[Top 10] Hearthstone Battlegrounds Best Comps

Hearthstone Battlegrounds
25 Sep 2024

Have you ever wondered what Comp (composition of cards or strategy) to use when starting a game in Battlegrounds? 

The first few turns can be key to building a strong Comp, or not. Depends on the kind of game you want to play.

In my experience, building a Menagerie (using different minion types - not just sticking to one) is a great way to build a strong warband. 

There are certain combos and cards to be aware of, that can help you obtain the coveted 1st place in your game.

Below I have ranked my Top 10 Best Comps that I have discovered or played against.


10. Demons - Famished Felbat

Blizzard Entertainment
Demon Bat Thing
He's Hungry, For Your Soul

Dark creatures from the underworld out to possess your soul? Use this creepy combo to your advantage with the Famished Felbat Comp.

The goal of Famished Felbat? Build the Taverns minions attack and health, so end game you can consume all those beefy stats!

Get to Tavern Tier 3 as quickly as you can, then buy Fiery Felblood and Slimy Felblood, to use their battlecry and deathrattle to up the Tavern minions attack and health throughout the game. Once your tavern reaches tier 6, buy Famished Felbat and let his passive ‘end of turn’ power beef up your warbands demons.

Famished Felbat Strengths:

  • Mid-Game Advantage - Upping Tavern minions stats early game means you will have strong minions to carry you throughout mid-game, until you can complete the comp at tier 6
  • Hero Power Combo - Pair this Comp with the hero Thorim, Stormlord. His power to discover and upgrade minions to Tavern 7 means you have the chance to get Champion of Sargeras, which passively gives ALL minions in the tavern +10/+10 stats
  • Passive Growth - Play your game, one battle at a time, and let Fiery Felbloods deathrattle build up the minions in the tavern just by being in your warband


9. Dragons - Battle Enchantments

Blizzard Entertainment
Magical Green Dragon
Poetic Justice for Dragon kind.

Dragons are known for their immense power, but they had to start somewhere, right? Don’t let their weak attack and health fool you. Dragons can grow in strength with the Battle Enchantments comp.

Dragon minions have amazing capabilities to boost their stats during battle. Like with the Roaring Rallier, who gives any Dragon that attacks +3/+1 stats. The bad part? Once the battle is over, they lose those extra stats.

Have no fear! The Persistent Poet is here! This poetic Dragon is the key to this Comp's success. Not only does he have Divine Shield, but he allows adjacent Dragons to PERMANENTLY keep any enchantments they receive during combat. Paired with Roaring Rallier, Prized-Promo Drake, and Amber Guardian, you are sure to build a powerful warband of Dragons.

Dragon Battle Enchantments Strengths:

  • Beginning/End Gameplay - Because Dragons use stat-boosting enhancements throughout gameplay, you can have strong stats during the beginning game, even if it is only during battle. That will push you through until you get the Persistent Poet, and those stats become permanent - giving your end gameplay the power it needs to win.
  • Hero Power Combo - If you want to stay alive through mid-game with dragons, choose Ysera. Her power gives you a dragon every time the tavern is refreshed.
  • New Minions - In the new season of Battlegrounds, some new minions have been offered. With new minions like Hunter of Gatherers and Wannabe Gargoyle, Dragons now have even better synergy than they did before.


8. Elementals - Spells

Blizzard Entertainment
Rock Giant
I'd run away from it.
Blizzard Entertainment
Rock Pirate
Is it a rock? Is it a Pirate? It's a Land Lubber!


Earth, wind, fire, and water. The Elementals are powerful enough on their own, but who wouldn’t want to sprinkle in some spell magic? Use this mystical combo to your advantage with the Elemental Spells Comp.

Elementals are always fun to play, as they come with multiple abilities (divine shield, cleave, building stats synergy). What makes them even better is adding spell-casting advantages to growing their stats.

By pairing Living Azerite with minions such as Land Lubber, you can have plenty of spells to buy/play to increase Elementals stats in the Tavern.

The best part? You can play lots of cheap spells to boost your stats quickly.

Elemental Spells Strengths:

  • Two for One Advantage - Spells have abilities to better your warband during combat (up stats, disadvantage your opponent, etc.) This comp ups Elemental stats with each spell you play. So you get the spells effect, as well as beefing your minions' stats.
  • Hero Power Combo - Up this comp by choosing Chevaala as your hero. Play Elementals to make upgrading the tavern-tier a cheaper cost. Get higher tier spells and minions quicker in the game.
  • Minions with Spell Synergy - there are Elemental minions (Marine Matriarch and Shellemental) who passively give you spells during gameplay, upping the number of spells you can use to beef your tavern Elementals.


7. Undead - Deathrattle/Reborn

Blizzard Entertainment
Scary Purple Knight
Not My Knight in Shining Armor
Blizzard Entertainment
Scary Purple Lady
She's Scary. 

Remember the saying ‘there is strength in numbers? Well, in Battlegrounds there is strength in the number of Undead who perish during battle. Use this death-defying combo to conquer your foes with the Deathrattle/Reborn Comp.

One of the most annoying Comps to go against (in my humble opinion), but a fun one to play. By combining the power of deathrattles and reborn, your warband keeps coming back with stronger stats as the battle rages on.

Start early with a tier 2 Eternal Knight, so he has plenty of chances to die and beef his stats. Then, by the time you pair him with higher-tiered Undead, like the Eternal Summoner, he will have enough attack and health to carry your warband to victory!

Deathrattle/Reborn Strengths:

  • Hero Power Combo - Use this comp with the hero Greybough. His power is passive, giving any minion summoned during battle +1/+2 and Taunt.
  • Synergy - By building off the Eternal Knight from the beginning of the game, you up the synergy of the late-game combos by beefing its stats.
  • Minion Combo - Pair this Undead Comp with Titus Rivendare to trigger your deathrattles an extra time during combat. This guarantees multiple respawns


6. Quilboar - Blood-Gem Health

Blizzard Entertainment
Beast Drumming
I guess it's a Beast, Looks like a Dragon. Playing Drums.


This little piggy went to market, this one stayed home, and this one played smooth jazz all night long. Paired with a little bit of heavy metal, this combo is sure to rock your world! This is the Blood-Gem Health Comp.

While most would think high attack is what wins battles, that is not always the case. Building up your blood-gems to give extra health means it takes multiple hits to take out your warband.

Don’t just depend on Quilboar to do the job. The Beast, Rylak Metalhead’s deathrattle will trigger the battlecry of an adjacent minion during combat. If sat next to the Moon-Bacon Jazzer, especially a golden one, you will increase your Quilboars health in no-time!

Blood-Gem Health Strengths:

  • Hero Power Combo - I love pairing the Lich King with Quilboar. With his power to give any minion Reborn for 1 turn, you can trigger Rylak Metalhead twice.
  • End-Gameplay - By endgame your Quilboar can have an insane amount of health, even into the hundreds. Along with divine shields and taunts, you can outlast your strongest opponents.
  • Quick Growth - Once you reach tier 4 and get a Geromagus Roogug, you get twice the value for 1 blood-gem. Anytime you play a blood-gem on him, he will play another one of equal value on a different friendly minion.


5. Beasts - Deathrattle

Blizzard Entertainment
Wolf about to Attack
Terrifying Beast, Helps a Whole Lot

Don’t let the snarls and fangs scare you away. The only thing these Beasts are after is a kill … I mean … a win. This hair-raising combo will make your opponent's scream with the Beast Deathrattle Comp.

Beasts are known for synergy during combat. One of the more popular Beast Comps is the deathrattle. Whether you are respawning or increasing your warbands stats, this comp has it all.

End game make sure to pair Goldrinn, the Great Wolf with a Ghoul-acabra, to not only increase your minions' stats during combat, but keep some of it permanently! Don’t forget to grab a Titus Rivendare at tier 5 to make your deathrattles trigger 1 extra time.

Deathrattle Strengths:

  • Synergy - The deathrattles of any minion give an extra boost to your warband (respawning, dealing damage, etc.) - and with this comp also boost your minions' stats permanently
  • Hero Power Combo - By choosing Greybough, any minion respawned (from their deathrattle) gets increased stats and taunt. This lets your weaker minions divert your opponent's attack while your warband is increasing in strength. It also keeps your more valuable cards protected to last longer during combat, ensuring better synergy/combos to trigger
  • Special Boosts - Lower and Mid-tier Beast minions have special abilities. Whether they increase their attack like the Trusty Pup or give you a “Choose One” (Sprightly Scarab - give reborn or taunt to a Beast). You can use these boosts to get you through mid-game and enhance your end-game abilities.


4. Beasts - Damage

Blizzard Entertainment
Pretty Blue Bird
Beautiful, Majestic, SUPER Helpful
Blizzard Entertainment
Dinosaur with Spikes
Triceratops x 9 Horns

You know how cats have 9 lives? There are no cats here, but plenty of other Beasts that can take a hit for you. Beef up your warbands stats with the Beasts Damage Comp.

With this Comp you can really say that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Beasts give out damage to your warband, so that others can boost their stats.

If you are going with this Beast Comp over the Deathrattle one, be sure to pair the Spiked Savior with the Iridescent Skyblazer. The majestic blue parrot will be sure to give permanent stats out to your other beasts, while the Spiked Savior will injure and reheal your warband.

You can also deal damage to your Beasts with an Irate Rooster, or a Rampager. But their damage will not be healed, so be prepared to have lower health minions while you are building their strength mid-game.

Damage Strengths:

  • Permanent Stats - Even from tier 1 these beasts are keeping the stats they gain during combat. Which makes for powerful minions' endgame.
  • Extra Minion Combo - Add an Unforgiving Treant to this comp to really boost your Beasts attack. Every time this minion is damaged, he gives all your minions +2 attack permanently.


3. Quilboar - Deathrattle Attack Turned Menagerie

Blizzard Entertainment
Awesome Pirate
Collects Blades, Does 3x the Damage
Blizzard Entertainment
Pig Playing Bagpipes
Helpful with Attack, not so much with Bagpipes


Although I don’t think it is the best Comp overall, this one is my favorite. Menagerie builds take skill and creativity, and they are also fun! Try out, or discover new combos with the Deathrattle Attack Turned Menagerie Comp.

Beginning game go full out with Quilboar. Boost your blood-gems stats through tiers 1-3. Especially focus on building your blood-gems attack stats. This is done with the Prickly Piper. Make sure to play him far to the left in your warband or give him taunt with a tavern spell. This way every combat his deathrattle is triggered.

Once you reach end game the real fun begins! Mix and match high tiered minions that have divine shield, windfury or cleave. (like the Blade Collector - who also damages the minions next to the minion it attacks). By playing your overpowered blood-gems on these minions, you can increase their attack/abilities to take out your opponent's one by one.

Deathrattle Turned Menagerie Strengths:

  • Hero Power Combo - As with the other Quilboar Comp, I suggest the powerful combo of choosing the Lich King as your hero. By giving the Prickly Piper reborn, you can trigger his deathrattle effect twice in one combat!
  • Creativity - Playing Menagerie always brings in to play your creativity. Keep an open mind and see what higher-tier minions could become overpowered by playing your blood-gems on them.
  • Saving Grace - There have been plenty of games where I was falling behind trying to only play a Quilboar Synergy Comp. By turning Menagerie and using my boosted blood-gems, I have been able to save myself from last place and get 2nd or 1st in a game.


2. Murloc - Battlecry/End of Turn

Blizzard Entertainment
Powerful Frog Holding a Staff
Slimy, Spicky, Powerful, Purple

I once dissected a frog in middle school. It was gross and almost made me cry. What won’t make you cry is the combo of cards for the ever-amphibious Murloc Battlecry Comp.

Murlocs have long been known in Hearthstone for their one-time battlecries. In Battlegrounds however, you can repeat their battlecries to gain stats as many times as you please using this Comp.

Although this is an end-of-game Comp, it is SO much fun! Use your early game to build a board of Murlocs, and use their battlecries to up your warbands stats to carry you through to endgame. Then buy a Murky (whose battlecry gives another Murloc +4/+4 stats for EACH Murloc you control). Then pair him with a Young Murk-Eye (who has a rare ‘end of turn’ power, triggering adjacent minions Battlecries).

Because this happens at the end of your turn, all the stats gained become permanent. Making your warband of slimy, mucousy minions as strong and as fierce as their amphibious predecessor, Godzilla.

Battlecry/End of Turn Strengths:

  • Hero Power Combo - You may think to go with a hero whose power deals with Battlecries, but you’d do better not to. Go with a hero like Ragnaros the Firelord. His hero power is a passive end-of-turn, giving stats along with the Young Murk-Eye’s ability. Plus, this season, his Buddy, Lucifron, triggers your end-of-turn effects an extra time.
  • Synergy - Murlocs as a minion type really do carry the most synergy. Their battlecries, end-of-turn effects, and deathrattles all work together to beef up each other's stats.
  • Minion Support - There are minions with no type that boost/support this Murloc Comp really well. Brann Bronzebeard will trigger your Battlecries twice. The Drakkari Enchanter will trigger your end-of-turn effects twice. Pair these two with the Comp above and your warband will be unstoppable!


1. Mech - MECH Comp

Blizzard Entertainment
One-eyed Robot
The OG of Deflecting Attacks

The Best Comp to play in Hearthstone Battlegrounds right now is the MECH Comp. My reasoning? Every Comp you can think of with Mechs, can easily combine with the other Comps. So, whether you are into robotics or lean more towards Will Smith’s side in i-Robot, if you can go Mech in Battlegrounds, you should do so!

The key minion with Mechs is the Deflect-o-Bot. He starts with Divine Shield, and whenever you summon a Mech during combat, he will gain his Divine Shield back and +2 Attack. Pairing him with minions such as Cord Puller or Prosthetic Handwill trigger his Divine Shield over and over again, allowing you to take out a majority of your opponent's minions. Just be sure to play him to the far left, so that he attacks first and gets to respawn his Divine Shield.

There are also strong higher-tiered minions, such as the Foe Reaper 4000, that has cleave. (damages the minions next to the minion it attacks). As well as Polarizing Beatboxer, who gains any Magnetized minions stats as you Magnetize them.

MECH Comp Strengths:

  • Hero Power Combo - I know I have talked about him before, but any Comp involving deathrattles that respawn minions gets a one-up on their competition using Greybough. By giving these respawned minions boosted stats and taunt, you protect your stronger minions from getting hit, and boost stats (depending on the other minions in your warband)
  • All Comps Meld - Mechs have divine shield, deathrattles, Magnetic, cleave, and spell-boost capabilities. You can focus on one of these for your comp, or ALL of them at the same time. Magnetize mech minions to your existing build to boost their stats or give them an extra ability.
  • Synergy - Because of the many minions with Magnetization abilities, you can focus on the divine shield deathrattle strategy and add more stats to your minions as needed. Mechs truly are an all-powerful, synergistic Comp.


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