The Nishanka Crossbow is an unlockable secondary weapon for the Scout. This weapon features two modes: normal crossbow bolts that deal respectable amounts of damage to a target, and special bolts that you can shoot to take advantage of their effects. There are three types of special bolts: Pheromone Darts, which will make the target afflicted agro other enemies, Chemical Explosion, which will make the target explode when it dies, and Taser, which can create electrical lines between bolts that were fired. You can also pick up these special bolts if you miss any target (except when an overclock states that you can’t). The crossbow is a utility based weapon, with many support capabilities. Even though this weapon is mostly for supporting your squad, you can build it for large amounts of single target damage, with the right overclocks and perks. Don’t shy away from the Boltshark, as it is a really good weapon to have on your loadout!
3. Bodkin Points
Bodkin Points help to shore the main weakness of the Crossbow: area clear. This build is set up so that your normal bolts will be able to ricochet to nearby enemies, dealing damage to them. It’s not perfect, as you’ll still need something powerful on your primary slot to deal with bigger waves, but in a pinch, Bodkin points can deal serviceable damage and give you enough time to shoot a special bolt. In this build we chose pheromones for its crowd control capabilities. Try to shoot bigger targets with them!
What Bodkin Points Excels In?
- This build helps mitigate the main weakness of the crossbow: area of effect.
- Your special bolts won’t be affected, so you’ll always have them at your disposal.
- This build is extremely flexible, so you can change it depending on your playstyle.
Use This Build If…
- You enjoy versatile builds.
- You feel like you need some area of effect from the Crossbow.
- You don’t mind the reduced damage per bolt, compared to the upsides.
Build details
Special Bolt: Pheromone Dart: Any bugs affected by Pheromones will allure nearby creatures, causing them to prioritize attacking them instead of you and your squadmates. This is excellent crowd control, giving some breathing room for you and your team.
Expanded Special Quiver: This perk increases the amount of special ammo you can carry.
Stabilizing Arm Brace: We take this perk here so we counter the overclock’s downsides.
Battle Frenzy: This perk will let you move faster when you kill an enemy. It synergises well with Bodkin Points, giving you a nice burst of speed.
Potent Special Bolts: Taking this perk will increase the potency of your special bolts, by increasing the duration of the status effect.
Overclock - Bodkin Points: Bodkin Points will let you normal bolts ricochet to nearby enemies, while reducing their damage and increasing reload time.
Normal bolts ricochet to nearby enemies up to two times
- -75 Direct Damage
- 1.5x Reload Time
2. Cryo Bolt
This build is quite simple. You shoot bolt, enemy freezes. Simple as that. Freeze is a very powerful effect, since it will stop the enemy, increase the damage you and your teammates deal to it and if they shatter, no death effects will happen. This makes Cryo Bolt a very effective support overclock, and we’ve paired it with the Taser Special Bolts, for maximum crowd control. You can also take Pheromones which are also quite effective. Being able to set fields of electrical lines is strong and can help your team deal with waves, especially in choke points. If you have Cryo Bolt, you’ll be the coolest Scout!
What Cryo Bolt Excels In?
- This build brings the support capabilities of the Crossbow to the next level.
- Since you’ll be freezing a lot of targets, you will be able to crowd control a multitude of enemies.
- This build pairs well with teammates that deal high damage, since they can easily take advantage of frozen damage multiplier.
Use This Build If...
- You want to bring utility to your missions.
- You like to freeze enemies quickly and easily.
- You want to help your squad kill bugs faster.
Build details
Special Bolt: Taser: This special bolt will be able to electrify targets and create electrical arcs that deal damage to anything that passes through. Great in chokepoints.
Increased Quiver Capacity: More ammo will let you freeze more enemies.
Stabilizing Arm Brace: This perk will reduce reload time, letting you shoot faster.
Battle Frenzy: Battle Frenzy will give you a burst of speed whenever you kill an enemy, helping you kite around the bugs.
Magnetic Shafts: Since we take Taser bolts, this perk will always be usable, since it increases the damage you deal with your bolts to electrified targets.
Overclock - Cryo Bolt: This overclock will make your bolts freeze enemies, with a stacking effect. It will also not let you retrieve the bolts you shoot, and it also lowers the damage output.
1. Trifork Volley
Trifork Volley takes a support weapon and makes it an effective high threat killer! This build is tailored towards single target damage, since it makes you shoot 3 bolts at a time. They won’t stack on top of each other, but here’s the catch: you want to electrify the target first (with grenades or primary weapons) and then shoot your bolts. This build brings Magnetic Shafts, which will make the bolts seek electrified targets! This is especially effective against targets with large weak points, like Praetorians, Oppressors or Dreadnaughts. With enough practice, you can make the 3 bolts hit the weak points of these enemies for high amounts of damage!
What Trifork Volley Excels In?
- This build is made to deal high amounts of single target damage.
- Trifork Volley is great at dealing with high priority targets.
- Pheromones are a great addition to this build, since it provides reliable crowd control.
Use This Build If…
- You and your team need high amounts of single target damage.
- You don’t care about retrieving your bolts.
- You want a strong build for your secondary weapon.
Build details
Special Bolt: Pheromone Dart: We take Pheromones in this build because of its crowd control capabilities.
Increased Quiver Capacity: You can take the other perk in this tier if you feel the need for more damage, but we recommend bringing more ammo, since you fire 3 bolts each time.
Stabilizing Arm Brace: Lower reload times means quicker shooting.
Battle Frenzy: Every time you kill an enemy with the Crossbow you’ll gain a burst of speed, helping you kite around enemies.
Magnetic Shafts: Magnetic Shafts will pull the bolts towards electrified enemies, increasing the effectiveness of this build. It also increases the damage dealt by the bolts depending on their travel time (also towards electrified targets).
Overclock - Trifork Volley: Trifork Volley lets you shoot 3 bolts at a time, while also increasing your total ammo capacity. It also makes it so that you can no longer retrieve bolts, decreases the damage of each and increases reload time.
- 3x Normal Projectiles
- 20% more ammo capacity
- Bolts are no longer retrievable
- 15% less damage per projectile
- 1.5x Reload Time
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