Want to know the best keyblades to get in Kingdom Hearts 3?
It's been said that Kingdom Hearts 3 has a smaller collection of keyblades than the other games, but that doesn't mean there aren't some awesome ones for you to find.
Read on to find out the top 5 best keyblades from the newest Kingdom Hearts game and how you can add them to your arsenal.
5. Crystal Snow
The Crystal Snow is a gorgeous keyblade inspired by the ice palace featured in Arendelle. Since it draws heavy inspiration from the snow queen herself, it makes sense that it has a focus on magic and imitates Elsa’s abilities and creatures. Fortunately, it also proves to be incredibly strong (and a whole lot of fun) due to its form changes.
For those who like numbers, here they are: It increases magic by 6 and strength by 3.
What's Awesome About Crystal Snow?
Glad you asked.
Freeze protection.
Arendelle is a treacherous frozen landscape, and all of the Heartless there are super stoked to turn Sora and friends into blocks of ice. There are lots of hidden secrets under the snow dunes of the North Mountain, so a little bit of protection from all that cold will be helpful as you scope those secrets out.
Blizzard Claws.
Listen, I don’t know about you guys, but the idea of running around with ice claws for hands is extremely appealing to me. Rip those Heartless to shreds!
Blizzard Blades.
This is where the Crystal Snow keyblade really shines. With this form change, Sora’s arms are adorned with sharp blades made of ice, and he’s equipped with a nice pair of ice skates to glide around on. These handy skates allow you to dash at enemies and slice at them with the ice blades.
Icy Chandelier of DOOM.
This is my personal name for Blizzard Blades’ finisher, which is so awesome that it deserves its own section. For this finisher, Sora sends a giant ice chandelier crashing down to the ground (and hopefully onto a bunch of Heartless). This is great if you’re being overwhelmed by a horde of Heartless. And, I mean, come on. Who hasn’t wanted to smash a chandelier?
Details, you ask?
Here’s a link to the wiki page so you can check it out for yourself!
Having trouble with that boss?
I definitely did
Here’s how to defeat the final boss in Arendelle:
Kingdom Hearts 3 - Frozen Final Bossfight
Once you do that, you will have gained access to the Crystal Snow keyblade.
4. Nano Gear
The Nano Gear is a keyblade with a really fun design. It borrows elements from the heroes of the world it comes from: San Fransokyo. At first glance, it just looks like Baymax’s armor, but if you look more closely, you can pick out Fred’s color scheme, Hiro’s megabot and microbots, and even Honey Lemon’s chem-balls. Given the strength of the Big Hero 6 team, it’s no surprise that Nano Gear is a strong keyblade, but it’s pretty well-balanced overall.
You like the numbers? Here they are: Magic is increased by 4, and strength is increased by 5.
What’s Awesome About Nano Gear?
Besides the stellar design, you mean?
Stun Protection
Stun is a status effect that prevents the player from being able to move during combat. This is something that you don’t want to happen. If it does, Sora is more vulnerable to the attacks being lobbed at him by Heartless, and he can’t deal any damage to them in return. And we all know that we can’t really rely on Donald to heal us during these times, right?
Nano Arms
That’s the name of the formchange for this keyblade. When in this form, the keyblade looks like a broadsword, with two smaller blades coming out on either side of it. It looks super cool. But it can transform even more, which brings us to…
The Formchange Combos
Now that we’ve introduced the formchange, we can get on to the really fun part: the combos. This keyblade is really unique in that Hiro’s microbots will change the look of the keyblade to imitate the formchanges of other keyblades. Once the microbots have done their thing, the attacks will borrow elements from those formchanges. For example, you can use attacks that are suspiciously similar to Blizzard Claws (from Crystal Snow) and Happy Hammer (from Favorite Deputy), among others.
This is the most awesome detail about Nano Gear because it makes it a very versatile keyblade and useful in so manysituations.
You want more details?
Comin’ right up. Check it out here.
Boss got ya down?
No worries. Check this out:
Kingdom Hearts III - San Fransokyo (Big Hero 6) - Final Boss and Ending
(Psst! If you want to get straight to the fight, skip to 6:00!)
Once you finish this battle, that Nano Gear is yours!
3. Wheel of Fate
The Wheel of Fate is a powerful keyblade with one of my favorite designs. It takes inspiration from the Black Pearl, Captain Jack Sparrow’s ship in the Pirates of the Caribbean world. My personal favorite design elements are the ship steering wheel at the top of the blade, the skull on the handle, and the key token.
That being said, the Wheel of Fate emphasizes strength, as opposed to the Crystal Snow keyblade mentioned earlier in this list.
Numbers? Here they are: Magic is increased by 4, while strength is increased by 6.
What’s Awesome About Wheel of Fate?
Okay, first of all, its name? I mean, how cool is that?
This is the default ability that comes with the keyblade. It might not seem like much, but having this ability means that the player doesn’t have to meet any requirements in order to use the Waterza situation command.
This is the first formchange for the Wheel of Fate keyblade. The keyblade changes into a spear, which is a really awesome weapon in and of itself. With the keyblade in this form, Sora can dash forward while thrusting the spear at enemies that are far away, or he can slash at enemies that are closer.
The finishers for this form are really cool. For the first one, while Sora thrusts the spear forward, multiple copies of it appear and mimic the movement. For the second one, Sora will teleport high into the air above enemies, send spears raining down on the enemies, then dive-bomb and bury his keyblade-spear into the ground.
Storm Flag
This is the second formchange. In some of the attacks for this form, Sora doesn’t even touch the flag itself, and instead moves it telekinetically, which looks really awesome. (Seriously, who doesn’t want to be able to use telekinesis?) One of the really cool moves with this formchange is when Sora sends the flag spinning at enemies, then calls it back to him; this is obviously great for long-distance attacks and for enemies that you don’t want to get too close to.
The really great part about this formchange is the finisher. Once Sora slams the flag’s staff into the ground, it’s over for any surrounding Heartless. Giant, watery tentacles burst up from the ground in a protective circle around Sora and begin wildly flailing, assaulting any surrounding enemies.
Still want more details?
Find them here.
Boss Blues?
Here’s some help:
KINGDOM HEARTS 3 - Pirates of the Caribbean Final Boss Fight & Ending | PS4 Gameplay
(Psst. The fight starts around 1:30, if you don't want to watch the cutscene!)
Once you finish this battle, you’ll be rewarded with the Wheel of Fate.
2. Classic Tone
The Classic Tone is another keyblade with a heavy emphasis on magic. However, it also provides a pretty sizable boost in strength, too. While it’s not the most well-balanced keyblade, I think it does relatively okay in finding a happy medium between strength and magic.
The design derives elements from the classic Mickeys and their cartoons, with the token being the steering wheel for Steam Boat Willie’s steamboat.
All about those numbers? Check ‘em out: Magic is increased by a whopping 9 points, while strength enjoys a nice bump of 6 points.
What’s Awesome About Classic Tone?
Come on! It’s a classic!
How You Get It
This is one of the extra special keyblades in the game because you can’t get this simply by progressing through the natural storyline. No, this is a keyblade that can only be acquired by putting in extra time and effort, and that in and of itself is super awesome. (More about this down below!)
MP Haste
Given the emphasis on magic (and therefore the assumption that the player will be using a lot of magic while this keyblade is equipped), having the ability to regenerate MP without having to use items is super helpful.
While most of the other keyblades on this list are super cool because of their formchanges, the shotlocks are the most interesting detail for the Classic Tone. Drawing inspiration from the Classic Kingdom games, once the shotlocks are engaged, the battleground becomes totally black and white and sound effects from classic cartoons are used as Sora (and his avatars) take out enemies.
Craving those sweet deets?
Find them here!
But how do I get it, you might be asking?
I did say that we’d get to this part later. The Classic Tone keyblade is acquired by finding and achieving high scores in all of the 23 Classic Kingdom games scattered throughout the worlds. This will be a much longer process than any of the previously mentioned keyblades, and given the huge layouts of the worlds, finding all the games can be tricky.
Here’s a guide to help you out:
All Classic Kingdom Minigame Locations (How to get Classic Tone Keyblade)
1. Ultima Weapon Keyblade
This is the most powerful weapon in the whole game. Some players have even argued that it’s too powerful, and that after you acquire it, you don’t even need any help to blast through the worlds and bosses. That could be why it’s so difficult to acquire.
The only way to get this keyblade is to obtain 58 different synthesis materials. One of those materials that you have to acquire (and that is actually an ingredient for the weapon) is the Orichalcum+. This is incredibly difficult to find because its only purpose is to be used for the synthesis of the Ultima Weapon.
What’s Awesome About Ultima Weapon?
You mean aside from it being the most powerful weapon in the game?
Ultimate Form
This is the formchange for the Ultima Weapon. It allows the player to deal extremely devastating attacks across wide areas. Overwhelmed by powerful Heartless? No problem. The Ultima Weapon can take care of them like they were nothing.
The Abilities
Most keyblades only come with one ability equipped. The Ultima Weapon comes with three, and they’re all boosts. The combo boost allows you to deal greater damage with combos. The air combo boost does the same, as well as also allowing you to perform longer aerial combos. The situation boost is one of my favorites because it allows you to fill up the situation command gauge even more quickly as you plow through enemies.
The Design
I mean. Honestly. I can’t even describe how awesome it looks. Just see for yourself.
Craving more?
Here it is.
Don’t know how to get it?
It’s hard. If you dare take on the challenge, here’s a little cheat sheet:
Kingdom Hearts 3 - COMPLETE GUIDE: Ultima Weapon (100% Item Synthesis, 7 Orichalcum+, Minigames)
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