The Minigun is a quintessential weapon in many games, and Deep Rock Galactic’s no exception: the Gunner wouldn’t feel complete without having a badass minigun to mow down anything that appears in its path. This is the first primary weapon that the Gunner can use, and it’s very serviceable at either dealing with swarms and blasting through high priority targets. The minigun doesn’t use a reloading system; it instead heats up until it reaches max heat, which will jam the weapon until it cools down completely.
You’ll always have a large amount of bullets and great damage when using the Minigun, so don’t shy away from this fantastic weapon!
3. Burning Hell
The Gunner once looked towards the Driller, and wondered what having a flamethrower was like. Since Deep Rock Galactic never issued one to him, he decided to make some adjustments to his minigun. And lo and behold, Burning Hell! This build is focused around heat damage. Your weapon will heat up the bullets once your weapon is hot enough, and it will also shoot flames directly in front of you! The Driller would be proud!
What Burning Hell Excels In?
- This build is flexible and fun to use!
- You’ll apply heat damage to enemies, which will burn them over time, saving bullets here and there.
- This build feels powerful and managing the heat gauge can be engaging for some people.
Use This Build If…
- You like flamethrowers but you want to play Gunner.
- You want a versatile build that suits any situation.
- You want to bring good area coverage on your primary weapon.
Build details
Improved Motor: This perk will increase rate of fire, which will also increase the rate at which the Minigun heats up, enabling the build quicker.
High Velocity Rounds: You’re playing Gunner. Damage is mandatory.
Blowthrough Rounds: Taking this perk will let your bullets go through enemies, helping you clear the swarms.
Lighter Barrel Assembly: Your Minigun will start shooting faster, bringing quality of life to your gameplay.
Hot Bullets: This perk will take half the damage you deal and convert it into heat damage, burning enemies in the process.
Overclock - Burning Hell: This overclock will engulf the area in front of you in flames.
- Burning Hell: It adds an Area of Effect damage zone that extends about 5m in front of the Minigun's muzzle. For all enemies inside that AoE, they take 5 Fire Damage per tick and 20 Heat Damage per tick, at a rate of 4 ticks/sec.
- Additionally, it adds +50% Heat Generation, raising it from the default 1 Heat/sec to 1.5 Heat/sec. This in turn lowers the default firing duration before overheating from 9.5 seconds down to 6.33 seconds.
2. Exhaust Vectoring
Exhaust Vectoring is a simple build for simple Gunners. Each bullet will deal more damage, at the cost of some accuracy. Why it doesn’t matter? Because everything will be dead rather quickly. And that’s the point of this build. Killing things. It’s a versatile build, letting you change the perks to what better suits your playstyle. Exhaust Vectoring won’t let you down in any situation!
What Exhaust Vectoring Excels In?
- It deals a lot of damage. Enemies will die quickly.
- The flexibility this build brings makes it adaptable to any situation.
- The minigun is already ammo efficient, and if things are dying faster, it means you’re wasting even less bullets.
Use This Build If…
- You like flexible builds that are useful in any situation.
- You don’t care about accuracy.
- You want to deal high amounts of damage.
Build details
Improved Motor: The bullets will exit the chamber faster, thus increasing the amount of damage you deal.
High Velocity Rounds: As we’ve said before, you’re playing Gunner. More damage is the way to go.
Blowthrough Rounds: Since we don’t have that much accuracy, we take this perk to make the most use of each bullet. With it, each bullet will be able to go through one enemy.
Magnetic Bearings: Magnetic Bearings will help you counteract the lack of accuracy this build has, by increasing the max accuracy duration.
Cold As The Grave: Each kill lowers the heating on the Minigun, letting you shoot for longer, as long as you kill bugs.
Overclock - Exhaust Vectoring: This overclock will increase the damage of the Minigun at the cost of accuracy.
- +2 Damage
- x2.5 Base Spread
1. Lead Storm
If you thought Exhaust Vectoring was all about the damage, then you’ll be impressed by how much damage Lead Storm can pump out! This build is also all about damage, and it can deal absurd amounts of it in the right conditions. There’s a caveat though: since we’re using the Lead Storm overclock, it won’t let you move and shoot at the same time. For some this might be a hindrance, but you’re a crafty dwarf, and there are many ways to circumvent this weakness: bunny hopping, standing on top of Molly, using your ziplines, and more! The sky's the limit. With this build you’ll deal so much damage that nothing will survive the storm of bullets you’ll be able to pour out!
What Lead Storm Excels In?
- This build is able to pump out enormous amounts of damage, making it excel against bigger threats.
- This build is tailored for you to fire for as long as possible, so you can have some “last stand” moments!
- There’s some flexibility to this build, and you can change the perks around to see what suits you best.
Use This Build If…
- You like to deal with big targets quickly.
- You don’t mind being creative with your movement.
- You want to deal as much damage as possible.
Build details
Improved Platform Stability: Since we’re dealing with big threats, we want good accuracy to hit their weakspots reliably.
High Velocity Rounds: You can see the pattern for the Gunner by now.
Hardened Rounds: All perks are good in this tier, but we like Hardened Rounds to blow the pesky armor of Praetorians off.
Variable Chamber Pressure: This perk makes it so that you deal more damage when the minigun is fully stabilized.
Cold As The Grave: We like to take this perk as it helps us deal with swarms better, but if you want to go all in killing big targets, you can also take Aggressive Venting.
Overclock - Lead Storm: The Lead Storm overclock drastically increases your personal damage while disabling movement while firing the weapon. It also reduces stun chance and stun duration.
- +4 Damage
- x0 Movement Speed While Using
- x0.25 Stun Chance
- x0.5 Stun Duration
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