Anduin’s dominance relies on the numerous hard removals that are omnipresent in the class in almost every expansion, frustrating his opponents to no end.
When one talks about Control classes in Hearthstone, a few examples come to mind but the unopposed top spot definitely belongs to Priest.
While some players hate Priest’s seemingly noninteractive playstyle, there is no doubt that the slow and methodical way in which the class can dismantle the enemy has earned the class a dedicated fanbase. Going into the tail-end of the Murder at Castle Nathria expansion, it is time to review the meta decks that defined the Priest class for the past few months. Here are the top 5 best Priest decks for Hearthstone’s current meta:
5. Thief Priest
What's yours will be mine... In due time.
Anduin’s been role-playing as a Rogue a bit too much lately with the Thief Priest archetype. As the name implies, this deck demolishes combo decks and similar control/value decks by stealing their win conditions and using them against your opponent.
Disruption should be your main focus in any matchup, especially versus fast decks like Token Druid. Numerous AOE board clear cards are in the deck to shut down tempo plays and buy time for your Brann and Theotar combo to ultimately steal the enemy’s crucial card and win you the game.
What’s great about this deck:
- Minion removal: This deck has minion removal tools for all stages of the game, ranging from small AOE removals like Condemn to big, game-changing cards like Whirlpool
- Value generation: Since the deck focuses on stealing cards, there is no danger of running out of cards to play
- Alternate win condition: Kazakusan remains as a backup plan in case the disruption strategy does not work out for this deck
- 1x (0) Desperate Prayer
- 2x (1) The Light! It Burns!
- 1x (1) Shard of the Naaru
- 2x (1) Psychic Conjurer
- 2x (1) Gift of the Naaru
- 2x (2) Thrive in the Shadows
- 2x (2) Condemn (Rank 1)
- 2x (2) Amalgam of the Deep
- 1x (3) The Harvester of Envy
- 1x (3) Prince Renathal
- 2x (3) Identity Theft
- 2x (3) Cathedral of Atonement
- 1x (3) Brann Bronzebeard
- 1x (4) Xyrella
- 1x (4) Shadow Word: Ruin
- 2x (4) School Teacher
- 1x (4) Najak Hexxen
- 2x (4) Lightmaw Netherdrake
- 2x (4) Incriminating Psychic
- 1x (5) Theotar, the Mad Duke
- 2x (5) Spirit Guide
- 2x (5) Clean the Scene
- 1x (7) Mutanus the Devourer
- 1x (7) Blackwater Behemoth
- 1x (8) Whirlpool
- 1x (8) Kazakusan
- 1x (10) Raid Boss Onyxia
Here is the deck code:
4. Bless Priest
Bless is bmore.
Bless Priest is honestly just an Inner Fire Priest deck in disguise, redressed and revamped to fit modern Hearthstone. As a combo deck, your primary aim is to fetch out Switcheroo from your deck and draw your limited number of minions.
Unlike previous combo decks, Bless Priest functions similarly to Miracle Rouge since they can both draw a lot of cards. This provides you with ample breathing room to collect your combo pieces while preventing one of your crucial cards from being taken. Finally, wreck your enemy by playing your buff spells and creating a humongous minion to one-shot the enemy.
What’s great about this deck:
- Fast combo: The low-cost spells and mana discounts make it so that you can execute the combo during the early turns of the game, catching your opponent off guard
- Flexible cards: Boon of the Ascended and Shard of the Naaru can be used as tech cards to stall out token-based decks from finishing you off before you can get your combo pieces
- Mana refresh: Lady Vashj carries this deck by refreshing your mana crystals such that you can continue buffing and creating your big OTK minion
- 1x (0) Priestess Valishj
- 2x (0) Illuminate
- 1x (1) The Light! It Burns!
- 2x (1) Shard of the Naaru
- 2x (1) Shadow Word: Devour
- 2x (1) Serpent Wig
- 2x (1) Gift of the Naaru
- 2x (1) Focused Will
- 2x (2) Thrive in the Shadows
- 2x (2) Radiant Elemental
- 2x (2) Bless
- 2x (3) Switcheroo
- 2x (3) Identity Theft
- 2x (3) Handmaiden
- 2x (4) Boon of the Ascended
- 2x (8) Power Word: Fortitude
Here is the deck code:
3. Quest Priest
Xyrella was looking for spiritual guidance but found deck-building tips instead.
Joining the not-so-exclusive list of heavy control Priest decks is Quest Priest. Originally, the very stringent requirements of the quest card Seek Guidance made this archetype nigh unplayable as it often gets bulldozed by faster decks. An expansion later, the introduction of XL decks with the Murder at Castle Nathria set pushed Quest Priest into relevancy.
Owing to having a guaranteed kill card, this deck has the very simple objective of “just” surviving. Turtle up as best you can and focus on enduring the barrage of damage while progressing your quest. Later on, you can use the Purified Shard to cleanse the board of your enemy and instantly destroy their chances at victory.
What’s great about this deck:
- Natural mana curve: The quest rewards having a balanced mana curve, making your turns more consistent
- Health gain: Emergency healing spells such as Desperate Prayer and even your big lifesteal card Blackwater Behemoth allows you to sustain longer against threats
- Disruption: Theotar and Mutanus provide tech options to wreck combo decks that might be faster than you
- 2x (0) Desperate Prayer
- 2x (1) The Light! It Burns!
- 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide
- 2x (1) Shard of the Naaru
- 1x (1) Seek Guidance
- 2x (1) Gift of the Naaru
- 2x (2) Thrive in the Shadows
- 2x (2) Sketchy Stranger
- 1x (2) Condemn (Rank 1)
- 2x (3) Venomous Scorpid
- 1x (3) Prince Renathal
- 2x (3) Identity Theft
- 2x (3) Cathedral of Atonement
- 1x (4) Xyrella
- 2x (4) Shadow Word: Ruin
- 2x (4) Lightmaw Netherdrake
- 1x (5) Theotar, the Mad Duke
- 2x (5) Spirit Guide
- 2x (5) Clean the Scene
- 2x (6) Lightshower Elemental
- 1x (6) Lightbomb
- 1x (7) Mutanus the Devourer
- 1x (7) Blackwater Behemoth
- 1x (8) Xyrella, the Devout
- 2x (8) Whirlpool
Here is the deck code:
2. Big Priest
Neptulon, tired of filling hands, is now throwing hands.
With the temporary inclusion of the Knights of the Frozen Throne set to Standard comes a very much uninvited guest for everyone, Big Priest. This deck has been making waves in the Wild format by relying on Neptulon being cheated out and repeatedly resurrected to provide a constant source of pressure.
Now that this deck has been brought to Standard, players can only shake in terror when faced against an unending tide of 4/2 hands smacking them to death. As a bonus for Priest players, Neptulon works very well with Eternal Servitude and Masked Reveler to spawn multiple copies and bring the Tidehunter’s wrath on your enemies.
What’s good about this deck:
- Guaranteed summon: This deck only has 3 minions which guarantees that either Neptulon or Stoneborn General is cheated out with your spells
- Targeted draw: Almost all your card draw effects are aimed at summoning a copy of a minion or drawing a spell, ensuring that the chances of drawing out Neptulon early on are lessened
- Xyrella: This hero card provides a final threat by filling your board with copies of Stoneborn General in the scenario that you run out of resurrect spells
- 2x (0) Illuminate
- 2x (1) The Light! It Burns!
- 2x (1) Shard of the Naaru
- 2x (1) Shadowcloth Needle
- 2x (2) Thrive in the Shadows
- 2x (2) Spirit Lash
- 2x (3) Identity Theft
- 2x (3) Cathedral of Atonement
- 2x (3) Amulet of Undying
- 2x (4) Eternal Servitude
- 2x (5) Clean the Scene
- 2x (6) Shadow Essence
- 2x (6) Masked Reveler
- 1x (8) Xyrella, the Devout
- 2x (10) Stoneborn General
- 1x (10) Neptulon the Tidehunter
Here is the deck code:
1. Naga Priest
Legends say that all those who look into her eyes are turned to plush.
Naga Priest still reigns supreme as the only Tier 1 Priest deck in the meta. Much like Bless Priest, this Priest deck also relies on buffing up its minions but differs in its much slower approach to winning.
Use your cheap buff spells to outstat your opponent and take favorable trades to shut down their board presence early on. From there, you can then rely on Bless or Pelagos to create multiple threats on the board and overwhelm your foe with pure stats.
What’s great about this deck:
- Board advantage: Naga Priest uses a combination of cheap minions and cheap buff spells to allow for favorable trades and secure a minion advantage
- Blademaster Samuro: A buffed Blademaster Samuro singlehandedly wins the games against Token decks by killing an entire wave of tokens
- Spell synergy: Many of your cards benefit from spell casts, raising the power level of Serpent Wig every time it is casted
- 1x (0) Priestess Valishj
- 2x (1) Vicious Slitherspear
- 1x (1) Shard of the Naaru
- 2x (1) Shadow Word: Devour
- 2x (1) Serpent Wig
- 2x (2) Thrive in the Shadows
- 2x (2) Radiant Elemental
- 2x (2) Murkwater Scribe
- 2x (2) Bless
- 2x (2) Amalgam of the Deep
- 2x (3) Treasure Guard
- 1x (3) Pelagos
- 2x (3) Handmaiden
- 2x (3) Cathedral of Atonement
- 1x (4) School Teacher
- 1x (4) Najak Hexxen
- 2x (4) Boon of the Ascended
- 1x (4) Blademaster Samuro
Here is the deck code:
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