1. Secret Highlander Paladin
Sir Finley of the Sands
Secret Highlander Paladin was introduced to the game when the last expansion Saviours of Uldum came out. It is one of the strongest decks while being relatively easy to play.
What is good about this deck:
- It can put a lot of pressure in the early game
- It has a lot of late-game threats such as Ragnaros the Firelord and Tirion Fordring
- Just like any highlander building this deck offers a lot of variety and every game will feel different
How to play this deck:
- The mulligan is really important. You should opt for an early game curve
- You should always keep the following cards: Mysterious Challenger, Secret Keeper, Zephrys the Great and Crystology
- Try to go for value trades when playing against fast decks
- Try to go for face damage when playing against slower decks
- Use your resources effectively
Cards used in the deck:
- Secretkeeper
- (1) Redemption
- (1) Noble Sacrifice
- (1) Never Surrender!
- (1) Mecharoo
- (1) Hidden Wisdom
- (1) Glow-Tron
- (1) Crystology
- (1) Brazen Zealot
- (1) Beaming Sidekick
- (1) Avenge
- (1) Autodefense Matrix
- (2) Zephrys the Great
- (2) Sunreaver Spy
- (2) Sir Finley of the Sands
- (2) Sandwasp Queen
- (2) Mysterious Blade
- (2) Micro Mummy
- (3) SN1P-SN4P
- (3) Commander Rhyssa
- (4) Truesilver Champion
- (4) Consecration
- (4) Blessing of Kings
- (4) Bellringer Sentry
- (5) Zilliax
- (6) Sylvanas Windrunner
- (6) Mysterious Challenger
- (7) Siamat
- (8) Tirion Fordring
- (8) Ragnaros the Firelord
Here is the deck code:
2. Murloc Shaman
Morgl The Oracle
Murloc Shaman has been at the top of the meta since Saviours of Uldum came out. Murloc have always had really strong tribal synergies and this deck is no exception. Not only is it easy to play but it is also one of the cheapest decks out there.
What is good about this deck:
It is really good for new players who don’t have lots of resources
It is relatively straight-forward to play and you can’t make many mistakes
Against some slower decks you can end the game on turn 5 or 6 and this way grind wins really fast
How to play this deck:
- Your mulligan is really important. Try to get Murloc Tidecaller and Underbelly Angler as well as your one drops
- You have to put a lot of pressure in the early game
- Use your resources efficiently as you can run out of cards very fast.
- Against faster decks go for value trades and against slower decks go for face damage
- Your strongest card in the deck is Underbelly Angler. Try to protect it at all costs and play when you can get a lot of value from it. Against some slower decks, it is possible to coin it on turn 1 as well
- Against decks with lots of board clears such as Control Warrior and Quest Shaman try to play lots of minions and then play Soul of the Murloc. Most of the times you will be able to finish your opponent on their next turn with Murloc Warleader and Bloodlust because they can’t play 2 board clears in the same turn.
Cards used in the deck:
- # 2x (1) Toxfin
- # 2x (1) Sludge Slurper
- # 2x (1) Murmy
- # 2x (1) Murloc Tidecaller
- # 2x (1) Grimscale Oracle
- # 2x (1) Beaming Sidekick
- # 2x (2) Underbelly Angler
- # 2x (2) Soul of the Murloc
- # 2x (2) Murloc Tidehunter
- # 2x (2) Fishflinger
- # 2x (3) Murloc Warleader
- # 2x (3) Coldlight Seer
- # 2x (4) Murloc Tastyfin
- # 2x (5) Bloodlust
- # 2x (7) Mogu Fleshshaper
Here is the deck code:
3. Secret Highlander Hunter
Dinotamer Brann
Secret Highlander Hunter is one of the most diverse decks on this list. It has some extremely strong cards such as Hyena Alpha, which is practically a 4 mana 7/7. Zul’jin is also incredibly powerful, serving as a 1 card win condition.
What is good about this deck:
- This deck has no bad matchups and isn’t countered by other decks
- It offers a lot of variety and every game will feel different
- It is fun to play
- The deck is easy to play, but hard to master
How to play this deck:
- Try to go for an aggressive mulligan. Secretkeeper is your best one drop so try to start with it every game.
- Try to play Subject 9 at some point in the game to draw all of your secrets. This way you will mostly have strong late game cards left out in your deck and every card you draw will be good.
- Try to get a secret that is hard to trigger by your opponent such as Rat Trap and Snake Trap. This way you can enable all of your secret synergies without your opponent disrupting them.
- Use Zephrys the Great only when you have to as he can win you many games. For example against Resurrect Priest try to get a Mass Dispel when the priest plays his mass resurrection and go for lethal.
- Be careful with Dinotamer Brann as some cards shuffle copies of cards into your deck. An example of that is Dire Frenzy, which you can get from Shimmerfly.
- Against faster decks go for value trades and against slower decks go for face damage
- Be careful with taking a lot of face damage with weapons as your only way to heal is by using Zilliax
Cards used in the deck:
- (1) Springpaw
- (1) Shimmerfly
- (1) Secretkeeper
- (2) Zephrys the Great
- (2) Sunreaver Spy
- (2) Snipe
- (2) Snake Trap
- (2) Rat Trap
- (2) Pressure Plate
- (2) Freezing Trap
- (2) Explosive Trap
- (3) Ursatron
- (3) Unleash the Hounds
- (3) SN1P-SN4P
- (3) Masked Contender
- (3) Eaglehorn Bow
- (3) Desert Spear
- (3) Deadly Shot
- (3) Animal Companion
- (4) Sandbinder
- (4) Hyena Alpha
- (4) Houndmaster
- (5) Zilliax
- (5) Subject 9
- (6) Unleash the Beast
- (7) Siamat
- (7) Dinotamer Brann
- (8) Ragnaros the Firelord
- (9) Call of the Wild
- (10) Zul'jin
Here is the deck code: AAECAR8engG1A8cDhwTJBK4G6wfFCNsJ/gyY8AKe8AKggAOnggObhQOghQP1iQP5lgO+mAO2nAOenQP8owPkpAOfpQOipQOmpQOEpwOftwPb0gPl0gMAAA==
4. Murloc Paladin
Tip the Scales
Murloc Paladin abuses the strong synergies between murlocs just like Murloc Shaman. This deck is also quite cheap to craft. It is an aggressive deck and is easy to pick up and play.
What is good about this deck:
- This deck has really strong swing turns using Tip the Scales and Chef Nomi
- It is insanely easy to play
- It has only one bad match up – Shaman
How to play this deck:
- ALWAYS mulligan for Prismatic Lens as it enables all of your combos.
- Try to avoid drawing Tip the Scales.
- Do not include any other spells in the deck as they will ruin your combo.
- Your Strongest play is playing Prismatic Lens as early as possible and getting a discount on Tip the Scales.
- Coldlight Seer is also an important card. Buffing all your murloc after playing Tip the Scales can ensure that your opponent’s board clear becomes useless.
- This deck has a lot of drawing power and you will deck out fast. Try closing out the game fast with Murloc Warleader and Leeroy Jenkins.
- And if everything else fails go for Chef Nomi and Zephrys the Great when you run out of cards.
Cards used in the deck:
- # 2x (1) Toxfin
- # 2x (1) Murmy
- # 2x (1) Murloc Tidecaller
- # 2x (1) Grimscale Oracle
- # 1x (2) Zephrys the Great
- # 1x (2) Sir Finley of the Sands
- # 2x (2) Fishflinger
- # 2x (2) Bluegill Warrior
- # 2x (3) Nightmare Amalgam
- # 2x (3) Murloc Warleader
- # 2x (3) Coldlight Seer
- # 2x (4) Truesilver Champion
- # 2x (4) Prismatic Lens
- # 2x (4) Murloc Tastyfin
- # 1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins
- # 1x (7) Chef Nomi
- # 2x (8) Tip the Scales
Here is the deck code: AAECAZ8FBK8E0pkDg6ED/KMDDcUD2wP+A+MFzwanCPz8At6CA+KJA7WYA6+nA5upA8qrAwA=
5. Secret Paladin
Mysterious Challenger
Secret Paladin was one of the strongest decks back in the day. When the 23 wild cards returned to standard this deck started shining once again. The inclusion of Avenge and Mysterious Challenger made the deck as strong as it has ever been.
What is good about this deck:
- Just like most decks on this list it is not hard to play, however, it is hard to master
- It is relatively cheap to craft since 2 of the 3 legendary cards needed are really popular and most players already have them
- This deck can put a lot of pressure in the early game and close out games early, allowing you to grind out ranked faster
How to play this deck:
- Your strongest card is Mysterious Challenger. Try to draw it before turn 6 so that you can play it as early as possible.
- You have many secret synergies so it is good to have 1 or 2 secrets in your hand, however, try to keep some in your deck as well.
- Playing Secretkeeper on your first turn increases your chances of winning by a lot. You should always mulligan for this card.
- Be careful with your resources and try to go for face damage as much as you can because you will eventually run out of resources.
- Protecting your board from board clears with Never Surrender is very important as you can’t come back once you fall behind.
Cards used in this deck:
- # 2x (1) Secretkeeper
- # 1x (1) Redemption
- # 1x (1) Noble Sacrifice
- # 2x (1) Never Surrender!
- # 1x (1) Hidden Wisdom
- # 2x (1) Crystology
- # 2x (1) Brazen Zealot
- # 2x (1) Beaming Sidekick
- # 2x (1) Avenge
- # 2x (1) Autodefense Matrix
- # 2x (2) Sunreaver Spy
- # 2x (2) Mysterious Blade
- # 1x (3) Commander Rhyssa
- # 2x (4) Truesilver Champion
- # 2x (4) Blessing of Kings
- # 1x (5) Zilliax
- # 1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins
- # 2x (6) Mysterious Challenger
Here is the deck code: AAECAZ8FBowBrwTIBMD9AqCAA5SaAwyeAc8GrwfY/gLZ/gK+mAOOmgOQmgPIpAP9pwPY0gPZ0gMA
6. Evolve Shaman
Evolve Shaman is one of the strongest and most popular decks in the current meta. It utilizes cards such as Evolve and Mutate on minions such as Mogu Fleshshaper and Desert Hare. This deck also relies on token strategies and usually ends the game with a huge attack buff to all its minions.
What is good about this deck:
- It is cheap to craft
- It only has 1 bad match up – Control warrior, which is extremely unpopular right now
- It is relatively easy and straight forward to play
How to play this deck:
- When mulliganing, try to get Evolve, Desert Hare, Sludge Slurper, Spirit of the Frog and Mogu Fleshshaper. These are your strongest cards.
- Your strongest turn is turn 4 when you can play Desert Hare and Evolve. This way you get 3 random 4 drops. If you manage to play a discounted Mogu Fleshshaper as well it will usually be game over for your opponent.
- Try cycling your deck with Spirit of the Frog. You can draw a lot of cards with it.
- One of the ways to finish a game is by playing bloodlust when you have a lot of minions. Playing Soul of the Murloc the previous turn will ensure you that you have the tokens needed to finish your opponent.
- Thunderhead is also one of your strongest cards and it can give you a lot of tempo when combined with Voltaic Burst and/or Zap! Usually, if this card stays on the board for a couple of turns you will easily win the game
- Be careful when playing against slow decks not to overextend
Cards used in this deck:
- # 2x (0) Zap!
- # 2x (0) Mutate
- # 2x (1) Voltaic Burst
- # 2x (1) Sludge Slurper
- # 2x (1) Evolve
- # 2x (2) Soul of the Murloc
- # 2x (2) Likkim
- # 2x (3) Spirit of the Frog
- # 2x (3) Lightning Storm
- # 2x (3) Desert Hare
- # 1x (4) Vessina
- # 2x (4) Thunderhead
- # 2x (5) Bloodlust
- # 1x (6) The Storm Bringer
- # 2x (7) Mogu Fleshshaper
- # 2x (10) Sea Giant
- Here is the deck code: AAECAaoIAqH4AualAw7TAfUEkwn28AKP+wKc/wKMhQP2igO0lwPGmQP0mQPUpQPYqQPVyQMA
7. Tempo Rogue
- Image
- EVIL Miscreant
- Tempo Rogue is one of the classic and most popular Hearthstone decks. It always finds a way to be one of the top decks of the meta. The deck usually tries to gain huge tempo advantages through using combo cards and rogue’s hero power. This deck was so strong that it had to receive several nerfs. However, it still remains one of the best decks in the game
- What is good about this deck:
- This is one of the best decks to learn the game
- It has a lot of ways to cheat out mana and play cards for less mana
- Cards like Eviscerate, Leeroy Jenkins and Shadowstep allow it to close out games better than any other deck
- How to play this deck:
- Try to go for a relatively aggressive mulligan.
- EVIL Miscreant is one of your strongest cards. Try to trigger its battlecry as many times as possible as it generates a lot of value through lackeys.
- Keep a low-cost card in your hand so that you can activate combos whenever you need to.
- Some classes like Paladin do not have efficient removal and can’t destroy a big Edwin VanCleef. Against such classes try to go for a big Edwin and snowball the game from there.
- When you feel that you are running out of resources start going face with your weapons, Eviscerates and Leeroy Jenkins. Save your Saps for big taunts your opponent plays and for huge tempo swings.
- Cards used in this deck:
- # 2x (0) Shadowstep
- # 2x (0) Backstab
- # 2x (1) Swashburglar
- # 2x (1) Pharaoh Cat
- # 2x (2) Underbelly Fence
- # 2x (2) Sap
- # 2x (2) Eviscerate
- # 1x (3) Shaku, the Collector
- # 2x (3) Questing Adventurer
- # 1x (3) Edwin VanCleef
- # 2x (3) EVIL Miscreant
- # 2x (3) Blink Fox
- # 2x (4) Waggle Pick
- # 2x (4) Vendetta
- # 2x (4) Hench-Clan Burglar
- # 1x (5)Myra's Unstable Element
- # 1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins
Here is the deck code: AAECAaIHBLICrwTn+gLc0gMNtAHtAs0DlwaIB8f4Ao+XA5CXA/uaA/6aA4mbA/WnA93SAwA=
8. Quest Shaman
Corrupt the Waters
Shaman is one of the few classes that makes good use of his new legendary Quest, which you have to play 6 battlecry minions to finish. Quest Shaman was the most popular deck at the start of the Saviours of Uldum expansion but it has been falling in popularity lately. However, it still remains one of the strongest decks and one of the most value-oriented decks throughout Hearthstone’s history.
What is good about this deck:
- It has a higher skill cap than most decks on this list, which means that it will take more time until you learn how to play it
- This is one of the few cheap to craft control decks in the game as it only features 3 legendaries and no epic cards
- This deck has insane burst potential with the quest’s hero power and Kobold Lackey and Weaponized Wasp
How to play this deck:
- Always keep Evolve, Questing Explorer, EVIL Totem, Desert Hare and your quest of course.
- If you have the coin and EVIL Totem on turn 1, instead of playing your quest, you should coin out the EVIL Totem and play the quest alongside with a lackey on turn 2
- Try to go for swing turn with Evolve and Desert Hare, especially on turn 4, when you can play 3 random 4 drops just for 4 mana
- Mulligan for Sandstorm Elemental and Mind Control Tech against aggressive decks, as those cards can win you the game on their own
- Against slower decks try to go for as much value as you can, however, do not risk overdrawing cards unless it is really necessary
- EVIL Cable Rat and Sludge Slurper give you a lackey with their battlecry and by doing so essentially give you another card with a battlecry so keep that in mind when completing your quest
- Be careful with your hero power as it can sometimes generate a lot of unwanted cards such as useless spells from Ethereal Lackeys
Cards that are used in this deck:
- # 1x (0) Mutate
- # 2x (1) Sludge Slurper
- # 2x (1) Evolve
- # 1x (1) Corrupt the Waters
- # 2x (2) Sandstorm Elemental
- # 2x (2) Questing Explorer
- # 2x (2) Novice Engineer
- # 2x (2) EVIL Totem
- # 2x (2) EVIL Cable Rat
- # 2x (3) Weaponized Wasp
- # 2x (3) Mind Control Tech
- # 2x (3) Desert Hare
- # 1x (3) Bog Slosher
- # 1x (4) Witchwood Piper
- # 2x (4) Lifedrinker
- # 1x (5) Barista Lynchen
- # 2x (7) Mogu Fleshshaper
- # 1x (9) Shudderwock
Here is the deck code: AAECAaoIBqbwAu/3AouFA7SXA72ZA+GoAwycAt4F7/ECtJEDxpkDu6UDz6UD1KUD1aUD+aUD2KkD1ckDAA==
9. Combo Priest
Priest's combo tools
Just like Tempo Rogue, Combo Priest is one of the oldest Hearthstone decks that always find their way into the meta. At the start of the Saviours of Uldum Expansion Combo Priest was the strongest deck in the game. Because of that it received one nerf, however, it is still one of the best decks and also one of the hardest decks to play.
What is good about this deck:
- You don’t have to spend a lot of dust on it as it only has 2 legendaries and 1 epic
- The deck has really good matchups against control decks
- If you are a person who enjoys hard to play decks, you will have a lot of fun playing this one
How to play this deck:
- Northshire Cleric is arguably the strongest 1-drop in the game. Try to play it on turn one and draw as many cards with it as possible.
- Against aggressive decks, Wild Pyromancer is your most important card. Use it effectively to clear your opponent’s board.
- High Priest Amet is the strongest card in your deck. If you haven’t played any minions before it dies, resurrecting it with Psychopomp is one of your strongest plays.
- Do not forget that if you resurrect Injured Tol’vir and Injured Blademaster with Psychopomp their battlecries to take damage won’t activate.
- Sometimes it is better to use your Divine Spirits and Inner Fires even if you won’t finish your opponent off if they can’t remove your big minion.
- Try to make a lot of high health minions with High Priest Amet as they can be big threats and your opponent won’t be able to deal with all of them.
Cards that are used in this deck:
- # 1x (0) Topsy Turvy
- # 1x (0) Silence
- # 2x (0) Circle of Healing
- # 2x (1) Power Word: Shield
- # 2x (1) Northshire Cleric
- # 2x (1) Lightwarden
- # 2x (1) Inner Fire
- # 2x (1) Beaming Sidekick
- # 2x (2) Wild Pyromancer
- # 2x (2) Neferset Ritualist
- # 2x (2) Injured Tol'vir
- # 2x (2) Divine Spirit
- # 2x (3) Injured Blademaster
- # 1x (3) Extra Arms
- # 1x (3) Acolyte of Pain
- # 2x (4) Psychopomp
- # 1x (4) High Priest Amet,
- # 1x (7) Bwonsamdi, the Dead
Here is the deck code:
10. Resurrect Priest
Catrina Muerte
Resurrect Priest has been gaining more and more popularity lately. It is the only true control deck in this list and is the only strong control deck managing to stop aggressive decks in the current meta. It is not good for new players because it costs a lot of dust to craft and is hard to play
What is good about this deck:
- It is a heavy control deck
- It has a high skill cap
- It has a lot of powerful board clears
How to play this deck:
- Against aggressive decks try to mulligan for your early removals.
- Use your board clears efficiently – you may have a lot of board clears but they aren’t infinite.
- Try to keep Psychopomp out of your resurrection pool early in the game.
- Try to include Archmage Vargoth in your resurrection pool before you play Mass resurrection as if you summon him with the spell he will cast another copy of Mass Ressurection
- Be careful with Counterspell when playing against Mage
- Your only bad matchup is against Quest Shaman so try to use your resources efficiently against it.
Cards that are used in this deck:
- # 2x (0) Forbidden Words
- # 2x (2) Shadow Word: Pain
- # 2x (2) Penance
- # 2x (3) Shadow Word: Death
- # 2x (4) Psychopomp
- # 1x (4) Archmage Vargoth
- # 1x (5) Zilliax
- # 2x (5) Mass Hysteria
- # 2x (5) Convincing Infiltrator
- # 1x (6) Sylvanas Windrunner
- # 2x (6) Lightbomb
- # 2x (6) Khartut Defender
- # 1x (6) Emperor Thaurissan
- # 1x (8) Ragnaros the Firelord
- # 1x (8) Catrina Muerte
- # 1x (9) Zerek's Cloning Gallery
- # 2x (9) Plague of Death
- # 2x (9) Mass Resurrection
- # 1x (10) N'Zoth, the Corruptor
Here is the deck code:
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