With Final Fantasy XIV’s 5.3 patch having just dropped, let’s look at where this new update leaves our tanks. Tanks are the ones that set the pace, and they protect everyone in the trial, dungeon, or raid. It makes sense to want the best of the best to keep your party in tip-top shape. And to help you do that, I’ve made a list of all tanks ranked good to best!
4. Gunbreaker
Gunbreaker is the newest tank on the block. Taught to you by a Hyrothgar, this class dramatically differs from the Gunbreakers in the imperial army. They fight with, as I’m sure you guessed it, a blade with a gun on it. It’s a fast-paced, high DPS, tank but it is the most squishy of the tanks. Here’s what you need to know about Gunbreakers.
What Gunbreaker Excels:
- Highest Raid DPS
- Highest Actions Per Minute (APM)
- Most Defensive Cooldowns
- Flashiest Class
How to build Gunbreaker: https://etro.gg/gearset/d723021f-5514-4ff9-989b-fac42a1ff11f
Tank Usefulness Score: 75/100
3. Dark Knight
Dark Knight, our true edge lord tank, are defenders of the weak - they bring justice to those above the law who have fallen prey to the darkness. This class has a storyline that is considered the most memorable and best side story in the game. Here’s what you need to know about Dark Knights.
What Dark Knight Excels In:
- Best AOE and Boasts a Two Target Cleave
- Best Personal Mitigation
- Shield That Goes on Self or Others and Gives DPS Gain When It Pops
- Best Glamours
How to build Dark Knight: https://etro.gg/gearset/872cc0a2-b515-4c0e-a1c1-72ae8abb713d
Tank Usefulness Score 80/100
2. Warrior
Warrior is quite the beastly class. Hailed from a tribe on the northern edge of Abalthia's Spine, the power of this class is brought to you by Curious Gorge. Using the newfound power of your inner beast to help you protect others, this class has a lot to offer to new tanks. Here’s what you need to know about Warrior.
What Warrior Excels In:
- Best Self Sustain
- Most comfortable to Pick Up and Master
- Best for Dungeons
- Good Raid Progression
How to build Warrior: https://etro.gg/gearset/27dcfe5d-f0fe-454d-b35c-42bfac362c04
Tank Usefulness Score:90/100
1. Paladin
Paladins, the elite of the sultansworn and bodyguards to the royal family of Ul'dah, know how to protect their team like no other. Battling with a sword and shield, they are ever ready to lay down their lives for others. After all, to be a paladin is to protect. It's no wonder this class is the king of tanks! Here's what you need to know about Paladin.
What Paladin Excels in:
- Best Party Utility
- Second Highest Raid DPS
- The Only Tank to Have a Ranged Combo
- Heal That Heals Self or Others
- Best for fixing party mistakes
How to build Paladin: https://etro.gg/gearset/97f56187-de07-41bc-bff7-8ea622f494fc
Tank Usefulness Score: 98/100
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