Do you enjoy playing with futuristic weapons? Then the DRAK is for you. The DRAK-25 Plasma Carabine is an unlockable primary weapon for the Scout. It works as an assault rifle that shoots plasma bullets that have travel time. This weapon also has a heat mechanic, which can be used in certain builds for your advantage! The DRAK is a serviceable weapon that can dish great amounts of damage and complement the Scout’s arsenal. It’s also very flexible in its builds, letting you bring utility, damage or self-peel. If you’re looking for a strong and flexible primary weapon, the DRAK won’t let you down.
3. Impact Deflection
Nothing quite like bouncy bullets. Impact Deflection is a build that focuses on area damage, since the bullets ricochet off of terrain! To use this build properly you don’t want to aim directly at the bugs; you will have to aim in front of them, so that they get damaged by the ricochets and the plasma splash. Plasma splash is a tier 4 perk, and it’s the only mandatory perk on this build, making it very flexible. This build is tailored to deal with swarms, and it struggles against high priority targets, so be sure to bring a good single target setup on your secondary weapon.
What Impact Deflection Excels In?
- This build is great to clear swarms, creating space for you and your teammates.
- It’s a very flexible build, letting you experiment with any setups you like!
- The playstyle is different, giving you a breath of fresh air.
Use This Build If…
- You like flexible builds.
- You need to bring area of effect damage to the missions.
- You want to enjoy a different playstyle for the DRAK.
Build details
High-Volume Plasma Field: This perk increases rate of fire, letting you deal higher bursts of damage.
Increased Caliber Rounds: Every dwarf loves more damage.
Gen 2 Cooling System: Being able to cool your weapon faster will let you start firing again quicker.
Plasma Splash: The only mandatory perk in this build. This perk will give your bullets splash damage, helping the ricochets deal even more damage.
Manual Heat Dump: This perk will let you cool down your weapon manually, akin to a reload system. This way you can manage your heat better. You can also take Thermal Feedback Loop, if you prefer.
Overclock - Impact Deflection: This overclock makes the plasma bullets bounce one time either off an enemy or terrain, while reducing rate of fire. If the "Plasma Splash" mod is equipped, the projectile deals splash damage when bouncing off terrain; making it possible to deal x2 splash if you shoot the floor in front of enemies (splashing on contact with floor, then bouncing into the enemy, dealing direct + splash damage again).
- Projectiles will bounce 1 time, either off of terrain or enemies
- -2 Rate of Fire
2. Thermal Exhaust Feedback
Do you enjoy living on the edge? Thermal Exhaust Feedback is all about it. This build is all about staying between 50% heat and overheating to increase the damage the DRAK deals. This will bring an active playstyle to your gameplay, since you will have to pay close attention to your heat meter to fully utilize this gimmick. If you are able to, the DRAK will be able to dish massive amounts of single target damage, cleaning up anything that is unfortunate enough to get hit by your plasma bullets. This isn’t a very flexible build, but it’s definitely fun to use, so give it a try!
What Thermal Exhaust Feedback Excels In?
- This build can be very powerful in the right hands, since it can deal huge amounts of damage.
- It might not sound like it, but managing your heat while dealing with enemies is a fun gimmick that makes the game more challenging!
- This build has some flexibility to it, and you can change some perks according to your playstyle.
Use This Build If…
- You want the Scout to be able to deal good single target damage.
- You don’t mind having to manage your heat properly for maximum efficiency.
- You like powerful builds that have some flexibility to it.
Build details
High-Volume Plasma Field: Higher rate of fire will let you dish out more damage and reach the heat threshold faster.
Increased Caliber Rounds: Bugs die faster. What 's not to like?
Hot Feet: Since you will be overheating the DRAK fairly often, taking Hot Feet will give you more kiting capabilities.
Overcharged PCF: Taking this perk will make your bullets deal electricity damage, adding to the damage you deal and slowing down the enemies hit.
Thermal Feedback Loop: Since we’re using this weapon at high levels of heat, being able to pump out more bullets will help you deal high amounts of damage.
Overclock - Thermal Exhaust Feedback: This overclock will increase damage when above 50% heat, while increasing the overheat duration and the heat generated per bullet.
- Up to +6 Damage/Heat per Shot when over 50% Heat
- +0.8s Overheat Duration
- x1.2 Heat per Shot
1. Overtuned Particle Accelerator
As it has been the norm in all of our build guides, high amounts of damage are usually our go to. Overtuned Particle Accelerator is no exception, as this build is tailored to deal as much damage as possible. This build is all about shooting and being able to override heat by using Manual Heat Dump! This is also a very flexible build, which you can tailor to your playstyle. Your shots will have increased spread, which will make this weapon less effective at long ranges, so get up close and personal with the bugs and you’ll see the full potential of this fantastic build. Rock and Stone!
What Overtuned Particle Accelerator Excels In?
- This build is made to deal high amounts of damage, which lets you kill enemies much faster.
- This setup is very fun to use, since you’re dealing high amounts of punishment while close to the enemies.
- This build excels at close range combat. You’ll live on the edge!
Use This Build If…
- You want to deal as much damage as possible.
- You like fun and engaging playstyles.
- You don’t mind not having long range capabilities.
Build details
Heat Shield: Since you’ll likely be firing a lot, less heat per shot will help you keep firing before you overheat the DRAK.
Increased Caliber Rounds: The trend will always be “more damage”.
Custom Coil Alignment: This perk will decrease the spread of your shots, countering the overclock downsides. If you don’t mind it, you can also take Hot Feet.
Overcharged PCF: Electricity is one if not the best status effect in DRG, since it deals damage over time and also slows the enemies affected.
Manual Heat Dump: This perk will let you overheat your weapon manually, cooling it much quicker than usual. If you want absurd amounts of rate of fire, Thermal Feedback Loop is also an option.
Overclock - Overtuned Particle Accelerator: This overclock increases the direct damage of your bullets, while lowering battery capacity, and increasing base spread and heat generated per shot.
- +8 Direct Damage
- x0.8 Battery Capacity
- x1.5 Heat per Shot
- Increased Base Spread
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