of gaming, with League of Legends news being the topic he is most knowledgeable at. Watching the competitive scene since 2013, there is almost no interesting information that JM does not know of with regard to real-world events in League of Legends. Such is his interest in e-sport narratives that JM even occasionally checks out other gaming genres such as FPS games, MMOs, and even rhythm games, often replaying legendary e-sport moments such as Leeroy Jenkins, Faker vs. Ryu Zed 1 versus 1, and his personal favorite, EVO Moment 37.
jmmariano's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
League Of Legends
Top 3 Favorite Games