What Are The Best Hearthstone Cards To Disenchant?
A new expansion, a new set of decks to craft!
With some of the Death Knight archetypes being quite expensive yet painfully effective, everyone’s card dust reserves are running a bit low. Not to fear, for a savior is here. From outdated minions to blatantly bad cards, this list scoured through and found the best choices to gain some of those sweet card dust to finally craft the next deck of your dreams.
Thus, here are the Top 25 best cards to disenchant in Hearthstone:
25. Star Student Stelina (Demon Hunter)
Great answer!
A powerful disruption card on paper, Star Student Stelina suffers from being a class card for Demon Hunter. Without even considering that this card is already overshadowed by Theotar, shuffling the card stolen from the opponent is not worth the tempo loss for an aggressive class like Demon Hunter.
Why Star Student Stelina Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Theotar: With Theotar already existing for both Wild and Standard, Stelina just won’t see any play since running both cards is overkill for Demon Hunter
- Disruption restrictions: The value of this card is limited to its Outcast effect, locking one of your hand spaces since this minion has nothing else to offer, making Stelina a dead card in your hand for many turns
- Weak stats: This minion’s stats do not compensate for its lackluster effect, especially in Wild
24. Lucentbark (Druid)
Always feels refreshed after a little dirt nap.
Being a core card for Heal Druid, Lucentbark saw a decent amount of experimentation from the community. And the conclusion derived from this card and its corresponding archetype was: utter disappointment.
Not only is Lucentbark lacking in support cards, but putting this card in Taunt Druid for the Hadronox synergy also does not get rid of its weakness in taking up board space during the card’s Dormant state.
Why Lucentbark Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Lack of support cards: Druid is not able to continually awaken Lucentbark since there are not enough healing tools in its arsenal
- Low statline: As a part of Taunt Druid, this card’s 4/8 stat is sadly not enough to be considered when there are other better options like Sesselie
- Takes up board space: The fact that Lucentbark takes up board space when it dies puts Taunt Druid at a disadvantage, further pushing this card out of the meta
23. Bandersmosh (Shaman)
The Shudderwock finds him particularly frumious.
Even as a meme card, Bandersmosh failed to gather any interest thanks to its unpredictability. While the 5/5 statline might seem decent, this actually further weakens the card as big Legendary cards like Tyrantus are reduced in value.
Why Bandersmosh Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Not consistent: Even during its release, Bandersmosh rarely saw play due to being too random and unreliable
- Wild Legendary pool: In Wild, Bandersmosh is guaranteed to never see play even in meme decks since there are now over 500 Legendary cards, with many of them being useless at best and even some being detrimental when played
- Continually worse card: As Hearthstone gets more and more expansion, the chances of Bandersmosh getting you a good Legendary minion go lower, making this card worse as more Legendary cards are released
22. Disciplinarian Gandling (Priest/Warlock)
"He doesn’t grade on a curve, but on a sharp spike instead."
Gandling is perhaps the only card in this list that was not an outright terrible card from release. Meant to be a core card for Zoo decks and to trigger Deathrattle effects, Gandling just cannot keep up with the newer and more powerful cards right now.
What’s worse is that the generated Tokens by Gandling are not Imps or Demons, making this card not attractive at all for the current iteration of Imp Warlock and will likely never see play in the future.
Why Disciplinarian Gandling Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Non-tribal Tokens: The 4/4 minions generated by Gandling not having the Demon tribe thus not being a resurrect target for Imp King Rafaam makes this card have anti-synergy with Imp Warlock
- Not viable for Priest: The concept behind this card being a dual-class card for Priest is its ability to trigger Deathrattle, which Priest would not want right now as most of its deck revolves around playing big minions
- “Play” keyword: Gandling only transforms minions that are played from hand, making spells that generate Tokens less useful in a Gandling deck
21. Nozdormu (Neutral)
Time to write some flavor text.
A fun way to speed up boring games and add spice to Control matchups, Nozdormu can be viable in some situations if he can be cheated out. Sadly, this Dragon’s newer version is just so much cooler, leaving this older version to be dusted.
Why Nozdormu Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Meme effect: Nozdormu thrives against people that need to think a long time for their turns or those needing to perform many actions, but is otherwise a 9-mana 8/8, not very good in today’s meta
- Updated version is better: Nozdormu’s reworked version not only costs less at 7 mana but also persists all game if the conditions are met
- Forced decks: Nozdormu limits your deckbuilding abilities since you need to draft simple decks in order to maximize the limited time
20. Bolvar Fordragon (Paladin)
Spoiler alert: Bolvar gets melted and then sits on an ice throne and everyone forgets about him.
The concept behind Bolvar Fordragon is almost intuitive: summon a lot of Tokens and slam down your high-attack Legendary. Unfortunately, having only 7 health and no other contingency plan makes Bolvar an easy target for single-target removal spells.
Why Bolvar Fordragon Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Limited impact: Bolvar is severely gatekept by its base health, needing immense buffs to remain on the board
- Susceptible to spells: Bolvar can easily be brought down with a hard removal spell no matter how high his attack might get
- Lacking in Paladin synergy: Dude Paladin is currently the best to accommodate this minion but even this Token-heavy deck has no use for a slow threat like Bolvar
19. Hir’eek, the Bat (Warlock)
Sitting in an awkward and certainly unenviable spot, Hir’eek hits all the spots that Warlock decks hate: A high-cost and non-Demon minion that needs a lot of buffs. Unless Warlock includes some Beast synergy in its arsenal, there’s very little chance that this big bat avoids being an extra 400 card dust for you.
Why Hir’eek, the Bat Is Good For Disenchanting:
- High-cost Token card: Any sort of Token/Handbuff Warlock deck would not want an 8-mana card since the game should long be over before you can even play this minion
- Lacking Beast synergy: There are no notable support cards able to utilize the Beast tag for Hir’eek in the Warlock class right now
- Summoning sickness: While this card is strong when buffed, having no instant impact or ways to protect itself makes Hir’eek very vulnerable to AOE spells
18. Malorne (Druid)
When Malorne isn't mauling hordes of demons, he enjoys attending parties, though he prefers to go stag.
Much like Anomalus later in this list, Malorne suffers from being an obsolete stat-check minion. Let’s face it, a Core Hound with barely an upside just won’t cut it in a meta where it is not rare to fill your board with minions by turn 3.
Why Malorne Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Draw inconsistency: The biggest issue with Malorne in existing Druid decks is that this minion makes your draws less consistent since most cards in your deck are almost always better than a 7-mana 9/7
- Not having Taunt: Not being able to pull Malorne for Taunt Druid drops this card’s usefulness by a lot
- Non-existent Beast synergy: The only viable synergy for this card in Druid is Beast Druid, a deck that does not like having a dead card on hand when you eventually draw Malorne
17. Princess Huhuran (Hunter)
She flitters around Ahn'Qiraj dreaming of the day she will meet a sweet prince, whom she can lay thousands of eggs with.
Princess Huhuran is a very expensive and inefficient way to cast Play Dead for Hunter. Despite the Beast tag, there are much better activators for Deathrattle effects and minions to leverage a Beast synergy with, swatting the insect royalty into the depths of anyone’s card collection.
Why Princess Huhuran Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Worse version of Play Dead: The 1 mana spell instantly pushes away any thought of running this mediocre minion in any sort of Deathrattle Hunter deck
- Low stats: Powercreep got the better of this minion, making the 6/5 statline shabby when compared to newer minions
- Not ideal Beast synergy target: A 6/5 Beast that lacks board presence is an instant pass for Beast Hunter decks
16. Herald Volazj (Priest)
His whole job is yelling "Yogg-Saron comin'!"
Clearly meant to facilitate and enable wacky Priest combos, the biggest detriment for Herald Volazj lies in one thing: itself. Ideally, summoning copies of your minions as Priest requires a lot of board space, and Volazj as a measly 5/5 makes it so that one of your precious board spaces is instantly used.
Why Herald Volazj Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Redundant in Priest decks: Herald Volazj is overkill for Combo Priest decks since they already have better tools to cheat out copies of Malygos or Velen
- Takes up board space: Being a 5/5 minion and potentially preventing another Malygos copy from being summoned lowers this minion’s value in a lot of Priest decks
- Requires a lot of set-ups: Herald Volazj is weak in Combo Priest decks since it needs minions on board while also costing 6 mana
15. Inkmaster Solia (Mage)
Embrace the power of the Kabal!
Reno-like cards that need your deck to have no duplicates have always been generally good. However, Inkmaster Solia seems to be the exception. With the puny effect of only allowing a single spell to be discounted to 0 mana while having the downside of requiring a Reno deck, it’s no wonder that this card has remained relatively unknown and unpopular to many.
Why Inkmaster Solia Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Underwhelming reward: Constructing a Reno deck to only discount a spell to 0 mana makes this card the worst “Reno-like” card ever printed
- “This turn” keyword: Another restriction adding to the unpopularity of this card is the need to have a big spell already on hand
- High mana cost: Spending 7 mana on a 5/5 that casts a single spell is a feat that many cards in the current meta can match already without such heavy restrictions
14. Don Hancho (Hunter/Paladin/Warrior)
Hey, join the goons! ...Or meet my fist.
The Don’s been pushed out of its leadership role, especially with the newly released Invincible providing four times more than what this card can do.
Why Don Hancho Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Lackluster handbuff: The handbuff for this minion being “only” +5/+5 puts it far, far behind Invincible and many other cards
- Disappointing stats: The 5/6 statline is still very weak when compared to its counterparts at the time, not to mention the more modern minions
- No synergy: Don Hancho serves as a standalone card, having no particular synergy toward any archetype
13. Madam Goya (Neutral)
Everyone has a price.
Once a part of some interesting meme OTK Malygos decks, Madam Goya is overshadowed by much better cards available right now. There’s not much else to this card aside from its Battlecry, a unique effect back then but nothing special today.
Why Madam Goya Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Abysmal stats: At 4 attack and 3 health while costing 6 mana, it’s safe to say that Madam Goya’s Battlecry is all there is for this minion
- Deck dilution: Shuffling a cheap friendly minion makes your deck less consistent
- Unimpressive Battlecry: Needing 6 mana to set up a combo turn seems a bit too much when compared to the other combo decks that can do the same thing while using only 1 or 2 mana
12. Moorabi (Shaman)
Most disturbing is how Moorabi covers all those frozen minions with flavored syrup.
Even taking into account the glory days of Freeze Shaman, Moorabi was still considered a bad card with a very slight upside. The ability to copy minions might sound powerful in theory but having no mana discount for the copied card puts Moorabi in a prime spot to be disenchanted.
Why Moorabi Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Delayed value: While Moorabi allows you to bounce a minion to your hand, no further benefit is given while also costing you tempo for summoning a 6-mana 4/4 minion
- Specific synergy: Moorabi benefits most when paired with single target Freeze cards since AOE Freeze effects can provide too much value and cause you to burn cards
- Limited impact: This minion does not have enough of an upside to run in any Freeze Shaman decks since it is a low-stat minion that requires you to still spend mana to play the generated cards
11. Anub’arak (Rogue)
Was actually a pretty nice guy before, you know, the whole Lich King thing.
Anub’arak suffers from being an outdated vanilla card, clearly lacking the stats to contend with many of the newer Legendaries. While gaining the Undead tag is a nice buff to the card, there are just so many cards that outshine this Spider Lord, some of them even being Common rarity cards.
Why Anub’arak Is Good For Disenchanting:
- High mana cost: Anub’arak’s whole kit is too underwhelming given his mana cost, even with the addition of the Undead tribe tag to the card
- Weak Deathrattle: This minion’s Deathrattle is also not worth copying or triggering when there are many other better targets like Burning Blade Acolyte
- Only 4 health: Having 4 health on a minion that is supposed to be a sticky board threat is never a good sign since many minions can easily deal with Anub’arak and the summoned Nerubian
10. Moroes (Neutral)
Moroes runs an army of stewards, but still ends up inflating the balloons himself.
The caretaker of Karazhan seems to be unable to take care of himself, not seeing play even back in the expansion he was released. As a Token generator, today’s cards such as Onyxia would happily munch on the weak Tokens that Moroes creates.
Why Moroes Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Slow Tokens: The Tokens generated by Moroes only spawn one at a time, not enough for today’s power level
- Tribeless Tokens: Stewards also do not have tribe tags, making them harder to buff
- High mana cost: Spending 3 mana for a 2/2 (including Moroes himself) every end of turn is horrible even back in this card’s release
9. Anomalus (Mage)
That's short for "Anomnomnomnomalus".
Intended as a large standalone minion for Mage, Anomalus often just backfires in your face as it kills the whole board. Why play a team-killing elemental when Baron Geddon does a much better job and deals more harm in the long run?
Why Anomalus Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Low base health: Anomalus serves to threaten your enemy and prevent them from putting up minions but fails to do so due to its low base health, making this Elemental hardly a menace
- Self board lock: The Deathrattle damage usually means that you can’t put any crucial minions down along with Anomalus
- Summoning sickness: This Elemental’s high mana cost and non-immediate impact will cut down your tempo since you are giving up a full turn to summon a single minion
8. Unseal the Vault (Hunter)
"Huh... That's a nice card back."
You can instantly tell why this Quest card has a spot on this list when you look at the quest reward of “Give your minions +2 Attack” costing 2 mana. That reward might be even worse than Hunter’s default Hero Power!
Why Unseal the Vault Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Difficult progression: The requirement to finish the Quest is on par with some of the strongest Quests in the game while offering a lackluster Hero Power
- Weak reward: Giving your minions +2 attack for 2 is not only laughably weak for a Quest reward
- Requires Token deck: Unseal the Vault requires some variation of a Token deck to shine but no such archetype has ever been prevalent in the meta
7. Deck of Chaos (Warlock)
Yeah, it's chaos, but it's organized chaos.
Meme card back then and a meme card even now, Deck of Chaos is just too niche of a win condition to use. Even in its best case, this deck requires such specific minion configuration while also being a slow card that there is almost no way to generate a win condition revolving around this spell card.
Why Deck of Chaos Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Forced archetype: The cards needed to make Deck of Chaos are so specific that there are only a few cards that meet the criteria of being high-cost, low-attack
- Warlock class card: This card is a Warlock-exclusive card, making the effect almost impossible to be relevant since Warlock only has either low-cost Tokens or high-cost, high-attack Demons
- Slow effect: Since it is a spell card, Deck of Chaos first needs to be cast before it can even impact the game
6. Zayle, Shadow Cloak (Neutral)
E.V.I.L. is the new black.
A callback card to Whizbang, Zayle is included in this list due to its decks not receiving any updates or revisions. While the 5 premade decks are not bad by Wild standards, the constant meta shifts combined with the static deck list make Zayle not an option for those looking to win consistently.
Why Zayle, Shadow Cloak Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Outdated decks: Most of Zayle’s 5 decks are outdated and thus lack many powerful cards from the later expansions
- Only 5 classes: Zayle’s deck revolves around the 5 E.V.I.L classes, making it tougher for you in metas where said classes are bottom tier
- Gradual weakening of decks: The more expansions there are, the weaker the premade decks will be due to power creep
5. Harbinger Celestia (Neutral)
She wanders realities, taking on many forms. One was a unicorn princess.
Continuing the line of disappointing Neutral Legendaries, Celestia is meant to serve as a tech card but is instead countered by almost every weak minion in existence.
Why Harbinger Celestia Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Inferior copy: Celestia can only copy passives and does not trigger any Battlecry effect unless she is bounced back to your hand, making your copy inferior in most cases
- Non-reactive tech card: Celestia needs to be played but her usage is to be used to counter specific big minions, making it easy to play around her
- Enemy initiative: Celestia breaks her Stealth when she copies a minion, making her vulnerable even if you manage to copy a good minion
4.Nat Pagle (Neutral)
Hah, caught one!
Part of the original meme Legendaries, Nat Pagle joins this list due to its utter irrelevance. Having 0 attack proves to be severely detrimental for a card, as a turn two 0-attack minion with a minimal and random effect can only be looked down upon.
Why Nat Pagle Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Meme Legacy card: Nat Pagle is safe to disenchant since he is never played even in the Classic format, not to mention Wild
- 0 attack: Nat Pagle’s supposed upside of having 4 health is dwarfed by having 0 attack, making him an easy target
- Start of turn: Nat Pagle can be easily killed after he is played, resulting in a turn being lost on your side
3. Nat, the Darkfisher (Neutral)
You can take away his humanity, but you will never take away his fishing pole.
Nat Pagle’s newer version somehow managed to be even worse than its original version. Not only are the stats on this minion abysmal, but the probable benefit it can provide your opponent will also put you at the backpedal.
Why Nat, the Darkfisher Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Net-negative effect: Risking the game for a 2 mana 2/4 has never been an equal trade even back when this card was released, even more so in today’s Wild meta where most minions outstat this card
- Non-threat: The enemy can leave Nat alive for the rest of the game since the potential 2 damage is counterbalanced by the chance of drawing a card while also denying you one slot on the board
- No synergy: Nat not having a tribal tag makes this card even harder to use in any conceivable deck
2. Temporus (Priest)
Follows adventurers, seeking the ultimate time magic: the ability to reload.
Temporus has always been in the running as the best candidate for cards to instantly disenchant. It’s not hard to fathom why Temporus is so unpopular, seeing as this card can only be described as “game-losing” when played.
Why Temporus Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Tempo loss: The so-called symmetric effect of Temporus is almost always a net negative to the one who played it since any tempo or board control formed beforehand can easily be countered by 2 turns of play from the enemy
- OTK Redundancy: The argument for Temporus is that it gives OTK decks or combo decks more space to play their combo, but current Combo decks have no need for an extra turn
- Dragon anti-synergy: Another use-case for Temporus seems to be its Dragon tribe, but having this card in your deck actually adds a dead card into your deck, a tremendous blow for Value decks like Dragon Priest
1. Duskfallen Aviana (Druid)
Someone called her "Tweety". She didn't take it well.
Arguably the worst Legendary card ever created in Hearthstone, Duskfallen Aviana is almost a one-way ticket to losing the game. The only ever viable usage for this minion is if it somehow gets into Dormant state using Maiev, but even that is hardly an excuse to put this card in your deck.
Overall, never hesitate to turn this minion into card dust, that’s the only way to make use of Duskfallen Aviana.
Why Duskfallen Aviana Is Good For Disenchanting:
- Immediate downside: Duskfallen Aviana’s effect only triggers at the start of a player’s turn, making you lose the initiative the turn this card is played
- Easily removed: The opponent can easily kill Aviana at the turn she is played, making the discount last for only one turn
- Not easily cheated out: Being a 5-mana minion, there are no easy ways to cheat out Duskfallen Aviana out of your deck, meaning that you must spend a turn to summon a card that immediately disadvantages you
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