Beginning in 1997-with the original Nintendo Entertainment System-Braden was already a fairly experienced gamer by the time he reached six years of age. The following year marked the release of one of the most influential games of his young life: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Released by Nintendo on their pivotal Nintendo 64 console, there had never been a game of its kind. In a way, it was the first open world game ever produced, introducing such new concepts as fast travel, large inventory, and third person combat. It remains one of Braden's favorite games to this day. It was the re-release of this game (as well as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) in 2017 that started him down the path of game writing. Between the two, Braden invested over five thousand hours into the franchise in the following two years. He wrote and published reviews of both the Ocarina of Time remake, and the recently released Call of Duty: Black Ops III. Since then, he has edited an entire young adult series (published on Amazon), several game reviews, and is in the process of writing both a novel, and an adult cartoon. He specializes in creative and comedy writing, as well as e-journalism, and can trace his writing experience all the way back to Jr. high school.

The best thing about game writing for me, is that I get to share my experience, as well as research and learn even more about my favorite things. Gaming has saved my life on more than one occasion, and my greatest achievement in life has been finding a way to make a living doing one of the things I love most. My favorite game series is of course the Legend of Zelda series, but I also love FPS games, adventure games, puzzle games, I honestly haven't come across many games I *haven't liked. My experience is mostly in RPGs (Far Cry, Elder Scrolls, Assassin's Creed) and FPSs (From Unreal Tournament all the way up to the newest Call of Duty) but I've also found a great deal of enjoyment in second-tier comedy games like Armed and Dangerous and-my absolute favorite-Saint's Row IV. My biggest area of interest outside actually playing the games, is likely video game music. I am a lifelong musician, and I've always been captivated by certain video games' scores (Zelda of course being at the top of that list). I believe Koji Kondo to be the John Williams of video game music.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom