What are the best overclocks for Deep Rock Galactic's Driller?
Overclocks are pieces of equipment that are designed to improve your arsenal. In Deep Rock Galactic, you can obtain these through doing Deep Dives, the Weekly Matrix Core Hunt, and random events in missions, as long as you have Empty Matrix Cores to use. These components are invaluable, as they are able to bring every weapon to a new level. There aren’t any bad overclocks in DRG, but some are more useful than others. We highly recommend you experiment with the ones you already have, and always yearn to get more and more, as they make the game even more fun. We now present to you our overclock selection for Driller.
10. Compact Feed Valves - CRSPR Flamethrower
This is a very simple yet effective overclock for the Flamethrower, since it increases your tank size and max fuel at the cost of some reach and reload time. Having this overclock makes this weapon feel better to use, since you can spew flames for longer! You can always counteract the loss of reach with the weapon’s perks, but in our experience, it doesn’t affect our gameplay too much.
What Makes Compact Feed Valves Great?
- Having a bigger tank size will let you spew flames longer before having to reload or switch weapons.
- The increase in fuel capacity means you’ll have more uptime on the Flamethrower before needing a Resupply Depot.
- This overclock makes Born Ready a great passive perk to have, which lets you bypass the reload time.
Overclock details
- +25 Tank Size
- +75 Max Fuel
- -2m Flame Reach
- +0.2s Reload Time
9. Volatile Impact Mixture - Corrosive Sludge Pump
Ah yes, war crimes! The Corrosive Sludge Pump mainly has two playstyles: hitting the bugs directly with your sludge shots, or carpeting the terrain with the goo puddles that this weapon creates. This overclock is all about the first playstyle, improving your normal and charged shots while lowering the corrosive damage over time effect and puddle duration. If you love to shoot green goo directly at enemies, this is the overclock for you.
What Makes Volatile Impact Mixture Great?
- The Sludge Pump is a great weapon by itself, and this overclock doubles its direct damage.
- With this overclock, the Sludge Pump becomes a very serviceable high priority target killer while maintaining some area of effect capabilities.
Overclock details
- 2x Regular Shot Area Damage
- 2x Charged Shot Area Damage
- x0.5 Corrosive DoT Duration
- x0.75 Sludge Puddle Duration
8. Goo Bomber Special - Corrosive Sludge Pump
More war crimes! This overclock is all about area of effect, letting you carpet the terrain with your charged shots. If you plan on taking this overclock, don’t shoot directly at enemies, since the initial projectile breaks while airborne, leaving a huge mess behind. The fragments deal direct damage, and create a large amount of goo puddles, which will bring you and your team great area of effect damage and fantastic crowd control.
What Makes Goo Bomber Special Great?
- If you enjoy the area of effect capabilities of the Sludge Pump, don’t shy away from this overclock.
- This overclock increases the area damage of this weapon, making it a great horde killer.
- If you use the Sludge Pump for its crowd control, having this overclock will boost the amount of CC you’ll be able to apply.
Overclock details
- Charged projectile drops fragments as it flies
- +4 Fragment Area Damage
- x1.5 Charged Shot Fragments
- x1.33 Sludge Puddle Duration
- Charged projectile does not break into fragments on impact
- Every Fragment dropped reduces the damage of the main projectile. After every Fragment has been dropped / collides with an entity or the terrain, the main projectile is instantly destroyed.
7. Blistering Necrosis - Colette Wave Cooker
The Driller does indeed have a portable microwave gun! This weapon is mostly used to apply status effects and to pop enemies. By itself, this weapon might feel underwhelming, but if you decide to bring Blistering Necrosis with you, that feeling will definitely change. Blistering Necrosis gives the CWC a chance to spawn blisters on enemies, which will count as weak spots, increasing yours and your team's damage! If you want a support weapon that lets you tackle the fiercest enemies, then Blistering Necrosis will be one of your first choices.
What Makes Blistering Necrosis Great?
- The Wave Cooker is a hitscan weapon, letting you fire at anything from any range.
- The blisters will increase your and your team’s damage, making the CWC a great support weapon!
- These blisters also bypass armor, making the Wave Cooker a great support weapon to deal with high priority targets.
Overclock details
- 10% Chance to spawn blisters on hit
- 1.25x Weapon Heat generation
- 0.75x Cooling Rate
- When damaged, the blisters will transfer the damage quantity received to the creature they are attached to, acting as a weak point.
- They can not inherit or gain any Status Effects.
- They have their own hitbox that is separate from the creature it is attached to. Allowing some weapons to hit the creature multiple times. Creatures may also inflict self damage from their projectiles, depending on where the blister is attached to.
- When its hit points reach 0, it deals a burst of damage in a very small AoE centered on its location. It also counts as "killing creature" for the purposes of activating modifications or overclocks with on death effects.
6. Face Melter - CRSPR Flamethrower
Face melting is a recurrent endeavor for the Driller. One could say it's a hobby, even. This overclock will tune your Flamethrower to become a huge damage threat at close range! It increases the damage of your flames and the flow rate at which they come out. We like to bring this overclock to missions where close quarters combat will likely happen, because this overclock makes the Flamethrower an absolute menace when you’re up close and personal. Face Melter will reduce the reach of your flames and your tank size, but that’s not an issue when you are able to barbecue bugs from up close.
What Makes Face Melter Great?
- The damage increase is very noticeable, enabling you to mow down through enemies much quicker.
- Having faster flow rate lets you spew flames faster, synergising with the increase in damage.
- We like to pair this overclock with the aforementioned Blistering Necrosis, since it will help you pop the blisters quickly.
Overclock details
- +4 Damage
- +1.8 Fuel Flow Rate
- -3m Flame Reach
- -15 Tank Size
5. Disperser Compound - Corrosive Sludge Pump
This overclock is very interesting to use, since it increases the damage of the fragments that your charge shot creates on impact. It will also increase the amount of fragments, letting you charge shot directly at an enemy, to then kill anything that is around it, making this overclock great to deal with bugs and even better to deal with bigger targets such as Oppressors and Praetorians! Disperser Compound will be one of your best friends if you want to use the Sludge Pump to deal with bigger threats.
What Makes Disperser Compound Great?
- This overclock will make your charge shot drop more fragments on impact, letting you deal more damage in a denser area.
- You will be able to deal with bigger threats, since the fragments can all hit the same target at once, bursting through any target that decides to approach you.
- The Sludge Pump is an overall great weapon, and this overclock enables a very fun playstyle.
Overclock details
- +6 Charged Shot Fragments
- +4 Fragment Area Damage
- -24 Charged Shot Area Damage
4. Ice Storm - Cryo Cannon
Do you like freezing enemies quickly? Then this overclock isn’t for you. However, if you want to deal large amounts of damage to enemies, and even more when you finally get to freeze them, then this is the overclock you need. Ice Storm will double your damage output, and double it further when you’re shooting frozen targets! This makes the Cryo Cannon a fantastic damage dealing weapon, letting it deal with high priority targets easily. You won’t be able to freeze targets as often, but when you do, prepare for some shattering!
What Makes Ice Storm Great?
- Ice Storm will double the Cryo Cannon’s damage output, bringing it from mediocre to great!
- If you are able to freeze a target, the damage is doubled again, leading to a potential 4 times the damage output!
- If you have a Scout on your team, have him bring Cryo Grenades, so you can instantly shatter through anything that comes your way.
Overclock details
- x2 Damage
- x2 Damage to Frozen Targets
- -3 Freezing Power
- -75 Tank Capacity
- x1.5 Pressure Drop Rate
3. Sticky Fuel - CRSPR Flamethrower
Ew, sticky! The flamethrower spits flames that can attach to terrain, creating a firewall that will damage and potentially slow and kill enemies that come into contact with them. Sticky Fuel enhances this playstyle even further by increasing the damage the wall of fire is able to deal and increasing their duration. If you plan on bringing this overclock, you’ll want to shoot in front of you or at chokepoints, so that every bug that tries to gnaw at you has to come through your flames!
What Makes Sticky Fuel Great?
- Sticky Fuel enables a fire and forget playstyle, letting you switch to your secondary while your wall of flames takes care of the job.
- If you prefer to do so, you can bunker while dealing with the swarms, and then cover the entrance with fire!
- The damage increase is nothing to scoff about, as it will take most bugs' lives away. We recommend taking the slowdown perk for the Flamethrower, so that the enemies have no way of escaping your inferno!
Overclock details
- +10 Sticky Flame DPS
- +6s Sticky Flame Duration
- -25 Tank Size
- -75 Max Fuel
2. Persistent Plasma - Experimental Plasma Charger
The Experimental Plasma Charger is a fun and unique weapon, since it lets you fire either normal plasma shots or charged plasma shots. The charged ones deal great damage to targets, and Persistent Plasma will let the EPC cover your area of effect needs! When your charged shot detonates, it will leave a plasma trail around it, dealing constant damage to any bugs that come near it. This comes at the cost of the charged shot’s direct damage, but having the EPC equipped with this overclock will improve your horde killing capabilities in a fun and engaging way!
What Makes Persistent Plasma Great?
- Plasma trails deal a lot of damage over time, which will make the EPC a discount Breach Cutter for the Driller.
- You can cover the area with this plasma to deal with smaller threats while you focus on bigger, meaner bugs.
- The EPC can be built in many ways, changing the way you apply plasma drastically, which makes it a fun weapon to tinker with.
Overclock details
- +Persistent Plasma
- -15 Charged Damage
- -15 Area Damage
1. Tuned Cooler - Cryo Cannon
Freezing is one if not the strongest status effect in Deep Rock Galactic, because the bugs won’t be able to attack you while frozen, and it increases the damage dealt to them! With Tuned Cooler, the Cryo Cannon becomes a freezing machine, since it increases its freezing power and the flow rate of the frost, further increasing the speed at which you can freeze targets. You’ll have great crowd control and team utility by bringing this fantastic overclock, which we highly recommend if you plan on using the Cryo Cannon for its freezing capabilities.
What Makes Tuned Cooler Great?
- Freezing is one of the best crowd control and damage sources in DRG, and Tuned Cooler further improves the Cryo Cannon’s capabilities.
- If everything’s frozen, they can’t hurt you!
- You can enable temperature shock quickly by taking this overclock, helping you and your teammates deal more damage if any of you have a weapon that heats up the enemies.
Overclock details
- +1 Freezing Power
- +0.8 Flow Rate
- +0.2 Chargeup Time
- x0.5 Pressure Gain Rate
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