The Deepcore 40mm PGL (also known as Grenade Launcher) is the first secondary weapon the Engineer has available in his arsenal. This weapon is capable of dealing serviceable area of effect damage by shooting heavy-duty grenades. These projectiles are affected by gravity, so you’ll have to lead your shots properly to hit the target. The PGL is versatile, fun to use and an essential part of any Engineer’s arsenal. We have played and tested this weapon extensively, and we made a selection with our favorite builds that you can bring into the caves.
3. RJ250 Compound
One of the fun parts of Deep Rock Galactic is to traverse around the terrain and use all the tools at your disposal to do so. The Engineer already has a platform builder, but that’s not that much fun. For the maximum amount of fun, we present the RJ250 Compound, a build that will enable you to propel yourself in the air by shooting at your feet! This is essentially rocket jumping, so if you’re already familiar with that mechanic present in other games, you’ll feel right at home here. This build isn’t meant to deal damage, but to increase the Engineer’s mobility and bring something new to your missions!
What RJ250 Compound Excels In?
- This build is all about mobility, enabling you to rocket jump around!
- The Scout has a similar mechanic in Homebrew Powder, so if you enjoy using that, you’ll enjoy this one too.
- The Engineer lacks mobility, so if you feel like you need some more, this build might help you in that regard.
Use This Build If…
- You like to rocket jump.
- You want more mobility while playing Engineer.
- You don’t mind the drop in damage this build has.
Build details
Extra Ammo: This perk is self-explanatory.
Expanded Ammo Bags: With more ammo, you’ll be able to rocket jump more times.
High Velocity Grenades: We don’t want to take any kind of damage increase, so we take this perk.
Concussive Blast: This perk brings some utility to the PGL when it comes to dealing with enemies, making blast stun any bugs that are nearby.
Disabled Inertia Inhibitor: We are taking this perk for quicker projectiles.
Overclock - RJ250 Compound: This overclock increases your ammo capacity, reduces your reload time and enables the rocket jumping mechanic, while reducing the damage dealt drastically.
- x1.7 Max Ammo
- -0.6 Reload Time
- -35 Area Damage
- +RJ250 Compound
2. Hyper Propellant
When we first tried this build, we thought something was wrong, but no, this build makes the Grenade Launcher feel like a spud cannon. And it’s a very powerful one! Hyper Propellant will drastically increase the direct damage your grenades are able to deal and soup up the projectile velocity. You won’t have to worry about arcing your shots anymore, because with this build you have converted the PGL into a Praetorian, Oppressor and Dreadnaught killer. Shoot for the weak points and watch their health bars disappear!
What Hyper Propellant Excels In?
- This build will let you do absurd amounts of single target damage.
- The only thing more fun than shooting spuds is… The number one build in this list.
- Hyper Propellent is a great addition in Elimination missions.
Use This Build If…
- You want absurd amounts of single target damage on your loadout.
- You are going to play through missions with high priority targets.
- You like to shoot potatoes at enemies.
Build details
Extra Ammo: Having more ammo always helps.
Larger Payload: You can take more ammo if you prefer. We like to have the area damage so that the projectile splash damage is effective.
High Velocity Grenades: This build features huge amounts of projectile velocity, and this is the first part of the puzzle.
Homebrew Explosive: This perk randomizes the damage the projectile deals, from 80% to 140%. This way we can deal even more damage to our targets. Usually.
Spiky Grenade: This is a direct damage build, so this perk is perfect for it.
Overclock - Hyper Propellant: This overclock increases the direct damage and projectile velocity of your grenades, while decreasing the radius and max ammo capacity.
- +385 Direct Damage
- +350% Projectile Velocity
- x0.3 Radius
- -2 Max Ammo
1. Fat Boy
Warcrimes? The Driller has nothing on the Engineer. This build converts the PGL into a portable nuke launcher (yes we did say nuke) that deals massive amounts of area of effect damage and irradiates the area of impact. Unleash your inner Civilization player by taking this build into the caves, and shooting anything you want to kill. Nuke down swarms, nuke down Menaces, nuke down Praetorians, nuke down your squad… The sky’s the limit. Disclaimer: We aren’t responsible for any dwarf deaths caused by misuse of this build.
What Fat Boy Excels In?
- A well placed nuke can bring down huge amounts of bugs with its area damage and radiation area.
- This build is extremely fun to use, albeit dangerous.
- This build makes the PGL one of the strongest (and as mentioned before dangerous) weapons available for the Engineer.
Use This Build If…
- You need area coverage for the next mission.
- You have no regards for your and your teammates safety.
- You like to shoot nukes in games.
Build details
Extra Ammo: This build lacks ammo, so we take this perk to have some more nukes to shoot.
Larger Payload: If you prefer to have more ammo, you can take the other perk in this tier. We like to have extra area damage so that we make sure everything dies when the nuke explodes.
Incendiary Compound: Nukes and fire? This is definitely war crimes. This perk converts half the damage you deal to heat, increasing the damage over time dealt by this build.
Homebrew Explosive: This perk will make it so that you usually will deal even more damage with the nuke explosion.
Disabled Inertia Inhibitor: So, hear us out. Any of the perks on this tier are viable, and Disabled Inertia Inhibitor is our recommended one if you don’t want your nukes to be even more dangerous. If you really want the ultimate chaos, take Proximity Trigger. It will be a “blast”.
Overclock - Fat Boy: This overclock increases area damage and radius at the cost of maximum ammo and projectile velocity.
- x4 Area Damage
- +1m Radius
- x0.3 Max Ammo
- x0.7 Projectile Velocity
- After the explosion, this overclock creates a spherical field (8m radius, centered at point of impact) that does 25 radiation damage every 0.75 - 1.25 seconds to enemies and 6 radiation damage every 0.5 - 1.0 seconds to players. The field lasts for 15 seconds.
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