If you like to feel like a total badass, then the Bulldog is for you. This secondary weapon for the Gunner features big bullets, big damage, and punchy sounds. The Bulldog is a serviceable weapon that deals high single target damage, and it’s pretty easy to use. Point to a weak spot, and shoot! This is the first weapon you’ll have as the Gunner, so get used to jumping around and destroying Praetorians and Oppressors. Knowing all this, we brought to you the best builds so you can maximize this gun’s potential.
3. Homebrew Powder
Deep Rock Galactic doesn’t have many randomized elements, but when it does, they’re usually pretty good for the player. Homebrew Powder is a simple build: you have a randomized chance of dealing a bit less or much more damage for each shot. This can be the difference between one-shotting a bug or wasting one more bullet on those pesky critters. This is a strong build that enhances what the Bulldog is supposed to do; kill things.
What Homebrew Powder Excels In?
- This build is simple and flexible, letting you change the perks as you prefer.
- You’ll deal more damage on average, letting you kill things much faster.
- Homebrew Powder is great at dealing with high priority targets.
Use This Build If…
- You want a reliable and flexible build.
- You want to deal more damage to enemies.
- You feel the need to deal with high priority targets.
Build details
Perfect Weight Balance: This perk will make your bullets more accurate.
Increased Caliber Rounds: Damage? Absolutely.
Hollow-Point Bullets: You can take any perk on this tier, depending on what you want to do. Hollow-Point Bullets will increase the weak spot damage bonus for each shot.
High Velocity Rounds: More damage? Definitely.
Dead-Eye: Dead-Eye will nullify aim penalties while moving, letting you be accurate while kiting around the bugs.
Overclock - Homebrew Powder: This overclock will randomize the damage you deal (between 0.75x and 2x damage).
2. Six-Shooter
A revolver without a 6 bullet chamber? Blasphemy. This build is here to change the Bulldog to what’s intended for a revolver: you’ll have a 6 bullet chamber like any revolver should. This build also increases fire rate and ammo capacity, letting you shoot quicker and for longer! You won’t be as accurate with it, so try to shoot enemies from up close for maximum effect. This build won’t do you no wrong, and may your trigger finger be true!
What Six-Shooter Excels In?
- Having more bullets in the chamber will let you kill things more often before reloading.
- It’s a serviceable and flexible build which you can tune to your gameplay.
- The Bulldog deals immense damage by itself, and this build is no exception.
Use This Build If…
- You like having a bigger chamber.
- You want a flexible build that you can adjust to each mission.
- You like actual revolvers.
Build details
Perfect Weight Balance: This perk will counteract the overclocks’ downsides, letting you keep some of the default accuracy of the Bulldog.
Increased Caliber Rounds: Yep. More damage.
Super Blowthrough Rounds: Every perk in this tier is viable, depending on your playstyle. We like taking Super Blowthrough Rounds because it helps us use the Bulldog to clear swarms, since the bullets can penetrate enemies and hit the ones behind the initial target.
High Velocity Rounds: You can see a pattern here. Even more damage is always great.
Dead-Eye: This perk will eliminate any aiming penalties while moving.
Overclock - Six-Shooter: Six-Shooter will increase your chamber capacity to 6 bullets, your max ammo and rate of fire, while decreasing reload time and increasing base spread.
- +2 Magazine Size
- +6 Max Ammo
- +2 Rate of Fire
- +0.5s Reload Time
- ×1.5 Base Spread
1. Elephant Rounds
Oh boy, Elephant Rounds. You won’t have much ammo with this build, but oh boy, it packs a punch. Elephant Rounds will increase the damage of the bulldog drastically, one shotting almost anything you shoot at! This makes the Bulldog a fantastic high priority target killer, and a fantastic weapon to deal with bosses. It has a lot of recoil (after all, the bullets are elephant sized), so shoot slowly, so that you can use this weapon to its full potential.
What Elephant Rounds Excels In?
- This build is a fantastic high priority and boss killer.
- You’ll feel like a total badass using this build.
- It can shore up any single target weaknesses your primary weapon might have.
Use This Build If…
- You need tremendous amounts of single target damage.
- You want the Bulldog to kill almost everything with one bullet.
- You don’t care about the downsides of this build.
Build details
Perfect Weight Balance: This build isn’t very accurate, so this perk will help with that weakness.
Increased Caliber Rounds: The pattern continues! More damage.
Super Blowthrough Rounds: You can take any perk in this tier. If you’re fighting bosses, the weak point damage bonus is the best. If you are planning on fighting swarms, this one or Explosive Rounds is the way to go.
High Velocity Rounds: We. Need. More. Damage.
Dead-Eye: This perk will let you fire accurately while moving.
Overclock - Elephant Rounds: Elephant Rounds will double your damage and it will reduce your base spread, but it will reduce your total ammo and magazine size, and it will increase recoil, reload speed and spread per shot (you’ll need to shoot slowly so you don’t feel this spread).
- x2 Damage
- x0.5 Base Spread
- -12 Max Ammo
- -1 Magazine Size
- +0.5s Reload Time
- x2.5 Recoil
- +71% Spread per Shot
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