Hearthstone is changing all the time. New sets of cards are constantly being released, balance changes are being made and the meta is constantly shifting.
Many new players find it hard to learn how to construct a strong new deck because they have to adapt to the many changes in the game.
Here are the best 10 deck recipes that new players can find a lot of success with.
1. Trees are Friends
The first deck on the list is Treant Druid. This variation of Token Druid floods the board with small minions and then buff’s them with Power of the Wild and Blessing of the Ancients.
What’s good about this deck:
- It has really strong Treant synergies with cards like Aeroponics allowing you to draw 2 cards for 0 mana
- It can catch many players by surprise and deal massive amounts of damage with Savage Roar and a few small minions
- It is strong in both the early and late game
How to play this deck effectively:
- Mulligan for your early game minions. You shouldn’t just use your hero power at the start of the game
- Be careful when playing against aggressive decks. If you lose board control against them things will get out of control and you won’t be able to come back
- When playing against control decks keep track of their board clears and try to flood the board to get lethal with Savage Roar
- If you want to make the deck a bit more consistent, you can drop Treespeaker, Whispering Woods and BEEEES!!! for Anubisath Defender, SN1P-SN4P and extra copies of The Forest’s Aid, Dendrologist and Garden Gnome
Cards used in this deck:
- Acornbearer X 2
- Treenforcements X 2
- Dendrologist X 1
- Power Of The Wild X 2
- Shrubadier X 2
- Beeees!!! X 2
- Blessing Of The Ancients X 1
- Landscaping X 2
- Savage Roar X 2
- Soul Of The Forest X 2
- Wispering Woods X 2
- Aeroponics X 2
- Force Of Nature X 2
- Treespeaker X 2
- Goru The Mightree X 1
- The Forest’s Aid X 1
- Mulchmuncher X 2
2. Unseal the Vault
Quest Hunter is another token oriented deck. It tries to complete the Hunter’s Quest as fast as possible and find lethal with the new Hero Power.
What’s good about this deck:
- It is another good option for people who enjoy using token strategies
- It doesn’t have many bad match-ups
- The Quest’s reward is incredibly strong. Your Hero Power basically becomes “Cast Savage Roar”
How to play this deck effectively:
- Focus on completing the Quest first
- After completing the Quest, try to stick small minions on the board and finish your opponent as soon as possible with your Hero Power
- When playing against control decks, try to use your resources carefully and keep track of their board clears
- If you want to upgrade your deck and make it stronger, consider adding Leeroy Jenkins, Faceless Corruptor, SN1P-SN4P, Questing Explorer and Zilliax, as those cards are used in many other decks and it is good to have them in your card collection
Cards used in this deck:
- Shimmerfly X 2
- Springpaw X 2
- Timber Wolf X 2
- Unseal The Vault X 1
- Revenge Of The Wild X 2
- Scavenging Hyena X 2
- Animal Companion X 2
- Desert Spear X 2
- Master’s Call X 2
- Unleash The Hounds X 2
- Dire Frenzy X 1
- Marked Shot X 1
- Halazzi, The Lynx X 1
- Tundra Rhino X 1
- Savannah Highmane X 1
- Swarm Of Locusts X 2
- Hench-Clan Hogsteed X 2
- Vicious Scalehide X 2
3. Drop the Ancharrr!
Pirate Warrior is one of the most famous decks in the game. It is an aggressive deck that relies on pirate synergies.
What’s good about this deck:
- It can deal lots of burst damage with charge minions and Arcanite Reaper
- Parachute Brigand can give you a lot of tempo if you play a 1-drop on turn one
- It is pretty straight-forward to play
How to play this deck effectively:
- Try to play on curve and use your mana effectively
- When playing against fast aggressive decks, try to make value trades and control the board
- When playing against slow control decks, go for as much face damage as possible.
- Try upgrading your weapons with Upgrade! and Captain Greenskin. An upgraded Ancharrr can offer you lots of card draw, while an upgraded Arcanite Reaper can offer you lots of face damage
- Don’t hold Town Crier for too long in hand, because you only have 1 rush minion to draw and sooner or later you won’t be able to draw anything with Town Crier
Cards used in this deck:
- Sky Raider X 2
- Town Crier X 2
- Upgrade! X 2
- Ancharrr X 1
- Livewire Lance X 2
- Skybarge X 2
- Kor’kron Elite X 2
- Restless Mummy X 2
- Arcanite Reaper X 2
- Southsea Deckhand X 2
- Bloodsail Raider X 2
- Parachute Brigand X 2
- Southsea Captain X 2
- Dread Corsair X 2
- Hoard Pillager X 1
- Captain Greenskin X 1
- Leeroy Jenkins X 1
4. Bazaar Burglary
Quest Rogue is one of the most fun decks to play. It completes its quest by getting 4 cards from another class, which adds a lot of diversity to each game.
What’s good about this deck:
- Every game will be different due to the random card generation. This will give new players the opportunity to play with many different cards and see how they work
- The reward from the quest is very strong
- You can gain lots of tempo with your combo effects
How to play this deck effectively:
- Mulligan for your early drops such as Questing Explorer and Underbelly Fence
- Edwin WanCleef is one of the strongest cards in the deck. Some decks such as Embiggen Druid and Face Hunter don’t have good single-target removal. In such match-ups, a big Edwin can win you the game on the spot
- Use your mana efficiently
- One of Rogue’s weaknesses is that it has no way to heal. Be careful with how much damage you take and try to control the board against aggressive decks
Cards used in the deck:
- Backstab X 2
- Preparation X 2
- Bazaar Burglary X 1
- Dragon’s Hoard X 2
- Clever Disguise X 2
- Eviscerate X 2
- Underbelly Fence X 2
- Blink Fox X 2
- Evil Miscreant X 2
- Edwin Vancleef X 1
- Fan Of Knives X 1
- Si:7 Agent X 2
- Hench-Clan Burglar X 2
- Spirit Of The Shark X 1
- Vendetta X 2
- Bazaar Mugger X 1
- Tess Greymane X 1
- Questing Explorer X 1
5. Day of the Dead
This version of resurrect priest is one of the few control decks on this list. Despite being a control deck, it still isn’t very hard to play, which makes it great for new players.
What’s good about this deck:
- It has many strong board-clears
- It has the Divine Shield – Inner fire Combo
- Your resurrect effects can end the game on the spot against aggressive decks
How to play this deck effectively:
- You need to get to the late game to use your resurrect effects. To do so use your board clears effectively
- Try to include Archmage Vargoth in your resurrection pool before you play Mass resurrection as if you summon him with the spell he will cast another copy of Mass Ressurection
- Use your board clears effectively
- Be careful when playing against cards like Bad Luck Albatross, Hex and Polymorph because they can make your resurrect pool really bad
Cards used in this deck:
- Forbidden Words X 2
- Inner Fire X 2
- Power Word: Shield X 2
- Divine Hymn X 1
- Divine Spirit X 2
- Shadow Word: Pain X 1
- Shadow Word: Death X 2
- Grave Rune X 2
- Convincing Infiltrator X 2
- Mass Hysteria X 2
- Catrina Muerte X 1
- Mass Resurrection X 2
- Plague Of Death X 1
- Injured Tol’vir X 2
- Archmage Vargoth X 1
- Witchwood Grizzly X 2
- Zilliax X 1
- Damaged Stegotron X 1
- Batterhead X 1
6. Galakrond’s Fury
Galakrond Shaman was arguably the strongest deck in Hearthstone history. It makes use of the Galakrond invoke package.
What’s good about this deck:
- It has strong Overload synergies
- You can reuse Galakrond’s battlecry with Shudderwock
- If you manage to stick a few tokens on the board, you can end the game with bloodlust or Vessina
How to play this deck effectively:
- Try to start the game with Sludge Slurper, Surging Tempest and Likkim
- Try to invoke in the mid-game
- Play your strong finishers in the late game. A fully invoked Galakrond summons 2 8/8 with rush, which is incredibly strong
- Try to use Mutate effectively. It can win you many games if combined with Mogu Fleshshaper for example
Cards used in this deck:
- Mutate x 2
- Sludge Slurper x 2
- Storm’s Wrath x 2
- Surging Tempest x 2
- Voltaic Burst x 2
- Invocation Of Frost x 2
- Likkim x 1
- Sandstorm Elemental x 2
- Thunderhead x 2
- Vessina x 1
- Bloodlust x 1
- Dragon’s Pack x 2
- Corrupt Elementalist x 2
- Galakrond, The Tempest x 1
- Mogu Fleshshaper x 2
- Shudderwock x 1
- Devoted Maniac x 2
- Kronx Dragonhoof x 1
7. Aspects of the Arcane
This version of Dragon Mage is heavily minions based and uses very few spells, compared to other mage decks. It relies on strong dragons like Malygos, Aspect of Magic and Kalecgos.
What’s good about this deck:
- It has many cool dragon cards
- Khadgar + Conjurer’s Calling can give you lots of tempo and value
- It uses strong mid-range dragons like Twilight Drake
How to play this deck effectively:
- Use Arcane Breath, Scalerider and Firetree Witchdoctor to control the early game
- Try playing a discounted Mountain Giant and following up with Conjurer’s Calling, because this is one of the strongest combos in the deck
- Utilize Dragoncaster and Kalecgos with strong spells like Power of Creation
- If you want to further strengthen your deck, you can add Zilliax and Alexstraza to your deck. They will help you against both aggressive and control decks
Cards used in this deck:
- Arcane Breath X 2
- Book Of Specters X 2
- Khadgar X 1
- Messenger Raven X 2
- Azure Explorer X 2
- Conjurer’s Calling X 2
- Malygos, Aspect Of Magic X 1
- Dragoncaster X 2
- Power Of Creation X 2
- Kalecgos X 1
- Firetree Witchdoctor X 2
- Scalerider X 2
- Scaleworm X 2
- Twilight Drake X 2
- Cobalt Spellkin X 1
- Dragonmaw Scorcher X 2
- Mountain Giant X 2
8. Ultimate Impfestation
This is a version of Zoo Warwock. It is one of the best decks for new players and always finds a way into the meta.
What’s good about this deck:
- There are a lot of variations of it and you can experiment a lot
- It is incredibly simple to play and doesn’t require a lot of dust to craft
- Games are usually quite fast, which allows you to play many games in a short time period
How to play this deck effectively:
- Mulligan for your early drops
- Use your mana efficiently. Try to always play on curve
- Go for value trades when playing against aggressive decks
- Be careful with inflicting too much damage to yourself. Some classes like Hunter can deal lots of burst damage
- If you want to strengthen your deck, you can include the Galakrond Package and remove some of the weaker cards in the deck like Rafaam’s Scheme and Fiendish Circle
Cards used in this deck:
- Flame Imp x 2
- Sinister Deal x 2
- Soulfire x 2
- Voidwalker x 2
- Witchwood Imp x 2
- Evil Genius x 2
- Doubling Imp x 2
- Impferno x 2
- Rafaam’s Scheme x 2
- Fiendish Circle x 2
- Jumbo Imp x 2
- Dire Wolf Alpha x 2
- Knife Juggler x 2
- Hench-Clan Hag x 2
- Sea Giant x 2
9. Lightforged Retribution
This deck is also known as “Pure Paladin”. It is one of the most interesting decks on this list because it uses no neutral cards, which allows it to use powerful cards like Lighforged Zealot and Lightforged Crusader.
What’s good about this deck:
- It is very fun to play
- It controls the board well with its mid-range cards
- It has powerful buff spells
How to play this deck effectively:
- Try to start the game with your 1 and 2-drops, as well as Crystology
- Controlling the board with your minions is essential. However, don’t forget that you should try to find a way to close out the game as soon as possible too
- Be careful when playing against Bad Luck Albatross, because it shuffles neutral cards into your deck
- You can substitute Crystalsmith Kangor for Sanctuary, which is also very strong but costs less dust
- You can also try to include Brazen Zealot and Shotbot. They can significantly strengthen your early game
Cards used in this deck:
- Crystology x 2
- Glow-Tron x 2
- Righteous Cause x 2
- Argent Protector x 2
- Crystalsmith Kangor x 1
- Micro Mummy x 2
- Sandwasp Queen x 2
- Subdue x 2
- Bronze Explorer x 2
- Sky Claw x 2
- Blessing Of Kings x 2
- Consecration x 2
- Lightforged Zealot x 2
- Pharaoh’s Blessing x 2
- Lightforged Crusader x 2
- Tirion Fordring x 1
10. Ysera’s Dream Defenders
The last deck on this list is a version of Dragon Druid. It uses strong big minions and ramp cards, which allow it to reach 10 mana crystals faster.
What’s good about this deck:
- It uses some really flashy and cool cards like Ysera, Unleashed
- It has a really strong late game
- It can get big minions out early in the game thanks to Frizz Kindleroost and Breath of Dreams
How to play this deck effectively:
- Always mulligan for Breath of Dreams. It is your strongest card
- Against aggressive and token decks, you can also mulligan for Scalerider, Firetree Witchdoctor and your board clears
- If you have the first wing of the Galakrond’s Awakening Solo Adventure, you should add Winged Guardian to the deck. It is a really good taunt minion, which can help you stabilize the game
- You can also add Embiggen and Strength in Numbers to further improve the deck
Cards used in the deck:
- Breath Of Dreams x 2
- Wrath x 2
- Beeees!!! x 2
- Ferocious Howl x 2
- Flobbidinous Floop x 1
- Swipe x 2
- Emerald Explorer x 2
- Nourish x 2
- Ysera, Unleashed x 1
- Firetree Witchdoctor x 2
- Scalerider x 1
- Frizz Kindleroost x 1
- Scaleworm x 2
- Twilight Drake x 2
- Cobalt Spellkin x 2
- Dragonmaw Scorcher x 1
- Crowd Roaster x 1
- Twin Tyrant x 2
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