Many players only play for a limited amount of time and don’t have time to play ladder all day. In such cases, aggressive decks can be very beneficial because the games are shorter, which allows you to play more games. Aggressive decks are great for new players as well because they aren’t hard to play and aren’t expensive to craft.
1. Mech Paladin
Mech Paladin is currently the best aggressive deck. It only uses staple legendary cards and is extremely cheap to craft. This deck tries to win by playing discounted mechs and magnetizing them together.
What’s good about this deck:
It is cheap to craft
It has some really strong draw cards, which are really good in aggressive decks
It can generate a lot of tempo by discounting its minions
How to play this deck effectively:
Always mulligan for your 1-drops, Crystology and Galvanizer
Try to reduce the cost of as many minions as possible with Galvanizer. Doing this in the early turns of the game can help you win
When playing against aggressive decks, try to control the board and go for value trades
When playing against control decks, try to go for as much damage as possible
Try to always have at least 1 mech on the board at the start of your turn. This will allow you to magnetize other mechs onto it and attack straight away
Dragon Hunter became very popular after the release of the Galakrond’s Awakening solo adventure. This deck can deal massive amounts of damage with Stormhammer and has many strong dragon synergies.
What’s good about this deck:
It is easy to play and therefore great for new players, who want to climb fast
It has many strong dragon synergies
It isn’t expensive to craft
How to play this deck effectively:
Play your secrets with Phase Stalker. You shouldn’t keep them in your hand
Use your mana efficiently and try to play on curve
Mulligan for your 1-drops, Phase Stalker and Frenzied Felwing
You should try to avoid having no dragons in hand because in such case cards like Rotnest Drake become weaker
If you are facing lots of aggressive decks, you should substitute Freezing Trap for Explosive Trap
Token Druid is also known as Treant Druid. It plays lots of small minions and buffs them with mass-buff effects such as Blessing of the Ancients.
What is good about this deck:
It is strong in both the early and the late game
It can catch players by surprise and deal lots of damage if it manages to stick a few minions on the board
The Treant synergies are really strong
How to play this deck effectively:
Try to play on curve and use your mana effectively
Be careful when playing against aggressive decks. If you fall behind against them, you won’t be able to come back
When playing against control decks, keep track of their board-clears
Your main strategy is to flood the board with small minions and then buff all of them with cards like Power of the Wild or go for lethal with Savage Roar
If you are tight on dust, you can substitute Goru the Mightree for a second copy of The Forest’s Aid
Embiggen Druid isn’t the most aggressive deck on this list. It is rather mid-range, however, it closes out games fast with cards like Embiggen and Breath of Dreams.
What is good about this deck:
It doesn’t have bad match-ups
It is easy to play
It can cheat big minions early in the game through ramping or the Sidequest Strength in Numbers
How to lay this deck effectively:
Always mulligan for Breath of Dreams and Embiggen
Don’t play off-curve. Use your mana effectively
Try to control the board against aggressive decks. Cards like Scalerider can be especially effective against fast decks
Bad Luck Albatross can help you win against Highlander decks, as it disrupts their strongest cards’ effects
Face Hunter is one of the most popular decks in the game. It is extremely fun to play and very frustrating to play against. This deck uses cheap burn spells and weapons to target the opponent’s face and kill them as fast as possible.
What’s good about this deck:
It is the cheapest deck on the list
It is easy to play and fat to learn
Games with this deck are usually extremely fast
How to play this deck effectively:
Mulligan for Toxic Reinforcements, your 1-drops and Phase Stalker
Against aggressive decks, try to play minions in the first turns and don’t use your hero power a lot
Against control decks, use your hero power as much as possible to maximize your damage
Be careful with your resources because you can easily run out of gas
Don’t hesitate to go face whenever you get the chance
Galakrond’s invoked hero power is really good for Aggressive decks. It summons 2 1/1 imps, which is really strong in zoo decks and constantly floods the board.
What’s good about this deck:
It is always strong and relevant in the meta
It is simple to play and fast to learn
It can play lots of cheap minions due to the Warwock’s hero power
How to play this deck effectively:
You should try to control the board with your minions while invoking Galakrond
A fully invoked Galakrond can be game-winning
Use your mana efficiently. You should try to play on curve
Be careful with your opponent’s board clears and don’t overextend
Try to invoke Galakrond at least twice so that you can use one of the strongest cards in the deck – Veiled Worshipper
Gakakrond Warrior uses Galakrond’s invoked hero power to either control the board or push face damage. This deck can be very flexible and play well against both control and aggressive decks.
What’s good about this deck:
It is very flexible and has no bad match-ups
It can be very strong in the early game
It can gain lots of armor, which will help it to beat aggressive and combo decks
How to play this deck effectively:
Try to gain as much tempo as possible. Opt for an early game curve
Use your resources efficiently. You can use Battle Rage to refill
Use Galakrond’s hero power to control the board against aggressive decks and to deal as much face damage as possible against control decks
This version of Tempo Rogue uses the Galakrond package. It gains a big tempo advantage by playing strong combo cards like SI7: Agent and Edwin VanCleef.
What’s good about this deck:
It is strong against other aggressive decks
It is one of the easiest Rogue decks to learn how to play
It uses one of the game’s most entertaining mechanics – Lackeys. The random Lackey generation makes every game different
How to play this deck effectively:
Be careful how much damage you take with your weapon. Some deck have lots of burst damage and burn spells
Playing on-curve is vital. Try to gain as much tempo as possible
Against some decks that lack single-target removal, Edwin VanCleef can be game-winning
If you are playing against lots of control decks, you can substitute SI7: Agent for Sap
Aggro Overload Shaman is the least popular deck on this list. Many players don’t know how to play against it and won’t expect it. This deck uses mainly its strong Overload synergies to win the game.
What’s good about this deck:
It can cycle very well with Spirit of the Frog
It can generate lots of tokens with Thunderhead
It has strong early game minions and spells
How to play this deck effectively:
Mulligan for your 1-drops and Spirit of the Frog
Try to deal as much chip damage as possible
Cycling your spells with Spirit of the frog is crucial. It can allow you to deal lots of face damage, without running out of resources
Combos like Doomhammer + Rockbitter Weapon and Electra Stromsurge + Lava Burst can help you close out the game
This is one of the most fun decks to play on this list. It isn’t as aggressive as the others and can generate a lot of value with cards like Lightforged Crusader. Nevertheless, the strong midrange minions in the deck allow it to finish games extremely fast.
What’s good about this deck:
It is strong against other aggressive decks
It doesn’t use Neutral cards, so it has more flavor
It has access to some really strong cards like Lightforged Zealot and Lightforged Crusader
How to play this deck effectively:
Mulligan aggressively. Try to start the game with your 1 and 2-costed cards.
It is important that you control the board with your minions. However, don’t let the game drag out for too long and try to close it out as soon as possible
Be careful if your opponent uses Bad Luck Albatross because its deathrattle shuffles neutral minions into your decks
Sanctuary can be especially strong against classes that can’t deal damage in the early turns like Priest