What are the best perks for Gunner?
You played Gunner, and you noticed he has big guns. That’s the Gunner’s middle name, as this class brings the biggest, baddest weapons into the caves. There’s no better feeling than firing your minigun and watching anything and everything die. Including your teammates sometimes. You can virtually go anywhere with your zipline, and you can deploy a shield that will save you and your “decoys” once in a while. You’ll need the best perks to be the ultimate Gunner, and we got you covered.
5. Iron Will

For some reason you died as the Gunner. You were probably AFK, and your team died because they aren’t you. Use that Iron Will, and go smack some bugs, as with the Vampire perk (which is also on this Top 5) you’ll be able to regain health, so you won’t die when Iron Will runs out, and clear a path towards your distractions. The Scout took two ammo re-supplies? Don’t revive him.
This perk gives you the following:
- Active: Once per mission, get back into the fight with all your weapons reloaded and a rage-fueled strength for a 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 second last stand before going down for good.
- While in this state you move faster, hit harder, and are resistant to slowdowns.
Why Iron Will is Great for Gunner:
- Iron Will is a self-revive which will be essential when your whole team goes down. With it and Vampire, you can get your health back up and revive your teammates.
- The buffs Iron Will grants are helpful for when your team is overwhelmed by bugs, since you’ll be able to deal with them much faster.
Link to this perk: https://deeprockgalactic.fandom.com/wiki/Iron_Will
4. Vampire

If you enjoy bashing skulls with your pickaxe, this is the perk for you. By itself, this perk will help you replenish your health, because every time you kill a medium (or bigger) sized enemy, you’ll regain some health back. But wait, there’s more! This perk’s value is augmented by Iron Will. If you ever reach the point of needing to use Iron Will, Vampire will keep you alive after Iron Will’s duration ends. Don’t forget to use your power attack, and make those Drillers envious of your smacking skills!
This perk grants you the following:
- Regain 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 health when you kill a medium sized or larger creature with a melee attack.
Why is Vampire Great for Gunner:
- As the Gunner, you’ll definitely take damage, since you don’t have any mobility. With this perk, you’ll be able to keep your health up for longer..
- This perk works the best in conjunction with Iron Will, as they’re very synergistic. If you go down, you can get back up and smash some bugs with your pickaxe while regaining health. This could be the difference between finishing the mission or waking up in the med bay.
Link to this perk: https://deeprockgalactic.fandom.com/wiki/Vampire
3. Thorns

Your team is being swarmed by Shockers, and you really don’t want to waste your precious Autocannon ammo on these annoying bugs. Go AFK, and let the Glyphid Swarmers and Shockers kill themselves, because Thorns deal damage back when you get hit by a melee attack. At the highest tiers, the smaller enemies will kill themselves, which will let you save ammo and be less annoyed at your Engineer because he didn’t deploy his turrets in time.
Thorns gives you the following:
- Any time an enemy hits you with a melee attack it will itself take 6 / 12 / 18 / 24 damage.
Why is Thorns Great for Gunner:
- Although the Gunner has decent ammo efficiency, you won’t want to waste much of it dealing with the smaller enemies.
- Getting swarmed is annoying and can dent your health pool, especially if you don’t have a way of quickly dealing with the enemies. With Thorns the smaller enemies die after hitting you, which can relieve you from some pressure.
Link to this perk: https://deeprockgalactic.fandom.com/wiki/Thorns
2. Dash

The Gunner isn’t known for being an olympic sprinter. Yet. With Dash, you gain a burst of speed, which will enable you to move out of bad situations, and reposition yourself for maximum damage. This way you can kite the waves better, and smoke ‘em if you got ‘em. Dash is also helpful to beat the Scout to the Resupply Depot. Take two ammo and blame him.
This perk gives you the following:
- Active: Get out of trouble with a short burst of speed. (40 / 35 / 30 / 25 seconds cooldown)
- While dashing you ignore all slowdown effects.
Why is Dash Great for Gunner:
- Dash will grant you a burst of speed, allowing you to move towards a better position faster, and avoid the enemies.
- The Gunner has no way of dealing with slowdown effects, and if you’re stuck in slime, dealing with a swarm of Glyphid Grunts, you’ll be in for a world of hurt. Dash will save you from this and other situations.
Link to this perk: https://deeprockgalactic.fandom.com/wiki/Dash
1. Born Ready

The Gunner has big guns. Big guns mean big reload times. Nobody got time for that! Born Ready will automatically reload your weapons when you’re not using them, letting you keep shooting. Rain down some punishment with your main weapon, switch to your secondary, and obviously everything should be dead by now, but if it isn’t, you’ll have your primary weapon with a full clip again. Rock and Stone!
Born Ready grants you the following:
- Unequipped weapons automatically reload after 15 / 10 / 5 seconds.
Why is Born Ready Great for Gunner:
- The Gunner is all about dealing damage. That’s why you’re playing him, right? With Born Ready, you won’t stop to reload, so you can always shoot some bugs.
- This class has long reload times on most of his weapons. With Born Ready, you bypass this, making this perk a must have.
Link to this perk: https://deeprockgalactic.fandom.com/wiki/Born_Ready