
Megan Fitts is a casual gamer who loves playing RPGs such as Skyrim, Deus Ex and especially any thing in the Dragon Age Series- including all the books and any other DA material they can get their grubby little mage hands on.
Megan has been gaming since the young age of 10 with a second-hand Gameboy Color and a copy of Pokemon Silver, and this exciting new interest in games was quickly followed by long days with their parents’ old NES system hooked up to an equally old television in the basement. A childhood without Pokemon and Ducktales is no good childhood, and Megan continued to inhale ancient NES games and the Pokemon franchise, while branching out into other Nintendo titles, with particular interest in the Mario RPG and Professor Layton series.
Plot quickly became one of the deciding factors in choosing a new game, and as a teen-aged college freshman, they learned to love writing through their first few fan-fictions based off of the popular Paper Mario series. Now ten years later, Megan writes reviews about games that are for the college student with no time or money, the new gamer who is ready to dive in but doesn’t know where to start, and the storyteller looking for a new way to tell their compelling tale.
Megan has been gaming since the young age of 10 with a second-hand Gameboy Color and a copy of Pokemon Silver, and this exciting new interest in games was quickly followed by long days with their parents’ old NES system hooked up to an equally old television in the basement. A childhood without Pokemon and Ducktales is no good childhood, and Megan continued to inhale ancient NES games and the Pokemon franchise, while branching out into other Nintendo titles, with particular interest in the Mario RPG and Professor Layton series.
Plot quickly became one of the deciding factors in choosing a new game, and as a teen-aged college freshman, they learned to love writing through their first few fan-fictions based off of the popular Paper Mario series. Now ten years later, Megan writes reviews about games that are for the college student with no time or money, the new gamer who is ready to dive in but doesn’t know where to start, and the storyteller looking for a new way to tell their compelling tale.
MFitts's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Hollow Knight
Top 3 Favorite Games