What are the best overclocks for Deep Rock Galactic's Gunner?
Guns? Guns! As the class name describes, the Gunner is all about manning the biggest, meanest weapons in the dwarves arsenal. The Gunner has a wide range of weapons to choose from, from a simple shotgun pistol to a rocket launcher. All of the weapons that this class can pick from are great, and the overclocks available for them make them even better. We recommend you to experiment with any overclock you get, as they might fit your playstyle. Overclocks make the game even more fun, and we’ve picked the ones we feel are the best for the Gunner!
10. Overtuned Feed Mechanism - "Hurricane" Guided Rocket System
With the Hurricane you’ll be able to fire rockets that you can guide with your crosshairs, letting you hit bugs from any position and do some barrel rolls while at it. This weapon shines at mid to long range, but it still functions decently at closer ranges. Overtuned Feed Mechanism will increase the rate at which the Hurricane shoots rockets and it increases the velocity at which they travel, letting you mow down through the swarms from safety!
What Makes Overtuned Feed Mechanism Great?
- This is a clean overclock, which means it has no downsides.
- An increase to the rate of fire will let you in turn kill enemies faster!
- The velocity increase synergises with the previous point, increasing the capabilities of this weapon.
Overclock details
- x1.2 Max Velocity
- +1 Rate of Fire
9. Jet Fuel Homebrew - "Hurricane" Guided Rocket System
Jet Fuel Homebrew changes the Hurricane’s playstyle entirely, going from an area of effect weapon to a single target specialist! Equipping this overclock will dramatically increase the direct damage that the rockets will deal, increase the maximum velocity at which they can travel, and when they are shot, they start at max velocity. This makes the Hurricane great at dealing with high priority targets, such as Oppressors or even Dreadnaughts! If you prefer this playstyle, then you’ll enjoy having this overclock equipped!
What Makes Jet Fuel Homebrew Great?
- This overclock changes the Hurricane’s functionalities entirely, which could be a breath of fresh air by changing its playstyle.
- You’ll be able to shoot rockets extremely fast with this overclock equipped!
- The massive increase in damage is nothing to shy from, but you’ll need to be accurate with your missiles to take advantage of it.
Overclock details
- x2.5 Direct Damage
- x1.5 Max Velocity
- Projectiles Start at Max Speed
- x0.5 Area Damage
- -0.5m AoE Radius
- x0.75 Magazine Size
- -72 Max Ammo
8. Splintering Shells - "Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon
Splintering Shells is a simple overclock for a simple weapon. The Autocannon will dish great amounts of area damage to whatever is unlucky enough to cross paths with you. This overclock will increase the area of effect capabilities of this weapon by upping the area damage and the effect range of the explosions.
What Makes Splintering Shells Great?
- Splintering Shells is a clean overclock, which means it has no downsides.
- This simple overclock will help you deal with swarms by increasing the area damage of the explosions.
- You can do any build you want with this overclock, since you don’t have to worry about downsides.
Overclock details
- +1 Area Damage
- +0.3m Effect Radius
7. A Little More Oomph! - "Lead Storm" Powered Minigun
What gun doesn’t like a little more oomph? This overclock, as the name says, gives more power to the Minigun, by increasing its damage and spinup time. This clean overclock brings no downsides, so you can do any build you’d like while upgrading the most important parts of this gun!
What Makes A Little More Oomph! Great?
- This is a clean overclock, not having any downsides to it.
- This overclock improves the core stats for the Minigun, helping it be more effective at killing enemies.
- A Little More Oomph! is versatile, letting you build the Minigun any way you want.
Overclock details
- +1 Damage
- -0.2s Spinup Time
6. Carpet Bomber - "Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon
The Carpet Bomber overclock is basically a souped up version of Splitering Shells. With this overclock you’ll be able to fully commit to an area of effect playstyle, since it increases the area of effect and area damage of the explosions. It also reduces the direct damage of the Autocannon, making this overclock less effective against high priority targets, but much more effective while dealing with smaller bugs.
What Makes Carpet Bomber Great?
- The Autocannon is a great AoE weapon, and Carpet Bomber brings it to the next level!
- You’ll mostly deal with smaller bugs through cave exploration, making Carpet Bomber a reliable choice to deal with the swarms.
- Becoming portable artillery has never been this fun!
Overclock details
- +3 Area Damage
- +0.6m Effect Radius
- -7 Damage
5. Hellfire - ArmsKore Coil Gun
The Coil Gun is the latest addition to the Gunner’s arsenal. This weapon shoots a heated coil that travels through the air in a straight line, dealing impact damage and also leaving a trail behind, that you can tweak to your needs! Hellfire is all about this trail, since it brings Heat damage to this weapon. The trail will burn anything that touches it and any terrain that’s within its range, making the Coil Gun a fantastic area of effect weapon. We like to pair this overclock with Electric Trail, since you’ll be dealing both Heat and Electric damage to enemies, killing them in the process through burning and electrocuting.
What Makes Hellfire Great?
- This overclock ups this weapon’s area of effect capabilities, enabling you to deal with smaller bugs quickly and easily.
- Fire and electricity combined produce great amounts of damage over time, so you can just fire your gun and watch the bugs burn!
- You’ll still be able to use this gun as a sniping tool, since it’s very accurate at long ranges!
Overclock details
- Ignites ground or other terrain within 2m of projectile trajectory
- +1m Trail Radius
- -200 Ammo
- x0.7 Charge Speed
- -2s Trail Duration
4. Elephant Rounds - "Bulldog" Heavy Revolver
The Heavy Revolver is a serviceable sidearm that is accurate, reliable and can deal with anything that comes your way. Elephant Rounds takes this weapon from serviceable to your main single target weapon, since it increases the damage you deal with each shot. This overclock also increases your accuracy by decreasing the base spread of the projectile. Since this overclock has many downsides, we recommend building the weapon with special attention to accuracy, since the massive increase in recoil could be a huge downside for you.
What Makes Elephant Rounds Great?
- This overclock makes the Bulldog one of the finest boss killers in Deep Rock Galactic!
- The increase in damage and reduced spread are worth the downsides this overclock brings.
- You’ll be amazed by how much damage you’ll deal with this weapon, since you can one shot almost any enemy!
Overclock details
- x2 Damage
- x0.5 Base Spread
- -12 Max Ammo
- -1 Magazine Size
- +0.5s Reload Time
- x2.5 Recoil
- +71% Spread per Shot
3. Neurotoxin Payload - "Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon
And you thought the Driller was the only class that committed war crimes. This overclock will let your Autocannon shoot neurotoxins, which will deal damage over time to any bug that is affected by them. This overclock is perfect for the Autocannon, since it synergises with this weapon’s area of effect capabilities, and is able to increase them further! This makes the Autocannon exceptional to deal with hordes of enemies. Driller mains would be proud.
What Makes Neurotoxin Payload Great?
- Neurotoxin is a status effect that deals poison damage over time and slows down any enemy that is affected by them, helping you clear the swarms quickly and effectively.
- The slight increase in area of effect synergises with the neurotoxins, since this way you’ll be able to poison more enemies with each shot.
- This overclock is especially useful against hordes of smaller enemies, freeing your sidearm to be a more single target focused weapon.
Overclock details
- +Neurotoxin Payload (50% Chance)
- +0.6m Effect Radius
- -2 Damage
- -5 Area Damage
- When an enemy is affected by Neurotoxin, they will take 12 Poison damage every 0.75 - 1.25 seconds for 10 seconds, as well as having their movement speed reduced by x0.7. Hitting an enemy who is already affected by Neurotoxin with another round which inflicts the debuff will reset its timer.
2. Big Bertha - "Thunderhead" Heavy Autocannon
We’ve been mentioning that the Autocannon has fantastic area coverage, but what if it all got turned upside down? Big Bertha diminishes the area of effect of the Autocannon, but it drastically increases its single target capabilities, by increasing the direct shot damage and reducing the base spread. This is a very versatile overclock, since you’ll still be able to deal with any waves of enemies coming your way while having a tool in your arsenal capable of dealing with high priority targets. We highly recommend trying this overclock, since it makes the Autocannon even more fun and powerful to use!
What Makes Big Bertha Great?
- Big Bertha increases the direct damage of its projectiles, making the Autocannon a fantastic single target weapon.
- The reduced base spread will let you be more accurate with this weapon, further increasing the single target damage of the Autocannon.
- You can build around Big Bertha, shoring its weaknesses easily, making this weapon handy for every occasion.
Overclock details
- +12 Damage
- x0.7 Base Spread
- x0.5 Magazine Size
- -110 Max Ammo
- -1.5 Top Rate of Fire
1. Magic Bullets -"Bulldog" Heavy Revolver
We chose Magic Bullets as our top pick because of how fun it is and its potential. This unique overclock will make any bullets you shoot with the Revolver bounce on terrain, potentially ricocheting towards an enemy! This ricochet isn’t angle based, but homing, so if any bug is close to the bullet impact, it will ricochet towards it. Magic Bullets makes the Bulldog a fun weapon to use, changing its playstyle while maintaining its killing capabilities. Killing is magic!
What Makes Magic Bullets Great?
- In our opinion, this is one of the most fun overclocks the Gunner can use.
- Magic Bullets will let you be inaccurate without any consequences, since the bullets will bounce back to any enemies nearby.
- This overclock reduces damage, but it’s a good tradeoff for what it can do for you.
Overclock details
- +Magic Bullets
- +8 Max Ammo
- -20 Damage
- Whenever a bullet hits terrain, it has a 100% chance to ricochet, up to 5 meters, to the closest creature (non hostile creatures are ignored, excluding Huuli Hoarders, targets that were hit via blowthrough will also be ignored). It will not ricochet if it hits a creature.
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