The Relic weapon quest chains are some of the most challenging yet grind-worthy quests in Final Fantasy 14, and with the 5.25 patch, a new series of Relic weapons were introduced – Resistance weapons. All boasting an item level of 485 with room for improvement, the Resistance series are legendary weapons created by the Bozjan people in Shadowbringers. Currently, there is only one step to the Resistance weapon series which is obtaining them, but like all Relic weapons, with further patches there will be a chance to grind and upgrade the Resistance weapons. Relic weapons tend to change in appearance from each upgrade, so there is no way to predict the weapons’ end design, but many of them have the potential to be beautiful weapons just based on their current designs and compared to previous Relic weapons like the Anima and Eurekan series. With that in mind, here are the coolest of the Resistance weapons thus far.
10) Solstice
Why Solstice is great:
- Simple in design with a handful of detailed engravings
- A striking star piece in the middle of the globe
- Two glowing orbs that orbit the globe like planets
How to get Solstice:
- Must have completed the main story quest up until the “Shadowbringer” quest and have completed all the Return to Ivalice raids from Stormblood.
- As an Astrologian, complete the side quest chain beginning with “Hail to the Queen” in Kugane market.
- Or (if this is not your first Resistance weapon) trade 4 Thavnairian Scalepowders to Zlatan and complete the quest “Resistance is (Not) Futile” as an Astrologian.
9) Brilliance
Why Brilliance is great:
- Overall, beautiful black bow with numerous silver details
- Glowing red gems add a touch of color
How to get Brilliance:
- Must have completed the main story quest up until the “Shadowbringer” quest and have completed all the Return to Ivalice raids from Stormblood.
- As a Bard, complete the side quest chain beginning with “Hail to the Queen” in Kugane market.
- Or (if this is not your first Resistance weapon) trade 4 Thavnairian Scalepowders to Zlatan and complete the quest “Resistance is (Not) Futile” as a Bard.
8) Dreizack
Why Dreizack is great:
- Simple black pole with dark silver details
- The three pronged head glows purple when equipped
How to get Dreizack:
- Must have completed the main story quest up until the “Shadowbringer” quest and have completed all the Return to Ivalice raids from Stormblood.
- As a Dragoon, complete the side quest chain beginning with “Hail to the Queen” in Kugane market.
- Or (if this is not your first Resistance weapon) trade 4 Thavnairian Scalepowders to Zlatan and complete the quest “Resistance is (Not) Futile” as a Dragoon.
7) Hoshikiri
Why Hoshikiri is great:
- Beautiful deep red sword with silver and black detailing
- It’s black sheath is decorated with red and gold ribbons, and it is nearly as striking as the sword itself.
How to get Hoshikiri:
- Must have completed the main story quest up until the “Shadowbringer” quest and have completed all the Return to Ivalice raids from Stormblood.
- As a Samurai, complete the side quest chain beginning with “Hail to the Queen” in Kugane market.
- Or (if this is not your first Resistance weapon) trade 4 Thavnairian Scalepowders to Zlatan and complete the quest “Resistance is (Not) Futile” as a Samurai.
6) Soulscourge
Why the Soulscourge is great:
- Black staff with gold details
- Staff tip glows in a mesmerizing red to purple
- A floating golden ring tops off the design
How to get the Soulscourge:
- Must have completed the main story quest up until the “Shadowbringer” quest and have completed all the Return to Ivalice raids from Stormblood.
- As a Black Mage, complete the side quest chain beginning with “Hail to the Queen” in Kugane market.
- Or (if this is not your first Resistance weapon) trade 4 Thavnairian Scalepowders to Zlatan and complete the quest “Resistance is (Not) Futile” as a Black Mage.
5) Enchufla
Why Enchufla is great:
- A pair of overlapping gold and silver rings
- Large red diamond shaped gems lining both rings
- Smaller gold patterns and blue gemstones on the silver ring for added details
How to get Enchufla:
- Must have completed the main story quest up until the “Shadowbringer” quest and have completed all the Return to Ivalice raids from Stormblood.
- As a Dancer, complete the side quest chain beginning with “Hail to the Queen” in Kugane market.
- Or (if this is not your first Resistance weapon) trade 4 Thavnairian Scalepowders to Zlatan and complete the quest “Resistance is (Not) Futile” as a Dancer.
4) Woeborn
Why Woeborn is great:
- Fits perfectly with the Dark Knight aesthetic
- Massive black sword that glows red when equipped
How to get Woeborn:
- Must have completed the main story quest up until the “Shadowbringer” quest and have completed all the Return to Ivalice raids from Stormblood.
- As a Dark Knight, complete the side quest chain beginning with “Hail to the Queen” in Kugane market.
- Or (if this is not your first Resistance weapon) trade 4 Thavnairian Scalepowders to Zlatan and complete the quest “Resistance is (Not) Futile” as a Dark Knight.
3) Ingrimm
Why Ingrimm is great:
- Pairs perfectly with a Gridania aesthetic
- A twisted wooden staff sprouting green leaves
- Subtle glowing stone at the top of the staff
How to get Ingrimm:
- Must have completed the main story quest up until the “Shadowbringer” quest and have completed all the Return to Ivalice raids from Stormblood.
- As a White Mage, complete the side quest chain beginning with “Hail to the Queen” in Kugane market.
- Or (if this is not your first Resistance weapon) trade 4 Thavnairian Scalepowders to Zlatan and complete the quest “Resistance is (Not) Futile” as a White Mage.
2) Akademos
Why Akademos is great:
- White spell book decorated with gorgeous golden spirals
- White feather with a faded red tip as an added detail
How to get Akademos:
- Must have completed the main story quest up until the “Shadowbringer” quest and have completed all the Return to Ivalice raids from Stormblood.
- As a Scholar, complete the side quest chain beginning with “Hail to the Queen” in Kugane market.
- Or (if this is not your first Resistance weapon) trade 4 Thavnairian Scalepowders to Zlatan and complete the quest “Resistance is (Not) Futile” as a Scholar.
1) Espiritus
Why Espiritus is great:
- A black spell book with a red spine, blue highlights, and gold detailing
- The smaller details like the feathers, gemstones, and wings are gorgeous
- The pages are black with gold writing
How to get Espiritus:
- Must have completed the main story quest up until the “Shadowbringer” quest and have completed all the Return to Ivalice raids from Stormblood.
- As a Summoner, complete the side quest chain beginning with “Hail to the Queen” in Kugane market.
- Or (if this is not your first Resistance weapon) trade 4 Thavnairian Scalepowders to Zlatan and complete the quest “Resistance is (Not) Futile” as a Summoner.
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