Tempo Demon Hunter is one of the most aggressive decks in the game. It has terrorized the meta since the release of Ashes of Outland.
What's Fun about this deck:
It can win very fast and beat many decks before turn 6-7
It can perform miracles with Altruis the Outcast and cards with reduced cost by Skull of Gul’dan
If your opponent doesn’t manage to keep up with your tempo, you can quickly get things out of control
How To Play This Deck Effectively:
Mulligan for Battlefiend, Blazing Battlemage and Umberwing
Use your mana efficiently and try to play on curve
When playing against aggressive decks try to make value trades and protect your minions with your weapons and spells
Deal as much face damage in the early game and close out the game with burn effects and weapons. Metamorphosis, Glaivebound Adept and Warglaives of Azzinoth can be very effective at dealing the last bit of damage you need
Altruis the Outcast can turn any bad situation around. Try to use him alongside Twin Slice to destroy your opponent’s minions while dealing tons of face damage
Token Demon Hunter is an aggressive deck with many win conditions. In addition to the strong early game cards which can win games, there is an alternative win-condition consisting of Wrathscale Naga and Coordinated Strike.
What’s fun about this deck:
It can win games very fast and overwhelm its opponents with cards like Battlefiend, Umberwing and Satyr Overseer
It can use Wrathscale Naga very effectively and deal massive amounts of damage with it
It can use Kayn Sunfury to ignore the opponent’s taunt minions
How to play this deck effectively:
Mulligan for Murmy, Battlefiend, Umberwing and Satyr Overseer
Try to protect your minions with your weapons and hero power
You can win many games as early as turn 5 if you use your cards and mana effectively. Deal as much face damage as possible when facing slow control decks
In certain situations, Wrathscale Naga can deal massive amounts of damage. Try to use her with as many small minions as possible to maximize her damage
You can use Warglaives of Azzinoth alongside Inner Demon to clear multiple huge minions and deal a lot of face damage in the same turn
Control Demon Hunter uses many strong late-game demons to overwhelm its opponents. The deck has many tools to summon its big minions for free or to reduce their cost.
What’s fun about this deck:
It is very different from other Demon Hunter decks and can surprise many of your opponents
It uses many extremely powerful minions which can win the game on their own
It doesn’t run out of cards and has many strong board-clears
How to play this deck effectively:
Mulligan for Netherwalker, Overconfident Orc and Raging Felscreamer
Cards like Consume Magic and Eye Beam are most effective when they are in the left-most or right-most position in your hand. Try to control the position of the cards in your hand
When playing against aggressive decks try to control the board during the first turns and stabilize the game by playing strong taunt minions
When playing against classes like Priest don’t overextend because they can effectively destroy all your minions with a card like Plague of Death
You can try including Magtheridon in your deck and play him alongside Chaos Nova to generate lots of tempo
Odd demon hunter is one of the strongest wild decks. It is an aggressive deck that utilizes the legendary card Baku the Mooneater to upgrade its hero power to deal 2 damage.
What’s fun about this deck:
It can deal lots of burst damage and surprise opponents with lethal
It is very fast and isn’t hard to play, which makes it good for new players or players that want to climb the ladder fast
It can snowball out of control if your opponent doesn’t manage to deal with its threats in the early game
How to play this deck effectively:
Mulligan for your early game cards. Battlefiend, Beaming Sidekick and Lowly Squire can terrorize your opponent in the early-game
Try to use your hero power to kill your opponent’s minions and protect your own
When playing against aggressive deck try to make value trades and control the board as much as you can
When playing against slow-control decks deal as much damage to their hero and hit their face as often as possible. You should be careful when developing a board against such decks as well because they can easily leave you without resources
Use the burst damage Metamorphosis, Leeroy Jenkins and Glaivebound Adept provide to effectively end games even if your opponent has played a bunch of taunts
Highlander Demon Hunter is a mid-range singleton deck. It utilizes cards like Zephrys the Great and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza. The deck has many strong value generators as well and can beat both slow and fast decks.
What’s fun about this deck:
It runs 30 different card, which makes the deck very flexible and adaptable
It has many game-changing legendaries like Reno Jackson and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
It has many different game-plans and win-conditions and every game feels different
How to play this deck effectively:
Mulligan for your highlander cards and early game minions
Try to stay slightly ahead of your opponent on board and don’t overextend too much
Many decks can shuffle multiple copies of a single card into your deck and disrupt your highlander effects. Be careful when playing against cards like Bad Luck Albatross or Wrenchcalibur
Try to control the board in the early and mid-game and overwhelm your opponent in the late game with cards such as Dragonqueen Alexstrasza and Nethrandamus
Use your outcast effects effectively and try to manage the position of the cards in your hand as best as you can