
Macy Pingree is a professional geek and her whole family is jealous. Being born into a gaming family, all her dad and brothers dreamed of was to be able to make money playing video games. Fortunately, Macy was able to achieve that dream for all of them; with her extensive video game experience and her passion and expertise for creative writing, Macy was able to combine the two and become a professional video game journalist. She specializes in game reviews. Being able to try out the newest games and give her recommendations is a dream come true.
Macy graduated from a private university with a minor in creative writing and went on to regularly publish gaming related articles on well-known gaming sites. Her preferred genre is strategy, specifically mobile tower defense and MOBA games. Her current favorite games are Clash of Clans and Clash Royale. She and her dad go as far as to organize a Clash Royale tournament every year at their family reunion. Can it get nerdier than that?
Macy graduated from a private university with a minor in creative writing and went on to regularly publish gaming related articles on well-known gaming sites. Her preferred genre is strategy, specifically mobile tower defense and MOBA games. Her current favorite games are Clash of Clans and Clash Royale. She and her dad go as far as to organize a Clash Royale tournament every year at their family reunion. Can it get nerdier than that?
macypingree's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Legends of Runeterra