
Rachel currently has over 3,800 hours logged on Final Fantasy XIV and close to 2,000 hours on The Sims 4. Her love for going further into the stories of game and completing them 100% came from her first platinum trophy on PS4 with Skyrim. Rachel's original love for games came from The Legend of Zelda series she played as a child. After years of gaming she has now become the leader of her own free company on FFXIV and runs their family of geeks on the game and in their discord channel. When Rachel isn't raiding end game content she can be found working on her Dungeons and Dragons campaign with her fellow geeks. It takes a lot of work as she created the world herself entirely from scratch.
rachelfaylynn's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers