What are the best card packs to buy in Hearthstone?
Hearthstone is changing all of the time. Every 4 months a new card set is released, usually introducing 135 new cards, many new strategies and synergies, new keywords and many new game mechanics. It is absolutely vital for every competitive player to have a good card collection. Buying cards with either in-game currency or real money is the main way to get new cards. In this article, I will write about which are the best packs to buy before the end of the year of the dragon.
The year of the dragon introduced 3 new card expansions to Hearthstone: Rise of Shadows, Saviors of Uldum, Descent of Dragons and the solo adventure Galakrond’s Awakening. When the year of the dragon comes to an end card sets from the previous year will rotate out of the standard format. Therefore, The Witchwood, The Boomsday Project and Rastakhan's Rumble will go to the Wild format.
Something worth mentioning about Hearthstone’s card packs is that you are guaranteed to get a legendary card in the first 10 packs of each expansion. The chances of getting a legendary card after that are 1 in 20. Also, there is a pity timer, which makes sure that you get at least 1 legendary card in every 40 card packs.
7. The Witchwood
The Witchwood was released on April 12, 2018. Currently, this is the worst card set in the game. It introduced 3 new keywords: start of game, rush, and echo. This card set was very popular upon release. However, some of the cards in the set were extremely powerful and Blizzard moved them to the Hall of Fame.
Baku the Mooneater and Genn Greymane were 2 of the most influential cards in the game. Contrary, the rest of the cards in the set are rather lackluster. Currently, the most used cards in the metagame are Town Crier and Lifedrinker. Other strong and important cards in this set are Warpath, Witching Hour, Lord Godfrey and Shudderlock.
Overall, apart from the few useful cards mentioned previously, this set hasn’t got good cards and therefore it is not worth it to spend gold or money on these card packs. Instead, you should craft the cards you need with dust.
6. Rastakhan’s Rumble
Rastakhan’s Rumble came out on December 4, 2018 and was Hearthstone’s 10th expansion. This set revolves around trolls, one of the most ancient races on all of Azeroth and each of the 9 classes’ Loa - powerful, often animal-like gods and spirits that have long been the objects of devotion and worship in troll culture.
Although the quality of the cards in this set is significantly better than in the Witchwood, there still are very few cards used in the metagame. The best legendary cards in this expansion are Zul’jin, Wardruid Loti and Shirvallah, the Tiger. Other useful cards in the set are Firetree Witchdoctor, Mass Hysteria, Springpaw and Spirit of the Shark.
Overall this expansion has below 10% popularity in the metagame and considering the fact that it will rotate out of standard in around a month, it is not worth it. Instead, just like the Witchwood, you’d better craft the cards you need.
5. The Boomsday Project
The Boomsday Project was released on August 7, 2018. At first, the set seemed very underpowered. However, after some of the cards were buffed, the popularity of the set spiked. This expansion is centered around the famous Dr. Boom and his team of elite scientists at Boom Labs. It also introduced one of the most interesting keywords in the game – magnetic, as well as Legendary spells.
There are many strong cards in this expansion. Over 5 Legendary cards are frequently used in the metagame, while others such as Mecha’thun are waiting for the perfect combo to emerge. Nearly all of the magnetic minions are really strong too. 2 of the most used cards in the whole game – Zilliax and SN1P-SN4P are from this expansion as well as one of the strongest hero cards – Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
To sum up, the Boomsday Project is an expansion worth spending resources on. It is home to some of the best cards in the game and it is absolutely vital you want to play treant or mech decks. However, because of the standard rotation being so close, I suggest that you only buy The Boomsday Project card packs if you are interested in the Wild format.
4. Rise of Shadows
Rise of Shadows was released on April 9, 2019. It allowed many archetypes to shine and completely shook up the meta. This expansion introduced the Twinspell keyword, as well as Lackeys. The storyline revolves around the League of Evil.
There are numerous powerful cards in this set. Over 20 cards are played over 100000 times monthly, with the most played one being EVIL Miscreant. It has been played over 1 million times. Rise of Shadows is also home to many Lackey generating cards that have been staple in many decks throughout the whole Year of the Dragon. Some of the most used legendary cards in this expansion are Heistbaron Togwaggle, Kalecgos and Catrina Muerte.
Overall, you should definitely think about investing resources into this card expansion. It has over 10% popularity and there are many strong cards that can significantly strengthen your collection.
3. Classic
Classic is the largest card set in Hearthstone, with 245 collectible cards. The Classic set serves as one of the two core card sets in Hearthstone, the other being the Basic set. It is a permanent set that will always be available to be played in Standard format, while all other sets will eventually move over time to Wild format.
Moreover, this set is the foundation of each strong deck. There are many class-defying cards such as Hunter’s beast, Druid’s ramp and many more. You can get many powerful legendaries such as Leeroy Jenkins, Malygos, Edwin VanCleef, Alexatraza and others in this set. The common and rare cards also play a major role in the Classic set’s high popularity.
Even though the Classic packs are listed as the third-best pack to buy, it is absolutely vital for any new player to acquire at least 80% of the cards in this set to be able to play competitively. Therefore, you should focus on getting most of the cards in the Classic set before any other expansion.
2. Saviors of Uldum
Saviors of Uldum came out on August 6, 2019. It immediately changed the meta. This set reintroduced both Quests and Highlander synergies. The storyline of the expansion follows the one of Rise of Shadows. After stealing the magical city of Dalaran, the League of E.V.I.L. tries to unleash some deadly plagues, while The League of Explorers tries to stop them.
There are many strong and staple cards in this set. Saviors of Uldum has over 20% popularity in the meta. The core cards of many strong archetypes can be found in this set. For example Zephrys the Great along with all highlander cards, as well as quest cards. Other strong cards of the expansion are Siamat, King Phaoris and High Priest Amet. Almost all legendary cards in this set see play, with a few exceptions.
Overall, this set contains the base cards for most of the meta decks today. Along with the strong highlander cards and quests, there are many strong epics in this expansion. I suggest you consider buying Saviors of Uldum card packs if you don’t have most of the cards in the set.
1. Descent of Dragons
Descent of Dragons was the last expansion of the Year of the Dragon. It was released on December 10, 2019 and it features 140 new cards. This expansion unveils the end of the story of the League of E.V.I.L.’s scheme. The 5 villains attempt to resurrect the mighty Galakrond, while Reno Jackson and his team of explorers try to save Azeroth.
This is without a doubt the best expansion that has ever been released in Hearthstone. All of the legendary cards have found a place in the metagame and there are no weak cards in the set. All of the Galakrond hero cards have been meta defying, alongside with Kronx Dragonhoof and Dragonqueen Alexstraza. This is the strongest set in the game, which is the reason for its high popularity – nearly 30%.
To sum up you should definitely prioritize buying Descent of Dragons card packs unless you are missing many cards from the Classic set. Descent of Dragons offers great value to any card collection and will definitely help you build the best deck.
To sum it all up
Don’t buy The Witchwood or Rastakhan’s Rumble card packs. The cards in the sets are weak compared to the other sets. There are a lot of better ways to spend your gold than on these sets. If you need any cards from these expansions simply craft it with dust. I wouldn’t recommend buying The Boomsday Project cards either as all sets from the Year of the Raven will be rotated to wild very soon.
Packs from the Year of the Dragon are currently a lot more valuable because the cards form Saviors of Uldum, Rise of Shadows and Descend of Dragons are simply stronger. Out of these 3 sets Rise of Shadows is the worst one to invest resources into. At the moment most of the meta deck are mainly build around cards from Saviors of Uldum and Descent of Dragons. Therefore, these are the best card expansion to buy packs from.
Lastly, a tip to all new players is to ignore all of the expansions and focus on collecting the cards from the Classic set. This will give them the opportunity to play all classes at a reasonable level and explore the game to figure out which classes they like the most.
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