Top 10 Dragon Age 4 Leaks, Dragon Age 4 Theories and Dragon Age 4 Rumors
From the world of Thedas comes Bioware’s long-awaited latest installation in the Dragon Age series, tentatively called Dragon Age 4. It feels like it’s been ages since the last game, and though it hasn’t been officially announced yet,fans are waiting and watching for anything that will clue them in to the game’s development status and plot.
With a pressing and vague cliffhanger like what the Trespasser DLC brought us 3 years ago fans have had plenty of time to speculate what the next game could entail. What is Solas doing? What happened to the Elves? And do we get to see Dorian dressed to the nines as an Imperium Magister? Sadly, fans of the series will have to wait for an official announcement from EA. Even the creators and cast can’t contain their excitement enough though, and have given us tiny scraps of what will hopefully be a satisfactory feast for our eagerly patient souls.
1: Release Date: 2020?
According to an unnamed source at Bioware via IGN Greece, the company is already working on another title which has an ‘old’ setting, and this title is currently in ‘voiceover’ stage which places the game quite far in development. If this source is accurate, then someone out there already knows the story in the next Dragon Age installment, and I am incredibly jealous. Greg Ellis, who voices Cullen, also revealed via Twitter that he’s working for a company that starts with ‘B…on an iconic video game series”. As of now there hasn’t been a formal announcement from either Bioware or EA, but with these little tidbits hopefully we can expecta teaser at E3 2019. Mark June 11th on your calendar, because that might just be the day hope returns to the world.
2: The Dreaded Tevinter Imperium
Look at any major conflict in the history of Thedas, and you’ll find that almost all wars and disputes have something to do with the Tevinter Imperium. It’s the oldest human nation and is ruled by Magisters who indiscreetly practice blood magic and slavery. They’re also the cause of the Blight, which has been stated all throughout Thedas’ history and in the Chant of Light. Based on a dagger thrust into a map of Tevinter at the end of Trespasser, Dragon Age 4 appears to be headed that way. With your companion Dorian taking his father’s place in the Magisterium, it seems even more likely that the ancient empire plays a major role.
3: The Qun Are Coming
The Qunari, the philosophical culture commonly practiced by the horned humanoids of the same name, have long warred with Thedas and their reach has been seen in every DA game, especially in the second installment with the Qunari presence in Kirkwall. Most of Trespasser’s conflict comes from Qunari invaders, and with their longstanding war with the Tevinter Imperium, we can assume we’ll be seeing more of them in the future. Better yet, the player may have to pick sides, much like choosing to help the Templars or Mages in Inquisition.
4: The Dread Wolf Rips the World to Shreds
Your constant companion through all of Inquisition, Solas’ sudden disappearance after the battle with Corypheus raises a multitude of questions. In Trespasser, he appears once you’ve dispatched the Qunari threat and explains that he’s one of the old Elven gods, Fen’Harel. His plan is to tear down the Veil he created that keeps the Fade separate from the mortal plane, which would undoubtedly destroy Thedas as we know it. He’s got good intentions, but realizes the consequences in dooming the elves who subsequently lost their immortality, some of their power, and resulted in their enslavement.
Since he walks off and disappears again with the Anchor (and your arm still attached), the later meeting with the Inquisitor’s advisors suggest that the next game has something to do with either apprehending or redeeming the egghead traitor, depending on your choices.
5: Elven Uprising
Having lost their immortality and some magical prowess, the elves of Thedas have fallen on hard times since their own gods betrayed them and the Veil was created. As they’ve forgotten most of their heritage and are commonly kept as slaves in both the Tevinter Imperium and the Qunari, they would have every interest in joining the Dread Wolf in his quest to bring back the world of Elven glory (And many did, as stated in the epilogue of Trespasser). With a god on their side, what’s to stop them from waging war against those who have abused and killed them? If anything is for certain, Dragon Age 4 is going to involve a lot of bloodshed.
6: Return of the Elven Gods
Inquisition was filled with all sorts of references to the ancient elven pantheon, and a Dalish Inquisitor is often able to elaborate with unique dialogue choices. If the player believes Solas’ tales, then these ‘gods’ were actually ruthless warriors who enslaved their own people, and the Dread Wolf confined them in the Fade by creating the Veil. If the mage’s plan is to tear down the Veil again, then undoubtedly the once-revered elven gods are going to be pretty testy.
7: Trouble with the Wardens (Again)
Seen from the very beginning with the player character in Dragon Age: Origins, the Grey Wardens have held a prominent place in the history of Thedas following the Magisters’ assault on the Golden City. With the Right of Conscription and ability to bolster their numbers as they see fit, they’re not always seen as necessary outside of an active Blight and have been exiled from various countries, including Orlais if the Inquisitor makes that decision. Since they were at the center of the action in Corypheus’ use of the Calling, their controversial standing could be an issue in the upcoming game, especially if Tevinter is involved. If you also consider that finding a cure for the Calling has been a recurring plot point in the entire series, including the novels, it’s likely that Dragon Age 4 will at least mention this life-saving quest.
8: Titans: It's in their Blood
In The Descent DLC set deep within the Deep Roads, the Inquisitor learns about Titans, massive underground creatures who are at the time causing earthquakes that threaten the Inquisition’s lyrium trade. Throughout the quest, the nature of lyrium becomes more and more apparent as a living substance and the blood of these Titans which serve as the pillars of all of Thedas. Red lyrium, which is lyrium tainted by the Blight, has been a wide-spreading problem in both the second and third installments of the series. The fourth game may be elaborating more on Titans and lyrium, especially since the Chant of Light prophesies that numerous immense stone men will rise up from the earth. The full nature of lyrium is still unknown, so hopefully Bioware will shed some light on the mysterious stone.
9: Meet Your Maker
Over and over again Tevinter is at the forefront of conflicts, from their use of blood magic and slaves down to even having their own patriarchal Chantry. The Maker’s Golden City was tainted by their Magisters and became the Black City, sealed forever inside the Fade- until Fen’Harel comes around to tear down the Veil. Elaborating on the same prophecy mentioned in the previous point, the Chant of Light talks about how “[The] Maker, clad in the majesty of the sky, Set foot to earth”; this after a vague mention of a ‘demon that prowled the Fade As a wolf hunts a herd of deer’. After learning that Solas is Fen’Harel, the “Dread Wolf”, the possibility arises that the fulfillment of this prophecy could already be set in motion and the Maker is on His way.
10: The Fate of the Inquisition
The whole point of the Exalted Council in the Trespasser DLC, the main reason for the Inquisition being at the Winter Palace 2 years after Corypheus’ demise, was to decide the ultimate fate of the Inquisition. Since the Breach had been closed and the threat destroyed, the Inquisition supposedly fulfilled its purpose. The player has the option to serve under the Chantry or disband entirely; either way, the Inquisitor and their advisors are seen discussing how to hunt down Solas in the end. Leliana mentions that since he had been an integral part of the Inquisition the entire time, they’d have to take a different approach to finding him. Whether that means it ceases to exist or that the player has the option of working with a smaller branch of the Inquisition, their fate for the time being is left up to the player and speculation.
What do you think? Share your theory below!