
Marcelo is an experienced writer, reviewer and critic, specializing in the gaming industry. Marcelo's life changed when he discovered Duck Hunt in the 90's. He then moved on to Gameboy Color, playing Pokemon Crystal, and eventually got his first personal computer. Going from Age of Empires to Thief, Marcelo's range expanded as the years went by. He studied interface design, and added music producing and writing to his resume. His love for gaming never stopped, as he is still currently playing games as much as he can. Today he plays Deep Rock Galactic, Slay the Spire, and has started playing V Rising, amongst other titles. Marcelo loves co-op games that involve strategy or some amount of grinding, and roguelike games.
rohor's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Deep Rock Galactic, Fallout 4, V Rising, Phasmophobia, The Binding of Isaac: Repentance, Slay the Spire
Top 3 Favorite Games