[Top 5] FF14 Best Paladin Food (And How To Get Them)

[Top 5] FF14 Best Paladin Food (And How To Get Them)
16 Sep 2022

Dear Paladins’ main, know that you are not inferior compared to Dark Knight!

Now that you know that you get your words of affirmation, there is just one more thing you need to know! What food should you eat so you become that Shield? Here you go!


5. Coconut Cod Chowder (iLevel 545)

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A Near Eastern soup, brimming with shallows cod simmered in silky coconut milk.

The first one is always the cheapest; Coconut Cod Chowder is a good option if you wanna do lower-level content. They are very affordable and convenient. You can get them from the Market Board or cook them with Culinarians.

The NQ status effects:

  • Determination +8% (Max 61)
  • Vitality +8% (Max 66)
  • Critical Hit +8% (Max 37)

The HQ status effects:

  • Determination +10% (Max 76)
  • Vitality +10% (Max 82)
  • Critical Hit +10% (Max 46)

Coconut Cod Chowder full details: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/ac97918bbd7/


4. Pumpkin Potage (iLevel 580)

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A creamy soup that highlights the rich and nutty flavor of the giant pumpkin.

The next one is a bit more expensive, but you should have them if you wanna clear 6.0 contents. These have a higher status for those contents and are definitely recommended. Most jobs will use this food anyway, so stock them up from Market Board or craft it yourself.

Pumpkin Potage full details: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/a1bd66cc8e5/

The NQ status effects:

  • Determination +8% (Max 72)
  • Vitality +8% (Max 74)
  • Critical Hit +8% (Max 43)

The HQ status effects:

  • Determination +10% (Max 90)
  • Vitality +10% (Max 93)
  • Critical Hit +10% (Max 54)

3. King Urchin Loaf (iLevel 610)

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King urchin corals mixed with mushrooms and herbs, then returned to the urchin shell and baked until delightfully spongy.

This food is excellent for you if you don’t want to aim for the clear first. This will be the right food if you need more tenacity to hold on longer and learn the mechanic. You can get this from the Market Board or by Culinarians’ cook!

The NQ status effects:

  • Determination +8% (Max 78)
  • Vitality +8% (Max 94)
  • Tenacity +8% (Max 46)

The HQ status effects:

  • Critical Hit +10% (Max 97)
  • Vitality +10% (Max 118)
  • Spell speed +10% (Max 58)
King Urchin Loaf full details: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/66e937e94dc/

2. Melon Juice (iLevel 610)

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Paralyzingly delicious juice freshly squeezed from thundermelons.

Melon Juice is good food if you want a higher-speed GCD. But please note that Paladin is already a busy job. You can get it from the Market Board or by cooking, or should I say juicing, with a Culinarian.

The NQ status effects:

  • Skill Speed +8% (Max 78)
  • Vitality +8% (Max 94)
  • Direct Hit Rate +8% (Max 46)

The HQ status effects:

  • Skill Speed +10% (Max 97)
  • Vitality +10% (Max 118)
  • Direct Hit Rate +10% (Max 58)

Melon Juice full details: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/c6f5309998a/

1. Carrot Pudding (iLevel 610)

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To freeze, shred, steam, and bake carrots into this smooth pudding requires both time and skill, but the mouthwatering results are well worth the effort.

This one is for the latest content. Carrot Pudding is suitable for almost all jobs, and you can’t go wrong with this, even as a Paladin. If you aim for clear, this will be the food for you. It is available in the Market Board and by crafting with a Culinarian!

The NQ status effects:

  • Determination +8% (Max 78)
  • Vitality +8% (Max 94)
  • Critical Hit +8% (Max 46)

The HQ status effects:

  • Determination +10% (Max 97)
  • Vitality +10% (Max 118)
  • Critical Hit +10% (Max 58)
Carrot Pudding full details: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/d54ae9760e5/ 

Yes, yes, this will do nicely for our Paladin! Now, remember to know the necessary iLevel for a dungeon and armors that support it, and make sure to practice your rotation well!

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