Kaitlyn McKenzie found her ultimate love (AKA, writing) quite by accident. Actually, it wasn't by accident. It was a sense of competition fueled by constant comparison to her cousin. (Suck it, guys.) However, she quickly found that being able to weave words into worlds gave her a sense of satisfaction unmatched by any other. So she continued. It should come as no surprise, then, that story-driven games are her bread and butter, and she often harbors little interest for games that are lacking in plot. While she dabbled in playing games before, she didn't find a real sense of passion for it until she discovered Kingdom Hearts. This led her down a path where she fell in love with gaming culture-- despite being ridiculously picky about the games that she partook in. And now, she's here, ready to share that passion with the world.

Also, since she couldn't find her other 2 top favorite games on the list and she's salty about it: Kingdom Hearts (literally the entire series shhh) and Shin Megami Tense IVi: Apocalypse.
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Currently Playing
Persona 5
Top 3 Favorite Games